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.Christ, Parker hadn t even touched his dick, and hewas alreadyParker s lips parted slightly as he thrust again, and Jake s eyesrolled back in his head.He was still uncomfortable, there was no twoways about that, but at the moment it wasn t impeding his enjoyment inthe slightest.It just made everything that much more real.With the way Parker s short, shallow thrusts were lighting him upinside, it was no wonder that the rest of that discomfort faded rapidly.Parker must have been watching him carefully even as he was lost inhis own pleasure, because he lengthened the strokes as soon as it wasgone, and the sudden depth and force had Jake s breath catching in theback of his throat.He only lasted a few seconds before he had to reachfor his cock, gritting his teeth when Parker caught his hand and pinnedit to the bed, shaking his head, his eyes wild.Jake swore and squeezed his eyes shut, and Parker made anotherinhuman noise and doubled over so he was breathing right into thespace between Jake s neck and his shoulder, and his stomach was notnearly the kind of friction Jake wanted to feel against his cock, but American Love Songs 227goddamnit it was enough, and he came hard enough to give himself acharley horse in his thigh.It was the sudden cessation of noise and rush of cool air that madehim open his eyes as Parker pulled back, his face a study in torturedecstasy.Jake felt every pulse of his orgasm intimately, but he wasfocused on the set of Parker s mouth and the flutter of his eyelashes ashe lost control.He winced when Parker slid out of him, more at the sensationthan from loss, since Parker just flopped down next to him and pushedhis nose back against the skin of Jake s neck.Jake was completely okay with that.For a long time, neither one of them said anything.Then Parker shand crawled across Jake s chest until it rested above his heart.Jake smiled a little shakily and threaded the fingers of his lefthand into Parker s hair.It wasn t everything, not yet, but for now, itwas enough.Then they fell asleep.PRODIGAL: OFFICIAL BLOG OF THE WAYWARD SONSDate: Thursday, December 30, 2010Author: JakeWell hello, #1 most requested song in the country!Oh, sorry, was I bragging? 228 Ashlyn KaneIN A WORD, Times Square was unbelievable.It was loud.Frigid.Charged with energy.For the first time in a long time, Jake was nervous going on stage.Ironically, Parker was completely calm.Behind the staging area, they pulled off the coats keeping themwarm and the mittens preventing frostbite, hardly daring to make eyecontact with each other lest someone break the spell.Then suddenlythey were under the spotlights and staring out at a sea of faces ten timesbigger than any concert they had ever played.They got halfway through the second song of the set before Jakenoticed something was wrong; Chris had lost his grip on his guitar andwas digging in his back pocket for something.Jake looked at Parkereven though he was pretty sure Parker couldn t actually see him, thenback at Jimmy, who stopped playing when he realized Chris wasn tsinging.Jake followed his cue as Chris pulled out his cell phone,wondering how in the hell he ever heard it or felt it over the noise andvibrations of the stage.He must have been expecting the call. Sorry, guys, I have to take this, Chris told the audience,flipping his phone open.Jake s jaw actually dropped.He d always known Chris was adouchebag, but this was a little far, even for him. Seriously? he saidaloud, accidentally into the microphone.The crowd didn t seem to know what to do; they were all drunkand feeling good, for the most part, but Jake didn t want to think aboutwhat might happen if someone decided to take issue with how fuckingrude Chris was being right now. Happy New Year, this is Chris, he said, close enough to themike that the whole crowd can hear him.There was a giant fuckinggrin on his face.He d better be happy, Jake thought a little meanly.This little stunt better be worth it. Yeah, it s a little cold in New Yorkthis time of year, he admitted with an exaggerated shiver; the crowdtittered a little.It really was fucking frigid.Jake couldn t feel his toes. You ll have to excuse him, Jake said into the mike when hefinally found his voice. He just recently suffered head trauma to thepart of his brain that controls social conscience. American Love Songs 229That got a bigger laugh, though Chris flipped him the finger.ThePAs and techs off to the side of the stage were starting to look edgy. At exactly midnight? Chris was saying.His voice was all&Jake didn t know if it was the microphones, but he d known Chris foryears, and he d never heard that tone. That s awesome.Jake and Parker exchanged a look from closer up this time; Jakewas pretty sure Parker could read the confusion on his face all tooclearly.He checked back with Jimmy again, but Jimmy just rolled hiseyes at them like they were the ones with brain damage.Then Chris said,  What s her name?Jake s mouth dropped open again, and he reached for his phone,seeing Parker scrambling to do the same.He had gotten one new textmessage, and he knew exactly whom it was from.After all,Newfoundland was an hour and a half ahead of New York. Charlotte Grace, Chris repeated, his smile enormous. It sbeautiful.I ve got to go, the natives are getting restless, but kiss herfrom me, okay? And Allanna?There was a pause; the entire audience was holding its breath.Chris said,  I love you.Jake damn near dropped his phone, but he recovered the fumblein time to check out the text message.It said simply, It s a girl! He gotclose enough to Parker to slap him a high-five. Can we get a camera zoom in here? Chris requested, holding uphis cell phone. I want you guys to meet someone.Jake directed his attention to the huge monitors, but there was atug on his arm that distracted him, and Parker was there, holding out hishand. You sure you want to see this? he asked.Parker smiled. Wouldn t miss it.Jake handed him his glasses, and they looked up at the giantimage of Chris s squalling, red-faced baby girl dominating TimesSquare. This is completely surreal, Parker said to him, eyes hugebehind his dorky lenses. 230 Ashlyn Kane I hear that, Jake agreed, sure that if he took one step to the righthe was going to reach out for Parker s hand.He just wouldn t be able tostop himself.It was that kind of moment. This here s the brand new love of my life, Chris told a hundredmillion people.His voice cracked suspiciously, and Jake realized with adawning horror that there was no way he was going to be able to singafter this. Oh, shit, I gotta call my mom.The audience laughed, and Jake saw the harried-looking PA flagdown a coordinator as Chris ran off backstage, so he stepped up toChris s mike. Sorry for the interruption, guys, he said with a realamount of chagrin. Thanks for understanding.Since our time s almostup anyway, the three of us are gonna finish up the set.Jimmy leaned forward into his microphone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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