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.He wanted to take her into his arms, press her againstthe car, and ravish her.He was now well and truly under her spell and didn t think it wasnecessarily a bad thing.They walked to the door hand in hand.When Christine knocked on the door, sheturned to him, smile still intact. You ll like my friends.Don t be nervous. Who s nervous?A glow of excitement radiated from her and Christine s face lit up when she talkedabout these mysterious friends of hers.Apparently she thought a lot of them, and if theywere important to her Romeo wanted to make a good impression.It was laughable when hethought about it.Usually he didn t give a damn about what other people thought of him, but here hewas, jittery as a chicken in a fox s den.This need for approval disturbed him, and Romeowasn t sure how to handle it.The door was opened by a large redhead, a huge grin on her cheerful face. Christine!They ve been waiting for you.I see you ve brought a friend with you this time, the womanfinished with a wink. Blood Brothers 3: Romeo Unleashed 99 Hi, Marla.This is Romeo.Marla looked him up and down, appreciation gleaming in her green eyes.Holding outher hand, Marla s gaze locked on his. Well, how do you do, Mr.Romeo? Is that really yourname?Romeo shook the hand offered to him and grinned.He liked her. Are you asking is itreally my name or if I live up to it?Marla raised a brow in surprise, probably wondering how he d read her mind.Hissmile widened. If there was any doubt before, there s none now.Romeo, I hope you re nottrying to flirt because I m old enough to be your mother. She wagged her finger at him.Romeo brought her hand to his lips. You d be surprised.She chuckled, pulling her hand away. Real smooth, lover boy.Come on in. Are they upstairs? Christine asked, looking around. No, they re in the playroom doing crafts. Okay.Thanks. Christine took Romeo s hand again and dragged him past a grinningMarla.She led him down a corridor to a room in the back of the house before she stoppedand turned around to face him. They re not really used to strangers, so if they don t take toyou, it s nothing personal.Romeo wondered what that meant, but decided not to question her because he d soonfind out.He shrugged and followed her inside.To his utter surprise, he saw two small children, a boy and a girl, drawing pictures at alittle table in the middle of a room full of toys.The little boy lifted his head, and hazel eyeslit up in a caramel face when he spotted Christine. Miss Christine! He jumped up and racedover to where she stood, then stopped just shy of her when he noticed Romeo.The little girl, who couldn t be older than two, just stared at him with large, dark eyesin a milk-chocolate face, her head full of braids and colorful barrettes.She was quiteadorable.The boy would have been a cute kid if there wasn t a nasty glare on his face.The boy looked Romeo up and down as though sizing up an opponent. Who is this?The kid jerked his thumb in Romeo s direction with narrowed eyes. This is my friend, Mr.Grimaldi.The child crossed his arms over his chest. I don t like him, came the rude reply. Jamal, that s not very nice.You don t even know him, Christine scolded gently. So? So you can t judge someone without getting to know them first.Defiance flashed within the depths of the child s hazel eyes.His lips pursedmutinously. 100 Eve VaughnRomeo didn t know why, but he kind of liked this kid.He had no experience withchildren, but he could tell this little boy was a fighter.He wanted to reach out to the child,but decided to let him make the first move, as this was Jamal s territory. Jamal, don t you remember what you told me about the little boy at your school whodidn t like you because of the way you look? When he didn t answer right away, sheprompted him. Jamal?The boy gave an exaggerated sigh. I didn t like it, he finally answered. Then should you give him a chance, right? I guess.Okay, Mr.Grimbody, what are your intentions with Miss Christine? Jamalasked, staring him square in the eyes.Romeo looked at Christine, who covered her mouth, obviously to stifle a laugh.Justhow old was this kid anyway?  I beg your pardon?The little boy rolled his eyes and sighed as though he were talking to someone whoreally wasn t all that bright. I said -- I know what you said, but what exactly do you mean by asking me that? You don t watch a lot of TV, do you? Jamal shook his head in obvious disgust. I try not to. Well, when a woman brings her boyfriend over for a visit, I m supposed to ask whatyour intentions are [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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