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.A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E ?formed onstage or with turntables.It was also more than the ability to consume the seemingly endless lists of hip-hop-inspired lifestyle products.He emphasized the totality of hip hop—the expressive, en-trepreneurial, and evangelical.His philosophy that hip hop was a way of life to be cultivated, and not a lifestyle brand to be consumed, was a clear rejection of the corporate takeover of hip hop.His religious zealotry for hip hop’s spiritual side countered the movement’s idola-try of money, celebrity, and the thug-life ethos he and other hip-hop heads believed eroded hip hop’s soul.He had always had strong opin-ions about who and what was hip hop.Now, armed with both streetknowledge and religious doctrine, he carved out a unique piece ofturf in hip hop.Like everyone else that ever mattered in the move-ment, KRS-One was making a particular claim for hip hop.While hisclaims took on the armor of righteousness, they did not constitutegospel for everyone.No matter what one thought about his attempts to “save” hip hopfrom itself KRS-One’s voice has always struck an urgent chord.Hissense of hip hop’s place in history has always been finely tuned.“If hip-hop was to end today—no more records, videos—there wouldbe still a thirty-year history about a specific group of people that called themselves hip-hoppers,” says KRS-One.He adds: “That’s al-ready part of world history, no matter what we do.Now, what imagedo we want to project of ourselves in world history? It may not mean anything to anyone else, but to me it’s my life.We are dealing with a very unique and magnificent opportunity.” The opportunity herefers to—the chance to make hip hop matter beyond the world ofpop culture—is the main challenge in the escalating bid for hiphop’s soul.Over the years hip hop’s street philosophers have worked torewrite hip hop’s history and expand its creative terrain.Meanwhile, a largely unrecognized part of the hip hop intelligentsia has beenwaging its own struggle for the movement and doing its best to keephip hop real.243 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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