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."Billie took her bottom lip between her teeth and moaned. I can say the same thing about you.Now shutup and make love to me.""With pleasure."Running his hand along her hip and down to her bottom, Royce slowly pumped his hips between her Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmllegs.He would never be able to get enough of her.Billie lifted her leg higher and angled her hips so hisshaft rubbed her clit as he moved deep inside her.Teasing them both, Royce pulled back until only the tip of his cock was inside Billie's hot core, then heslowly pushed his length back inside.He looked down between their bodies and watched as his shaft slidin and out of her.The sight of their two bodies joined together made his blood surge in his veins.He kept the pace slow, thrusting hard, until they both came once again.Gathering Billie close, hewatched her slip into a deep sleep.With a kiss to her brow, Royce let his eyes close as sleep claimedhim.* * * *The following day Billie and Royce went to gym.Billie had arranged to meet her father and brothers therebefore the gym opened for the day.Once they were all gathered inside the aerobics room on the upper level, she let her gaze touch on eachof the men in her family.They all met her gaze, all except for Finn.He didn't appear to be the worst forwear from his run-in with Gren, but he didn't seem to be his usual self either.Since she had arrived at thegym, he had done his best to avoid her."I know you are wondering why I asked to talk to you all today.I thought it would be easier to talk toyou here instead of going to see each of you and explain.Something has happened.Something I hopeyou will all be able to accept."Not leaving anything out, she told her brothers and father everything that had been going on in her life.When she got to the part about Royce being a werewolf and that through a spell she had been turned intoone as well, she went wolf so there wouldn't be any question that she was telling the truth.Amazingly enough there was no freaking out done by any of them.The only one who held back wasFinn.When the others welcomed Royce into the family, Billie silently watched Finn slip out of the room.She felt saddened that he couldn't bring himself to be near her or Royce, but she figured he just neededtime.Turning back to Royce, she smiled up at him.She had found her mate, and now had more than alifetime to share with him.* * * *Finn pounded down the stairs to the main floor of the gym.Needing some air, he kept going until he wasoutside.As the slight breeze hit his face, he drew in great draughts of air.He started walking as a myriadnumber of scents bombarded him.He was no longer the same.The spell may not have worked to change him into a werewolf, but Royce'sblood had definitely done something to him.Besides being able to smell better than he had before, hesomehow had gained a new sense.He had woken up in the middle of the night with images filling his head.They continued to flash beforehis eyes even after he was awake.The blood had given him a gift he did not want.His mother had such agift, and it had basically destroyed her.He did not want to end up the same way.With no destination in mind, Finn kept walking.If only it could be so easy to escape what he had turnedinto as it was to get away from Billie and Royce.But he knew it never would be again.He was changedforever, for better or for worse.The End Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlAbout the AuthorMarisa Chenery was always a lover of books, but after reading her first historical romance novel shefound herself hooked.Having inherited a love for the written word, she soon started writing her ownnovels.After trying her hand at writing historicals, she now also writes paranormals.Marisa lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and four children.Check out Marisa's website atwww.marisachenery.com.She would love to hear from you, so drop her an email while you're there.Visit www.atlanticbridge.net for information on additional titles by this and other authors.This eBook copyrighted.See the first page of this book for full copyright information [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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