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.During this battle, Xim's orbital fortress and nearly all of his war-robots were vaporized.[HSLL]VortexVortex, the homeworld of the hollow-boned, winged Vors, is a blue and gray planet with a sharpaxial tilt causing sudden seasonal changes and severe windstorms.The Cathedral of Winds, thecenter of Vor civilization, is an immense glassy structure designed to produce tones whenVortex's wind currents pass over and through it.The Vors perform a beautiful concert of etherialmusic by opening and closing orifices in the building with their bodies.The Vors are anemotionless species, and tend to concentrate on larger goals rather than on individuals.Theyrefused to perform their music for off-worlders during the reign of the Empire, and have onlyrecently allowed New Republic and other dignitaries to attend these shows.All recording isprohibited, and only one concert is performed each year.The Vors inhabit underground dwellingsduring the storm season, which can be seen from above as small mounds arranged in rings in thepurple, vermilion, and tan grasses of the plains.During a visit to Vortex by Admiral Ackbar andLeia Organa Solo, Ackbar's sabotaged B-wing crashed into and destroyed the centuries-oldCathedral of Winds and killed at least 358 Vors.A different, more streamlined Cathedral was thenconstructed by the Vors to replace the one destroyed in Ackbar's crash.[DA, COTF]60 Wann TsirDuring the Siege of Wann Tsir, following the Battle of Endor, Imperial commander Titus Klevdiscovered an Alliance agent trying to bring down the shields.This action earned Klevcommendations from Imperial command.[DESB]WaskiroBib Fortuna broadcast a false story about an ambush in the Ampuroon mining district of Waskiroin an attempt to deceive a Nuffin freighter.[JTH]WaylandWayland, a primitive green and blue world located about 350 light years from the planet Myrkr, ishome to Emperor Palpatine's private storehouse.The planet does not have an officialdesignation, and "Wayland" was believed to be the Emperor's personal code name for the world.Wayland's surface is covered with dense, double-canopied forests and grassy plains.MountTantiss, located in Wayland's northern hemisphere near the eastern edge of its main continent, isthe hidden resting place for Palpatine's trophies, his military treasures, and an operational cloningfacility.Generations ago, human colonists settled on Wayland and immediately came into conflict withthe planet's two native species, the Psadans and the Myneyrshi.The four-armed, blue-crystallineMyneyrshi and the lumpy, plated Psadans were driven from their land until the colonists' weaponsbegan to fail them.When the Empire arrived, the inhabitants were forced to construct the vaststorehouse in Mount Tantiss, which is considered a forbidden place by the natives.Palpatineappointed a Guardian to defend his storehouse, though the Guardian was later defeated in battleby the mad Jedi clone Joruus C'baoth.C'baoth forced all three of Wayland's species to livetogether in a city built against the southwest side of the mountain, where they lived under hisstrict rule until C'baoth departed with Grand Admiral Thrawn.An Imperial garrison under thecommand of Colonel Selid was then placed within the mountain, to help safeguard the cloningoperation that supplied Thrawn with a nearly-inexhaustible stock of trained soldiers.The Mount Tantiss complex had only one entrance, located on the southwest side.The peak ofthe complex consisted of an emergency shuttle hangar, the royal chambers, and the Emperor'sthrone room, containing a twenty-meter hologram of the galaxy.The fully-functioning Spaarticylinder cloning chamber sat inside a vast natural cavern many stories high.A mammothequipment column extended from the cavern's ceiling, and was covered with pipes to nourish thethousands of Spaarti cylinders arranged on the main floor and the surrounding balconies.Acircular walkway, located ten stories up and accessible through twenty separate doors, wasconnected to a work platform on the central column by four retractable bridges.Thrawn hadhundreds of ysalamiri transplanted to the cloning chamber to prevent the negative side effects ofthe rapid pace of his clone growth.The mountain also contained the Emperor's treasure vaults,air intakes on the mountain's surface, and power generators on the northeast side.A secondarymaintenance area was located ten kilometers north of the mountain.The cloning complex andmost of the mountain were destroyed when Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca sabotaged thecentral equipment column.Wayland's plant life includes thornbushes and acid vines, while its animal life includes clawbirds,vine snakes, and six-legged nesting creatures.The predators called garrals, attracted torepulsorlifts and used by the Empire as watchdogs, could either be native to Wayland or havebeen brought to the planet by the Imperials.[HTTE, TLC]WeerdenLord Torbin, the Grand Inquisitor, was killed when the Imperial palace on Weerden was rammedby the shuttle Sark I.An assassin droid is suspected of killing the shuttle's flight crew and causingthe crash.[SWS]WistrilLocated in the system of the same name, Wistril is a planet where the Star Destroyer Chimaerastopped to take on supplies.Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade hijacked a supply shuttle on theplanet in order to rescue Talon Karrde from the Chimaera's detention block.[DFR]61 WomrikWomrik was a temporary base for Garm Bel Iblis' private army during their hit-and-fade attacksagainst the Empire.[DFR]WoostriWoostri, in the system of the same name, was attacked and captured by Grand Admiral Thrawn.He determined that the natives of Woostri had both a strong fear of the unknown and a tendencyto blow rumors out of proportion, and would therefore be vulnerable to his seeming ability to firethrough planetary shields.[TLC]Wor TandellMedical droid Too-Onebee made an inspection tour of the Wor Tandell medical facilities with LordCuvir-- Imperial Governor of Firro and Too-Onebee's master.During the inspection Cuvir wasassassinated by Tiree, a Rebel agent, and Too-Onebee joined the Alliance.[MTS]WroonaA small blue world in Wroona system, located on the far edge of the Inner Rim.The planet'scontinents are separated by vast oceans, and their blue-sand beaches stretch for thousands ofkilometers.The near-human inhabitants of Wroona, numbering over seven billion, are a blue-skinned species with a lighthearted and optimistic outlook on life.Their society emphasizesmaterialism and personal gain, and Wroonian merchants, smugglers, and pirates can be foundthroughout the galaxy pursuing their personal wealth.Their impulsive nature can be summed upby the ancient Wroonian folktale of Master Fate, a being who capriciously blows the windswherever he pleases.Wroona is run by the Wroonian Guilds, groups that represent all the varioustrade organizations and businesses, and the planet's primary starport is located on the coast ofits largest ocean.Animal life on the world includes Wroonian flycatchers, which hang from coastalcave ceilings by their tongues and swing down to catch their avian prey.The region of spaceknown as Keller's Void acts as a shortcut between the Wroona and Calus systems.Thousands of years ago, Wroona's civilization was centered around the seafaring trade.Theinherent dangers of the sea helped contribute to Wroonians' fearless nature, and the unstablegovernments of the many coastal kingdoms also contributed to their distrust of authority.Wroonahas long been a member of the Old Republic [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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