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."Perhaps all that experience will come in handy once Ban returns from the war and that locket becomes a ring.""Perhaps.Or maybe some other tavern wench will put a knife to his throat and steal his heart like I did!"Kiara laughed.It felt good, a welcome change.The days leading up to the army's departure had felt leaden.Tris had been consumed with the planning for war.The generals considered the pregnancy to be one more item completed from their checklist.Now Tris and the army were gone, and might not return until after the birth."Many a king's gone to put down a rebellion and returned no worse for the wear," Eadoin said with an encouraging smile."Don't borrow grief.""I've heard it said that sweet music is heard even before birth," Carroway said."So we're sworn, Halik, Macaria, and I, to perform for you every day while Tris is gone." He grinned."With your permission, I've assigned Macaria as your personal bard.And I took care of the scheduling matter you mentioned earlier.""Oh?" Cerise asked.Kiara sighed."I asked Carroway to see if I could have private time in the salle before dawn.Mikhail is the only one here who knows the Eastmark fighting style.He's offered to train with me—as long as I'm able.In Isencroft, women train in the salle until they go into labor, and they swear their labor is shorter for it.I thought it might take my mind off things.""Will the good ladies of the Margolan court be scandalized?""Not one of them gets up before dawn, I promise you." Alle laughed."And if it pleases you, I'll also stay at court.I would be happy to make introductions.It would be an honor."Kiara glanced at Carroway, who was suspiciously interested in the reflection of candlelight on his goblet."And you didn't have a hand in it at all," she said, raising an eyebrow.Carroway sighed theatrically."Guilty as charged, m'lady."Kiara laughed."I would be very pleased.Thank you."Carroway beamed, and Kiara intercepted a triumphant look between Eadoin and the bard.Just then, there was a knock at the door to the small salon where they were dining.A servant went to answer.Kiara and the others turned to see Mikhail framed in the doorway, a grim expression on his face.He bowed to Kiara and gave a nod in recognition to the others."What's the matter, Mikhail?" Kiara asked, rising.Mikhail looked from Kiara to Carroway."Zachar is dead."Carroway's eyes grew wide."But he was well enough just two days ago!" he exclaimed."I saw him.""We all did.Yesterday he complained of a headache, and when Crevan went to look in on him tonight, Zachar was dead, still in his nightclothes.It's possible at Zachar's age there could have been bleeding in his head.""So Crevan becomes the seneschal?""And at least for now, I'll take Crevan's place.Between us, we'll keep the palace functioning.Zachar will be missed.He was an important link for the court to Bricen's memory, and he would have been a great help to Kiara."Mikhail's announcement brought the evening to an end.Kiara bid farewell to Carroway and Eadoin, heading back to her rooms with Cerise, Macaria, and Alle.She was surprised when Mikhail joined them."Something more you haven't said?" Kiara asked as Mikhail walked beside her."Only that I dislike the timing of Zachar's death.With Tris gone, there's no Summoner to call Zachar's ghost.""Do you doubt Crevan's account?"Mikhail didn't answer immediately."I think Crevan's recount is true to what he found.That doesn't make it the whole truth."Cerise knocked at the locked door to the Queen's suite, but Malae did not answer.Cerise knocked louder, and put her face near the door."Malae—wake up.You've got the door locked.Let us in!" On the other side of the door, they could hear the shuffling of Tris's dogs.When no answer came, Kiara withdrew the key from a pouch on her belt.Mikhail and the others stepped aside to let her through.The door swung open.Cerise gasped and ran ahead.Malae lay slumped in a chair beside the fire.Seanna's ghost was beside Malae, and the faint sound of her sobs broke the silence.Mikhail gave the guards orders to secure the hallway.Kiara knelt beside Malae.Cerise's face was wet with tears."She's dead," the healer said.Kiara reached out for Malae, but Cerise grabbed her wrist."Don't touch her.""Why?" Kiara asked, feeling her throat tighten.Losing Malae was like losing her mother all over again, and she longed for one last contact."She's been poisoned.""Look here." Alle stood beside the table in the center of the room.A plate of tea cakes on a silver plate lay next to the teapot.Several of the cakes were gone."Those are kesthrie cakes," Kiara said, her eyes widening."They're an Isencroft special-"Malae asked the kitchen for them just yesterday," Cerise replied, standing."She always had a weakness for them.Although I think she may have made the request sound as if it came from the queen, if I know Malae."Kiara met Mikhail's eyes."So if the cakes were to be for me.""So was the poison," Mikhail finished."Were the cakes here when you left the room?"Both Kiara and Cerise shook their heads."So someone brought them while you were at dinner." Alle said."What about the guards? Did they see anyone enter the room?"Mikhail frowned."The guards were with Kiara.Even the ghosts were with us when Macaria played." Kiara could see anger in his blue eyes."I'm sorry."Kiara wiped away tears with her sleeve."Zachar—now this.Malae's so far from home.I don't dare send her body back.It'll cause an incident.But Isencroft burns its dead, instead of burying them as Margolan does.Mikhail, how can I send her properly to the Lady without getting the court in an uproar?""Make was old enough that it won't be remarkable for her heart to stop.As for the burial, you're correct.A funeral pyre won't be well received, given how fond Jared was of burning his enemies.But in a way, Zachar may have done us one last service.""How?""Crevan's already making plans for a funeral befitting Zachar's long service to King Bricen and now to Tris.The court's attention will be on those events.Tell me, how does Isencroft bid farewell to those who die in battle far from home?""We make a bonfire with some of their personal belongings, so that the sparks will fly to the Lady."Mikhail exchanged glances with Macaria."Go fetch Carroway.We'll need his help." He returned his attention to Kiara."We'll attract less attention if we bury Malae, as the Mar-golense do.I'll see to it that she rests with honor befitting her station.Part of the farewell for Zachar will include a public procession to the crypts.There'll be bonfires to light the way." He laid a hand on Kiara's arm."You'll be required to attend the ceremony, but only at the beginning.Once the procession leaves, we'll light another bonfire for Malae.No one will notice.""That's more than I hoped for." She paused."It just doesn't seem right, sending her off so quietly.She's been with me since I was born."Cerise placed her arm around Kiara's shoulder."Malae would approve of a quiet good bye.This was her last gift to you, saving your life."Macaria returned with Carroway, both of them out of breath from running up the stairs.Carroway's eyes widened as he took in the scene, glancing from Malae's body to the plate of cakes and then to Kiara."Sweet Mother and Childe," Carroway whispered."Kiara, I'm so sorry.Alle stepped closer."We don't dare let the court know.This must be our secret."Mikhail took Kiara's hands in his.He met her eyes solemnly."Until we know who did this, you must be very careful.Whoever did this knows the palace, and the king's dogs, well enough to slip in without a scene.We don't know if the poisoner worked alone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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