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.et pone in tacea illa cum digito totam litteram illam in illa ablue et cumdevotione ambo bibant et in dei nomine coeant.Probatum est.6.Item facias scribendo in quattuor crucis lateribus hoc nomen tetragramatonservata forma supradicta, si scires tu scribere.7.Dic quid significatur perhoc nomen tetragramaton, quod est scriptum.8.Si habet litteras hebraicas,2.puncto] puncta Fl 3.punctum] punctam Fl 4.punctum] punctam Fl2.crucis] certis 1509 5.coeant] Hoffmann s emendation: capiant 15096.crucis] Hoffmann s emendation: certis 1509 8.coronatus] coronat 1509 Appendix 1 223efficacissimum est.Post facies predicta scilicet evangelium etiam et omnia dictascribat unus infans virgo coronatus.9.Item sume infantem virginem et in die veneris vel sabbati vel dominicoin hora ante ortum solis stet ante rubum et salutet virginem Mariam, que perrubum fuit figurata.10.Postea dicat ter paternoster et ter signet rubum innomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.11.Et tunc colliget de foliis eiuset floribus, si sint, et fructibus vel de foliis tantum, si alia desint, tres pugnos etrecede, 12.et cum fueris in domo, sponsus et sponsa claudant se in camera, inqua ponatur focarium plenum carbonibus incensis et unusquisque eorumad partem oret deum, quod deus ministret fructum matrimonii usque ad suiservitium.13.Quo facto sumant folia rubi et flores, si sint, et ponant supracarbones incensos et perfumabant totam cameram et serpens fugiet et signatisde signo crucis coeant in dei nomine.14.Item aliter de eodem: ad frangendum omne maleficium confiteaturutrumque de peccatis suis fideliter et audiant ambo missam et communicentdividendo corpus Christi per medium facta monitione, ne ipsi coeant propterluxuriam, sed propter fructum matrimonii.15.Credo etiam quod si maleficiumesset solum in una persona et confiteretur fideliter et communicaret solverenturomnia maleficia.16.Item, si maleficia fiant in campis vel vineis, fiat quod supra dixi deevangelio sancti Johannis scriptum per manum infantis virginis et illa aquaspergatur in quattuor angulis campi illius et in medio fiat una crux dicendo:17. Exorcizo te, immunde spiritus, ut hunc locum deo dedicatum egrediariset ad locum tue sempiterne damnationis pergas. 18.Hoc dicto spergas aquamfaciendo crucem in quattuor angulis in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sanctiamen.19.Expliciunt remedia contra maleficia. 224 Appendix 1Translation(This translation of Parts 1 and 2 is based partly on the translation of Mp byHenry Sigerist, in the article cited above.)Part 11.There are some people who, impeded by spells, cannot have intercourse withtheir wives.We do not want to deprive our book of help for them, because theremedy (if I am not wrong) is most sacred.2.Therefore if this happens tosomeone, he should put his hope in God, and he will show him kindness.3.Butbecause there are many kinds of magic, we ought to discuss them.4.For some spells are made from animated substances, such as the testicles ofa cock which, when put under a bed with the cock s blood, bring it about thatthose who lie in the bed will not have intercourse.5.Some [spells] are made ofcharacters written in bat s blood.6.Some are made of inanimate substances, forinstance if a nut or acorn is separated, and one half is put on one side of the roadwhere the bride and groom must pass, and the other on the other side.7.Thereare also others which are made from beans, which have not been softened in hotwater, nor cooked on the fire; this spell is worst 8.if four of them are put on theroof, or in the road, or above or below the door.9.There are also others whichare made of metal, such as those that are made of iron or lead.The iron ones are,for instance, made from a needle with which dead men or women have beensewn.11.But because these spells are diabolical, and are especially found amongwomen, they can sometimes be cured by divine methods, sometimes by humanones.12.If the bride and groom are thrown into confusion by the abovemen-tioned spells, it is holier to discuss them than to keep silent, 13.because if theyare not helped, they will be separated and thus cast down.14.And those who dosuch magic seem to sin not only against their neighbours, but also against theCreator.15.If we wish to eradicate the spell correctly, we should see whether theabovementioned spell is above the bed, and take it away.16.But if the doer ofthis spell takes it away in the day and puts it back at night, or vice versa, the brideand groom should acquire another home and lie there.17.If the spell is done by characters, which is known if the bride and groomdo not love each other, 18.search for it above the threshold of the door, or below,and if you find something, take it to the priest, but if not, do what is set outbelow.19.If a nut or acorn is the cause of this spell, someone should take a nutor acorn, and separate it.20.With one half, the man should proceed on oneside of some road, or of that road along which [the bride and groom] went, andput his half there; 21.but the woman should put the other part of the nut on Appendix 1 225the other side of the road.22.Then the bride and groom should take bothparts of the nut, without taking the shell off, and thus put the whole nutback together and keep it for seven days.Having done this, they should haveintercourse.23.But if it happens because of beans, it can be cured with divine rather thanhuman methods.24.If it is because of the dead people s needles, the spellsshould be sought in the mattress or pillow.If they are not found, the coupleshould have intercourse in another home and bed.25.The bile of a blackdog, sprinkled around the house, purifies it and brings it about that no spellcan be brought in.26.Sprinkle the walls of the house with dog s blood; it willbe freed from all spells.27.If the bride and groom keep with them the bileof some fish, and especially zangarinus [I have been unable to translate this], in abox of juniper wood 28.and if, when they go to bed, they put it on hot coalsso that they are fumigated by it, all of the abovementioned spells will vanish.29.Similarly, if mercury is taken and put into a reed sealed with wax withoutthe bride and groom s knowledge, no spell will harm them in the place whereit is put.Part 21.But if the above methods do not work because the couple s sins are hangingover them, they should go to a priest or bishop and confess.2.And if no remedyis found, after they have confessed, they should take communion from the bishopor a devout priest on the day of the Resurrection or the Ascension of the Lord,or Pentecost.3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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