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.Alicia rolled over onto her belly again, closed the book and pushed it to slideoff the pillow, sending game pieces skittering across the floor.And looked at him sideways, a wicked glint in her eyes.“If Ollass doesn't mind, I guess I won't.”He pushed the long braid at the back of her head to one side.The clasp hadcaught a strand.He tried to hold onto what he felt from her.Not a blending ofemotions but a complex harmony.“Do you forgive me?”“Not yet,” she replied archly, some of the effect lost as the words sank into the pillow.“Olliss's not minding will include that his wife's child will be mostly Strom and the son of the Hegemony king.”“Half Strom anyway.”Laurel Hickeywww.2morrow.bc.caEye of the Ocean – Book 2: Alisim“He thinks it's yours and not his and he doesn't mind.I think my not minding should be as rewarded.What else did the jeweler have available?”“Almond rolls.In the whole market, just almond rolls and one necklace.” Hehad the necklace off again.She put the pearls back into the carved box, turning it to the light severalways before closing the lid.A pale wood he didn't recognize, almost white in color with green depths.More of the six-petal flowers were cut into the polishedsurface.It wasn't the original box any more than the clasp was the originalfastener.The box was to her nose.“Gennady's here.”“I saw the pod on the way in.”“Ulanda had asked to see him.I think he wants to talk to you.”No flags had been waiting in the Net when he arrived.He checked again incase he had inadvertently walled them out.Still nothing.“What did he want totalk about?”“Simitta.He asked if you had told me anything about Simitta's death.Only,not quite in those words.”“Was he being diplomatic?”“Very.”Placement didn't have him, but showed four areas blanked out at the domesticlevel he had used.The Guest rooms or Ulanda's chambers, he wouldn't be at theNursery or the Holding Center.“He was with Ulanda but she's retired for the evening.” Alicia sat up on oneelbow.“He said he'd see you whenever you got back, it didn't matter how late.”“I'm sure it can wait until morning.I'm too tired to deal with him if he's in adiplomatic mood.”“Then tell me.What about Simitta's death?”“There's nothing to tell.”“There must be more than is in the report.” She put the box with the pearlsnext to the tea tray on the rug.The sides of the box reflected red from a wooland silk rose.Pastry crumbs on the top.Inquisitiveness had replaced mosteverything in Alicia's mind.Rit unwrapped the warming cloth and checked the pot.Lemon tea.“Do youwant more tea?” She shook her head and he poured fresh into the second bowlfor himself.“He talked about the sasi blooming.He wanted to be left there, in the ocean; he had been watching it as he died.I pushed him off the raft when I wassure he was dead.”“That's all?”“Perhaps Demitt's version didn't agree with what Gennady has heard since.”The report Alicia would have seen had been an edited version of the truth andwhich didn't mention Cassa.He took a sip of the tea then stretched his legs outLaurel Hickeywww.2morrow.bc.caEye of the Ocean – Book 2: Alisimand scratched the curly hair on one thigh, noticing some of the scars from thatbattle.Not as bad as Nisstin's, especially with the man's fair coloring.“I don't know.He might have just been making conversation.”One glow globe dimmed, then the other.He lost the feel of her at the sametime, a dimming of her curiosity, or he was too tired to maintain that level.Alicia shifted over, giving him some of the warmed bed and a fist full of covers pulledhis way.Shadows grew around them as his eyes adjusted.One of the shadowsmoved.Tika.The cat was on the warming cloth he hadn't put back on the pot,purring loudly as she kneaded the fabric.He took his dressing robe off and let it drop to the floor next to the cat before slipping under the sheet, still holding the tea bowl.The taste of lemon rind was in his mouth as he swallowed the last of the tea.He stretched, feeling the sheets against his skin, cool cotton that was rapidlywarming.And warmer still next to Alicia.“Why don't we both get some sleep?”She laughed as she gave him more space.“Have I forgiven you?”The mattress felt like it was absorbing his bones.“You shouldn't,” he yawned.“Could become a habit.”She leaned over him, a hand playing in the mat of hair on his chest.Almonds,but not the oil from the bath.Almonds and butter from the pastry.He put hismuch larger hand over hers.“Why don't we worry about that in the morning too.”“So who's worried?”“I am.”“So, maybe I should go find Pida.”“You do that.” He yawned again.She giggled then whispered into his hand.“I'll forget you said that if you tellme what happened when Simitta died.”“Do I have to make love to you to shut you up?”“You say just enough to make it plausible.But you ended up with Ramsini rightafterwards.”“I told you.” The rest went unsaid.He didn't want to start it all over again.She curled up against him.“Rit.I do understand when I'm not angry.It's justthat when I think of her being pregnant with your baby, I want my own childrenso much.Will you make him your heir?”It would solve one problem and he didn't much care if the child was his.Ritturned to hold her.“I don't know what I'll do.I do know I should have told you, baby or no baby.”“You should have,” she whispered as he felt himself start to drift, his ownexhaustion mixing with her feeling of release.The harmony was quieting to ahum.“I shouldn't have had to hear it from someone else.When I found out, andyou hadn't said anything, I thought it might have been more, that Ollass hadtaken her to Wilni on your orders.”Laurel Hickeywww.2morrow.bc.caEye of the Ocean – Book 2: Alisim“Who?” he mouthed, the taste of her hair against his lips.She didn't answerand he fell asleep holding his arms around her, her hands entwined in his.He woke towards morning, the faint whine of the flitter growing into hisdreams as sounds do.Images mixed with the insect buzz, and for a brief momentof consciousness, he was flying, the plain between the Holding and the oceancoming up fast to meet him.Then fell back into the dream for as brief a moment:mountains and ice.And an image: Tennin and Willi at the mountain lake, thebreath of the glacier a thin ice mist about them, the sky the same colorless gray.Currents of clay in an ocean of rounded stone.Arms crossed, Tennin watched asWilli used a knife to pry minute frozen clumps of clay away from the shore.Thetwo faded in and out of his awareness.the mist or he was waking up, leavingthe dream behind.Beside him, Alicia stirred and sighed, bringing him further out of sleep.Theroom was still dark.Rit tucked the blanket around her shoulders; she smiled and murmuredsomething, but didn't open her eyes.The flitter was landing, not leaving.The sound got louder, then suddenly cutoff.In the silence, Command Level Placement touched the barriers about his andAlicia's room and faded.Nisstin.No flags waited for him in the Net, but Rit felt the Warrior's focus on him.Ashe slipped his dressing robe on and crossed the room to the door leading to theterrace, he felt he was walking part through another time, another place, at some level expecting to see En'talac's body on the stone flagging [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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