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. Gordon, no one uses the word  sweet anymore. Jake grinned, taking a swig fromhis beer. It s like the word  courting. That s not used either. I don t know why.Courting is very descriptive.I would have said you werecourting Miss Wright, but I guess I was wrong. What s your definition of courting? Jake had a niggling suspicion Gordon sdefinition might be different from his own. Between dating and getting married.Going steady, if you will. Whoa, now.That s extreme. Not that extreme.He d been having similar thoughts,but to have Gordon voice them aloud made Jake cautious.Susan was withholdingsomething from him and backed away from him every time he got close.That wasn tgoing steady or even healthy dating.He took a more cautious sip from his beer bottle. Actually, it was Miss Wright that I escorted home. Jake flashed another grin, pleasedhe had worked in the old-fashioned word  escorted.Gordon s eyes sharpened a tad into an expression Jake had seen many times before.This was the first time it had been used with him, though. And why did you do that,Jake? Did it have anything to do with this case?Jake suddenly had the impression that Gordon knew something was up, that possiblyhe knew Susan s statement was off.Gordon wasn t the type of detective to let somethinglike that drop.He sighed, glad that the two other guys at the table suddenly left themalone to investigate the apparent success the first two were having with Susan s friends.He took a long, bracing drag of his beer. I had another round with her about herstatement.Gordon s shock was real, so real that Jake cursed himself up, down, and sideways.His partner hadn t suspected something was off on her statement.But now, thanks to hisbig mouth, he did. Shit.You prying bastard. What s wrong with her statement? Gordon s voice was low and patient.Andangry.  Shit. Jake took another gulp of his beer.Full confession time. Something s upthere.I know her well enough to know she s holding back. Any idea what? I have no clue. Jake shrugged. I almost had her the other night before she kickedme out of her apartment. That wasn t exactly true, but when he d decided to giveGordon a full confession, it didn t include what had happened on the sofa.That was noneof Gordon s business. This is what happens when you date people involved in your cases, Jake, Gordonsaid piously.Anger slithered inside his gut. How in the hell was I supposed to know she d leavemy place and go find a dead body in her apartment laundry room? It s the same as if yourwife found him.Gordon mouth dropped open in very un-Gordon-like surprise. You are comparingher to my wife?Jake s gaze locked onto his. I guess I am, Miles. He sighed. I guess I am.Gordon grinned. Courting, Jake. Shit, Jake said, this time with a sad undertone.He wasn t sure if he wanted to becourting someone who withheld information from him.He didn t want to date someonewith secrets, even though he felt somewhat like a hypocrite because he had a few secretsof his own.Every time he got close to her, she took a giant step away.He didn t want toplay that game for the rest of his life.Gordon s face turned serious. Any idea what she s holding back?Jake was glad Gordon returned them to solid ground. I don t know.I could bewrong about it, I guess. Jake mulled it over for a second. But I don t think so.Herreaction was off.And she reacted with guilt when I said that we were out of leads and amurderer could go free. It s true that we are out of leads. Gordon took a polite sip of his red wine.Gordonknew quite a bit about wine, but somehow never came across as wimpy.Prim, almostfussy, but wimpy Gordon was not. She s stubborn as hell, though.If I push her too hard, she won t give me jack. You sound like you know that from experience. Eleven months of striking out for a date is experience enough.The lady hasstubborn down to a science.But she ll do the right thing eventually. Jake drank the lastof his beer. She takes too long to come to a decision, though.All I can do is be patientand keep nudging her in the right direction. If it comes down to it, maybe I should give it a try, Gordon suggested in hismildest voice.Jake looked at his empty bottle to hide his reaction.He didn t want Gordon near her. Let s give it a couple of days and see what I can get from her. If we re right, we may have a couple of days.But if we re wrong and the same perpdid both murders, then we might have another body on our hands soon [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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