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. I already know,and I m still here. You couldn t possibly know. She leaned toward him, desperate for his touch, andhating herself for her desire.He had made his position clear after the phone call.Fun.Nothing more.  Trust me, he whispered.Katy s stomach clenched.She wasn t good at trust.Not after Steven.But she wasn tgood at deception either.Or uncertainty.She wanted the measure of the man who madeher melt inside.She swallowed hard. Melissa.My daughter.She s seven.I taught her some trickswhen she was learning to tie a bow. Her stomach knotted but she forged ahead. I havea son too.Justin.He s nine.She reached around her back and secured the laces of her dress. No husband,though.Not anymore.I was married for ten years to Steven and we divorced last year.He s a heart surgeon at Vancouver General Hospital.We married when I was youngonly eighteen.He was older, worldly, and sophisticated.He swept me off my feet.Mydad left when I was young and I think I saw Steven as some kind replacement and a wayto ensure I didn t wind up alone and depressed like my mom.Tears welled up in her eyes.She hated talking about Steven.She didn t want to thinkof the ten years she had wasted in a loveless marriage the pain, the heartache, or theloneliness especially the loneliness. Is that all, sugar?Is that all? Hadn t he been listening? Married too young.Divorced too late.Kids.Baggage of the worst emotional kind. I know it s a lot to deal with. She stumbled over her words as she tried to sliparound him and out of his life. Thanks for helping me with this.I d better go. Not so fast. He pulled her close, and his warm hands circled her waist. You don tget to run away until after cross-examination.Katy gave him a tentative smile. Do your worst, counsel.You won t break me.Mark nuzzled her ear and then licked his way down her neck. Do you still see him? The kids live with me but we have joint custody so he comes to the house a fewtimes a week.It s& difficult.Mark pulled away. Not a friendly divorce, I take it?Katy shook her head. Pretty bad.He had so many affairs I lost count and then he leftme for an intern, but when I served the divorce papers he went crazy.He thought hewould have his fun and come back like every other time.But I d finally had enough and Iwas making enough money by then I thought I would be able to manage on my own ifhe made things difficult.He cupped her cheek in his hand and tilted her head up. I m sorry, sugar.Katy leaned in to the warmth of his touch. The kids make it worth the heartache. I thought you might have children, he said softly. Your body tells its own stories.His arms tightened around her and he brushed his lips over her forehead.Katy pulled away. That doesn t actually make me feel any better. She didn t like tothink about how her body had changed after having the kids. It should. He gently tugged the ribbons at the top of her corset, loosening them inchby inch until she could feel a rush of cool air over her breasts. What are you doing? She froze, her moment of relief at not being rejected shatteredby the fear of discovery.  Well, first, I m not running away.Second, I m showing you just how much I likeyour body. He trailed a warm finger over the crescents of her breasts, sending shivers oflightening straight to her core. Third, I m reliving our phone conversation.Except this time, I don t have to use myimagination.Her heart drummed against her ribcage in time to the waves crashing below them.But the salty ocean spray did nothing to cool her heated skin.She wrapped her arms around her chest, hiding herself from his heated gaze. Areyou crazy? We were on the line with that phone call.We are definitely crossing it now. I ll deal with it. He eased her hands away and placed them around his waist.Katy sbreasts brushed against the soft cotton of his shirt and she shivered at the eroticsensation. How? I ll ask another partner to handle the file.I ll tell Steele I have a conflict of interest,which I do.Katy swallowed hard. You would do that? Drop the case? You are tempting beyond belief, he growled. I can t think clearly when I m withyou. He trailed soft butterfly kisses along her jaw, down her throat and over the curve ofher shoulder.Every nerve in her body thrummed but she was part of this too.His assurance that hewould deal with it wasn t good enough [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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