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.In Morocco, stones embedded with fossils are car-ried for protective purposes.Due to their enormous age fossils of all types are also worn asamulets to increase the life span.They can be placed on the altar as symbols of the Earth and theambiguity of time, or to increase the power of magical rituals.Some types of fossils have specific magical uses.Ammonites, known in the Middle Ages as Draconites, are fossilized,spiral-shaped sea animals.Due to their bizarre appearance they werethought to be stones removed from dragon's heads, and were boundto the left arm for magical protection.In more recent times in Britainthey were known as "snake stones."Ancient sponges, sometimes found in Britain, are known as"Witch stones." They are round and pierced through with a naturalhole.These fossils are strung and worn like beads or hung in thehouse for protection.Fossilized sand dollars, which show a natural five-pointed design,are often found on Wiccan altars.They are linked with the pentagram,an ancient protective symbol, and the elements.Because they and allfossils are ruled by Akasha, the fifth element, these ancient sanddollars are carried or used in magic to gain awareness of the realms ofEarth, Air, Fire and Water.Once this has been achieved, elementalmagic can begin (See Part for more information on the elements.)A simple elemental spell: Before any rite, place a fossilized sanddollar in the center of your altar with one point facing away from you.Put a piece of turquoise near the right point and attune with theEarth. 98 / Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal MagicThen, moving clockwise around the design, place a citrine, gar-net and aquamarine at each point, representing Air, Fire and Waterrespectively.Attune with each element as you place the stones.Finally, set a piece of jet, amber, or some other fossil or quartzcrystal near the top point, representing Akasha.Call upon the elementscollectively to empower your spell.Then perform the rite of magic.If you don't have these particular stones on hand, use any ofthose listed under each element in the tables in Part IV.Fossils are also utilized to recall past lives.Perform this ritual atnight, and wear a quartz crystal to protect yourself from being undulydisturbed or magically harmed while in your psychic state.Meditateupon a fossil.Look at it, thinking of its incredible antiquity.Attunewith it; feel its past-present time.Next, in a room lit only by candlelight or with moonlight floodingin through the windows, hold a fossil in your receptive hand.Stillyour mind, breathe deeply, and awaken your psychic awareness.Feel this life, this body, this personality slipping from you.Slidealong the energy of your being ('soul') beyond birth, beyond death;beyond to another life.If you relive a life or an experience disturbing to you, drop thefossil and you will return to the present.I have mixed feelings regarding past-life regression, and I hesi-tated to include this ritual-simple as it is-in this book.This is an areafraught with self-delusion.Still, if you have an interest in these mat-ters, it's far better to attempt a glimpse backward yourself, rather thantrusting another to do it.Fossils can open the door.Amber and jet, two other fossils, are discussed separately in thisbook due to their fame as magical tools.GARNETEnergy: ProjectivePlanet: MarsElement: FirePowers: Healing, Protection, StrengthMagical/Ritual Lore:In the 13th century garnets were worn to repel insects.Magical Uses:The garnet, a fiery red stone, is worn to enhance bodily strength,endurance and vigor.It is worn or used in magic to tap extra energyfor ritual purposes.Wear or carry one when exerting yourself (hiking.---_._-- The Stones / 99a mountain, studying until dawn, heavy ritual workings, and so on).Because it is a projective stone, the garnet is worn for protectivepurposes.Five hundred years ago it was thought to drive off demonsand night phantoms [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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