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. & But you re hot. She let her lashes drift down.It was time to give in to the undying need to be inhis arms.It was time to submit.She toyed with the hem of her shirt. Really hot.He met her stare dead-on. As I showed you earlier, I m a bit different in the bed than I am out of it.When I fuck a woman, it has to be my way.Things have to be my way, without reservation, or I m notinterested.I don t give women control over me.Not anymore.It s not easy to find women who arewilling to do that.She moved away slightly.Her whole body responded to his words, volunteering for the role of hislover without a single freaking sound. That must be hard. You have no idea how hard I no, it is. She turned back to him quickly. Was that another joke? I make them occasionally, he admitted, his lips quirking up in the left corner. Don t be sosurprised each time.She cupped his cheek, pressing her finger into the dimple in his chin. You should smile moreoften, she whispered, leaning in closer. It s hot. You don t know what you re starting. He stiffened and grasped her wrist, smile slipping away. Stop playing, before it s too late. No. She climbed onto his lap. I liked what you did to me earlier.I liked it all.He grasped her waist, but he didn t push her away.He held her there. I m no good for you.Youdeserve better.I know it, and you know it.But I can t keep resisting you if you keep touching me.Orif you keep looking at me like that. Like what? she murmured, jerking on the hair at the back of his neck. What s wrong with theway I m looking at you?He pressed her down against him again, while surging at the same time. You re looking at me likeI m this guy who could treat you right, but I don t think I am.Not anymore.Please, Tara, walk away. I don t want to walk away.Tell me about your rules.A small, almost broken sound escaped him, and his hands tightened on her hips. I m not going towarn you away again. Then don t. She rolled her hips against his erection. Tell me your rules. You ll listen to me.I ll be in complete control.If I tell you to stop, you stop.If I tell you to drop toyour knees, you ll do it without asking why.If I tell you not to come, you won t fucking come. Hishands snaked up her back and threaded into her loose hair.He lowered her face so that their lipswere almost touching. In bed, you ll answer to me without thinking twice.If you can do that, you llbe very, very happy.I promise you that.Her stomach twisted into a tight knot at his words.God, he was so alluring.So damn& dominant.She d never have thought that would turn her on, but it did. What exactly does doing everything youtell me to do entail? What if it& if it& hurts? I would never hurt you, Tara.I promise, he vowed, latching gazes with her. Not like you rethinking.You d like everything I did to you, but you should still walk away.Save yourself, Tara,because I can t do it anymore.I ve been trying to get over you for years, but I m too far gone to tryanymore.Run, Tara.Run away.He d been trying to get over her for years? The knowledge sent a heady rush of excitement shootingthrough her. I m not going anywhere. She strained to get closer, to kiss him, but he pulled back. What? What s wrong? You need to say the words. He gave her a narrow look.One that clearly implied he wanted her toanswer him first. There can be no doubt.  I accept your terms.Now kiss me, already.He rubbed her hair between his fingers, tugging playfully. First rule? Don t boss me around.You re allowed to beg and plead all you want, but never give me an order.That s my job.Got it?She moaned, his command coiling around her tight as a fist.Her stomach hollowed out, and sheknew without a doubt she d submit to him.She d obey him.But only for him.No one else. Y-Yes.I ve got it.One second she was on his lap, and the next he tossed her over his shoulder.Her face ended up inthe close proximity of his ass, and her arms hung loosely over her head.When she tried to lift herselfup, to get off of him, he slapped her on the ass.It stung a little, but it was pretty amazing, too. You re not allowed to move right now, he said. Lie back down.She fell back to her position, swallowing past the protest that automatically came to mind.Shehadn t known exactly what she d been agreeing to when she accepted his terms, but she d done so.And she would follow through, because she wanted that incapacitating pleasure he had promised her. Fine.He kicked a door open.It appeared to be his bedroom.It was painted light blue, and a huge king-size bed sat against the middle of the wall.There were a few personal items scattered here and there,but that was it as far as decorations went.She forced her attention back to Jake.Or, morespecifically, Jake s butt, since that was all she could see.He headed right for the bed, and then she was flat on her back, his body covering hers.Pulseracing, she grabbed the back of his neck.This was a huge step for her a leap into the unknown.She d never felt more alive, despite the nerves such a leap of faith inspired.When he grabbed hold of her wrists and hiked them high above her head, just as he d done at thecarnival, she let out a sharp breath.Her entire body tightened in anticipation of what he would do toher.What he would make her feel.For the first time ever, she didn t fight to be free.She wanted him to take control.He transferred both of her wrists to one hand and reached into the nightstand beside the bed.Whenhe pulled out a pair of metal handcuffs, she stiffened. Uh& what are you doing?He slid the cuff over her wrist and tugged it to the headboard.She forced herself to hold still as heclosed the cuffs over her, effectively securing her.Her heart leaped into her throat, choking her, but atthe same time her stomach tightened with desire. This is strictly for kinky purposes, right? Not to killme, Dexter-style? I have no interest in killing you in any style. He hauled his shirt over his head, his muscles flexingand taunting her. Just in making you come.Her fingers twitched with the need to touch him, but the cuffs held her firmly in place. Holy shit, you have tattoos.His hands froze on his belt. I do.They swirled all over his chest and shoulders, but didn t go any lower.No wonder why she hadn tseen them when he d been in a shirt.The colors all popped beautifully, intermixed with dark blackoutlines and tribal tattoos.She d always had a thing for guys with ink, and Jake was no exception.Ifanything&He was the perfect example.On top of all that inked hotness, his tan, lean abs were carved to perfection, and the light sprinklingof hair on his chest begged to be stroked.Too bad she couldn t touch.When he undid the button of hispants, her heart stopped and yet impossibly sped at the same time.She licked her lips. I thought you lived on the right side of the tracks now [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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