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.Pink tinged, shell-like, butwith blue in the depths, a sky blue and changeable as to time of day.The air was dry inside the rooms, and on rainy days in the garden, had a noticeable interface from suite to common.In his rooms, the old Simic was different than he was atthe meals taken in the tent with the others.The meeting was in the inner room but the wide doors of each were pulledback making the space into one long room from the common to the patio.Koriwould have stayed with the Honor guard at the entrance but he signed her tokeep with him.Rilla got to her feet, then bowed formally, and waited on his returning thegesture.The ti'Linn Priest Lo'li'lin was present along with the usual complement of attendants.Garm followed their bow with the same, turning this into what Rit had been hoping it wouldn’t.He gave in and exchanged the greetings with everybodyas though he didn't live in the same suite with most of them and see the otherson a regular basis.He could feel the misery from Kori as the formalities dragged on.No surprise that Eunni and Niv had beaten him there, but he hadn't expectedUlanda and Alicia.His wife had a graze across one cheek that should bruise andthe eye on that side was partly closed.In the peculiar light of the room, she was pale, waifish, almost a child again.But she was still capable of giving him a look that said he shouldn't bother with either jokes or I-told-you-so's.“I had no intention of mentioning it,” he said as he knelt beside her andreceived another message but in her smile.A blend of satiety from physical effort and arousal in her success, she was feeding off her feelings in a positive loop.Cocky, he thought.Smug.“You took your time,” she said as she moved over slightly and then back with awiggle until they were thigh to thigh.A clean robe and she'd obviously bathed,but a sponge bath, he thought.Ulanda as well, the two of them had the samesmug look.Eunni had her lips pressed together as though she might burst out laughingotherwise, then leaned over and whispered something to Niv from behind asheltering hand.“Did you score a point?” Rit asked, turning his attention and leaving it open as to which he was speaking to, Alicia or Ulanda.Rilla had stopped what she hadbeen saying and was listening.Alicia answered as she passed him a bowl of tea that an aide had poured fromthe service to one side of her.“It was in the ninth play, the ball broke towards.”Laurel Hickeywww.2morrow.bc.caEye of the Ocean – Book 1: Ji’Jin Station“I made the point,” Ulanda said, interrupting her.“Weren't you watching fromthe Net?”He shook his head.A pairing, he wondered? And had it confirmed in the gamesynopsis that he pulled.Black was still ahead with a dozen plays completed andno limit yet set on the duration of the game.He made a point of encouraging a blow-by-blow description of the play,prompting either Alicia or Ulanda whenever other conversation ebbed.Otherwise,the meeting was exactly the tiresome rehashing of events that he had expected,with the E'kalt Hunter taking bows at each point where additional thanks could be prompted.Eunni left for a short time, then returned with the start of the dinner service.Ge'on'ni and Heana arrived just before the first course, neither of them looking the worse for wear.Mirwin following more stiffly, his hair in tight ringlets from the bath.His toilette had been hurried; he wasn't wearing any of the makeup hepreferred on formal occasions.He served Ulanda, Niv stayed with Eunni.With the sunset, the sky had clouded.White masses were edged with motherof pearl, slowly darkening to gray.By the end of the meal, a light rain was falling.Rit stood in the moist air coming in the open door, a tea bowl in his hand,watching and listening.On either side of the path, two honor guard weremotionless at attention, standing in the rain.One of them was Op'ki'na, stillwearing the red scarf, soaked now and appearing more as a texture against thedark of his chitin than a color.Black had won but the ti'Linn had scored a play.He had left Rilla apparently content to listen to music and drink wine and withUlanda maintaining what small talk seemed necessary.Alicia, Mirwin and theti'Linn Priest were verbally replaying the break-ball game, point by point.Kori had disappeared somewhere, perhaps following Ge'on'ni and Heana.He didn't knowwhere they were, but their departure had been tracked by security.Tallomal, hethought from the bit of the Net he caught off Alicia.He took a sip of his tea, quietly savoring the taste.Like Alicia had earlier, he felt sated by effort, but unlike her, he didn't know from what.And not ascomfortable with the feeling, either, or aroused as she had been.That part hadfaded and he had trouble remembering the urgency he had felt in the bathhouseor even what lay underneath the simpler play from the walk with Eunni [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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