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.It is at the far end of the political spectrumwhere black Republican leaders dwell.Bought and Souless: Contemporary Black RepublicansSupporting segregation need not be racist.One can believe in segrega-tion and believe in equality of the races.Ward Connerly15The most notable fact about activist black Republicans during the GeorgeW.Bush era is their political and social distance from the black community andjPowell, Rice, and the GOP47 its concerns, although their careers are fundamentally constructed on the softsands of their black racial identity.In other words, their political value to theRepublican Party is based on the very factor that they reject.While perhaps onecould make a similar case regarding the Democratic Party and its relationshipwith the black community, the politics of black Republicans exhibit little overlapwith the expressed interests and concerns of the black community.As individualsand organizations, their agenda has more or less merged with the most con-servative ideologues of the party.They echo the party s stalwarts who argue thatanti-black racism has virtually disappeared and, in any instance, does not ac-count for persistent black poverty and other long-term disparities.That is at-tributed to faults of those internal to the black community and the inability ofthe black community under its current liberal leadership to get its own house inorder.Government intervention programs, such as the loathed affirmative ac-tion, minority set-asides, or job training and education programs specificallyaimed at minorities, not only are unnecessary, but also actually cause more harmthan good to blacks.They offer as an alternative strategy a renewed entrepreneurialspirit of self-help (although they are not opposed to government-sponsorededucation vouchers and faith-based initiative funding), and the embrace ofmarket capitalism.For many black Republican activists, there is also a stronglink with Christian fundamentalism, which drives their opposition to abortion,gay rights, gay marriage, and stem cell research and other cultural issues.There islittle intellectual debate among them, and they more often than not simply echothe most pedestrian bromides from the political Right.As a whole, Bush era black Republicans not only lack politically indepen-dent ideas, but also are economically enslaved to their conservative benefactors.Black Republicans (and black conservative groups who dishonestly claim non-partisanship) are almost universally funded by a small set of white conservativeorganizations, think tanks, and research institutions.Much of the funding forthese groups, if not all for some, is from right-wing foundations such as CastleRock Foundation, John M.Olin Foundation, Lynde and Harry Bradley Foun-dation, and Hoover Institution.16 These are the bedrocks funders for the po-litical right in the United States.They have financed anti affirmative actioncampaigns, attacks on liberal policy-makers, anti-abortion organizations, and thewhole litany of conservative Republican causes.Underlying these political molestations is an ideological framework that seeksto rollback the progressive policy initiatives, particularly those that emerged outof the 1960s, which are viewed as aberrations in U.S.social history that hasbequeathed a liberal legacy in public life that must be reversed.Individualliberties, that is, the right to be a bigot, overreaching court decisions, statesrights, and family values are foundational themes of this ideology that have beenjColin Powell and Condoleezza Rice48 embraced by black conservatives.While Powell may reach back to Lincoln, mostcontemporary prominent black Republicans find their ideological roots inRonald Reagan.OrganizationsAt its 1972 national convention in Miami, the Republican National Com-mittee formally established the National Black Republican Council (NBRC).Inpart, this was the Republican Party s insincere response to a politically mobilizedblack community that fought for substantial changes in distributive public pol-icy regarding race and poverty.Nixon himself would embrace the notion of  black power  by which he meant some version of black capitalism.However,the NBRC seems to have disappeared possessing no website or, as far as can bedetermined, a stable national office.In any case, it was stillborn never having thecapacity or perhaps even the will to challenge the party s racial politics and policyagenda.At the national level, the most visible black Republican organization isthe African American Republican Leadership Council (AARLC) whose statedpurpose is   to break the liberal democrat stranglehold over Black America.  17Touting the values of Reaganism, the AARLC seems averse to actually promotingblack American Republican leadership given that thirteen of its fifteen-memberadvisory board are white including high-powered hard-line conservatives such asGary Bauer, Sean Hannity, Grover Norquist, and Paul Weyrich.Much of thematerial on the website seems to be concerned with continuing the legacy ofReagan while ignoring the issues that black Americans consistently state are mostimportant to them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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