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. Jesse and I m from. No, wait.Don t tell me.Let me guess.I m pretty good at guessing where people arefrom. She scoped me out with a sidelong glance.She rose up on her tippy toes for a minute topeer over the bar to get a good look at my clothes and well, my body.I could see her eyesstall at my chest and upper arms.I glanced down at my torso, then back at her.She settledher weight back into her heels, coming down off her toes and her tits jiggled.Nice.Shit, she dalready eyed my tat, now she was eye fucking me up and down.This could be promising.Sheopened her mouth to talk but I cut in. Wait, Holly.Let s make this interesting.Me and you, and my old friend Jack are gonna play a game.You guess where I m from and if you re wrong, you take a shot.You get threeguesses and every time you are wrong, you gotta take a shot.If you guess right, I have to takeall remaining shots.Deal? I smiled a cocky smile and crossed my arms across my chest.She pursed her lips, looked up to the left and twisted her mouth to the side, pulling in herbottom lip. Hmm.It s time for my shift to end, but okay, hun.I m game. She reached under thebar and slammed a clean, empty shot glass on the bar in between both of us. Uh, uh girl.Three.You get three guesses.That d be three glasses, baby. She rolled hereyes and huffed, before dragging two more shot glasses from the wash area under the bar.She pushed them into a neat row and looked up at me. Fill  em. I ordered and raised my eyebrows.She responded to the teasing twinkle in myeyes with a  come on look, and she filled all three with Jack Daniels.She leaned her weightinto her elbows on the bar, screwing up her face like she was thinking hard. You know you re gonna lose.I m pretty fucking good at this. She smiled. Bring it. I sat back and waited for her guess. You are from. she paused, her eyes searched the ceiling..Alaska. Hell no.Do I look like a fucking Eskimo? I chuckled.I got this.She dropped her head forward until her forehead almost touched the bar, laughing andher long brown hair fell down, pooling on the shiny black surface of the bar.I threw my handsup and laughed with her then slapped my palm down on the bar in front of the row of shots. You gotta drink. I kept pounding my hand on the surface as I chanted,  Drink, drink, drink.Goon now.You lost, take your punishment. I egged her on.I wanted to watch her take the shot.Iwanted to see her toss her head back with her mouth open and her neck exposed, as her longsoft hair fell down her back.I felt a tug in my loin.Come on baby, just do it already.She flipped her hair out of her face as he straightened up from her fit of laughter and triedto settle herself. Okay, okay.I got this.You won the first round.But I m only doing this because I likeyour tattoo. She reached for the glass at the end of the three, neatly lined up in a row and heldit up in a salute. Carpe Diem.I grabbed one of the shots and held it up. Carpe Diem, I said, and locked my eyes onher as she tossed her head back and my fantasy was born.It was as beautiful as I hadimagined.I wanted my mouth on her neck.I wanted to run my tongue up the length of her softskin and fill my mouth with her pouty lips.Damn.I hoped she would never guess where I wasfrom.I threw back my shot, quickly, before she could catch me staring and adjusted myself inmy jeans under the bar.She sputtered and coughed from the burn, fanning her face with heropen fingered hands.It was more of a gesture than the need for air.She took the shot like anexpert.My mind wandered.What else could she take like an expert? Fuck.I had to adjustmyself again.She sucked in her lower lip,  Whew.That burned.But in a good way.She threw the used glass into the wash area, then turned back and planted both hands onthe bar. Okay Jesse.You re one for three.Let s go again.I get another try. I thought you were good at this, I snickered.I wasn t sure if she was losing on purposeto keep drinking with me. Okay, guess again.Wait, do you want a hint? No, no. She bounced up and down, waving me away [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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