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.Nova pushes her shoulder.“Nina’s right, you’re being a baby.I’ve seen you bleed worse on your period.” She laughs loudly and pulls out her smokes.She lights two and hands one to Rachel.“Fuck, that was intense.”I grab my canteen, unscrew the lid with my clean hand, and tip some of the contents over my bloodied hand.It’s not perfect, but it’ll have to do for now, since I used all the cleaning solution on Rachel’s ankle.“You’re sure that this will work?” Rachel says.I nod.“Pretty much, yeah.”“How do you know so much about it?” she asks, inhaling deeply on her cigarette.“Were you a scientist previously?”I burst out laughing.“A scientist? Really?” Nova and Rachel look at each other in annoyance.“I thought it was common fucking knowledge, if you want to know the truth.Death always brings you back.You only turn from a bite if it kills you.Your bite didn’t look bad enough to kill.” I shrug, feeling uncomfortable under everyone’s stares.I wish I smoked so I’d have something to do.“And no, I was no doctor or scientist or anything, but I’ve seen this happen before.”Rachel looks away in thought, and Michael seems like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders and keeps glancing at Rachel with worry.Nova seems like the only person unperturbed by it all.“So what’s the plan now?” I ask anyone and everyone listening.“Well, we know there’s nothing in the store, but we like to keep a clean house and make sure we kill any strays as we travel through here.Our objective is,” Nova starts, but stops as she hands Rachel some meds and water to wash them down with, “a small warehouse south of here.We think it will more than likely be ransacked, but it’s on the far edge of town, and was a holding-before-shipment warehouse.From the outside, it looks like a boring old metal building—or that’s how we were told it looked.” Nova shrugs and takes a final hit on her cigarette before crushing it underfoot.“We could get lucky.”*It turns out we are lucky after all.We drive past the turnoff for the warehouse three times before we realize that the small bridge going over a stream is the turnoff.Most of the road up to it is unmanageable even in this truck, mainly from falling debris and other vehicles that have either broken down in the road or the owners have abandoned.Michael and Nova have to keep getting out to clear the way for me, since none of us want to risk going off road and wrecking the truck.Michael seems to be getting more and more pissed off while Nova grins and bears it.I have a feeling she’s winding Michael up in the back of the truck, which is hilarious, but counterproductive to the mission.Night is falling and the rain is starting up again, and this does nothing to keep up everyone’s spirits.Yet the fact that the turnoff and the road leading up to it is a total mess is a positive thing: it means there’s a chance no one else has found it yet.We pull up to the gates of the building, finding them unlocked and swinging on rusty hinges in the wind.Nova jumps down from the back to make sure it stays open as I pull the truck through, and then she closes it after us.It creaks and groans as she clanks it shut, suggesting that it hasn’t been moved in a long time.Even more positive stuff, I decide.A couple of deaders are shambling around the courtyard of the warehouse—old employees, by the looks of the tattered blue overalls they’re wearing.One even still has his little yellow hat on to protect him from falling boxes…or bullets, whatever.Bet he never knew safety was going to be so important in his afterlife, I muse.Nova walks alongside the truck instead of climbing back aboard, and she heads straight over to helmet dude.She swings the handle end of her knife against the deader’s head and the deader falls over.Before it can even get back up, she’s stamping down on its skull without mercy.I pull the truck to a stop, and Michael jumps down and heads for another of the dead.A couple more seem to have been attracted to the noise we’ve made getting here and are coming toward us, with more joining them by the minute.There’s at least ten of them, which is more than I like—hell, one is more than I like, so I guess ten just makes this whole day a write-off.Yeah, let’s scratch this day and start again in the morning, shall we?I grab my sword and climb out.“Keep your ass in here unless we really need your help,” I say to Rachel and slam the door shut, making my way over to help.The stench of the dead in the air makes my nose crinkle in disgust.“Why the fuck am I doing this?” I can’t help but mutter [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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