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. I must be hearingthings.I ve been so addled this past week.Just this morning I couldn tfind my blue silk blouse and I ve misplaced the linen slacks I got onsale just last month.My new sandals, too, and my good black cocktaildress.I can t think where I might have put them.Vanessa shot Joanie a warning look before her friend could chuckle. They ll turn up. What? Oh, yes & yes, of course they will.Are you sure that s notrain?Exasperated, Vanessa put a, hand on her hip. Mom, for heaven ssake, it s not rain.There isn t going to be any rain.Go take a hot bath.When Loretta s eyes filled, Vanessa rolled her eyes. I m sorry.I didn tmean to snap at you. You called me  Mom,  Loretta said, her breath hitching. I neverthought you would again. As tears overflowed, she rushed from theroom. Damn it. Vanessa leaned her hands on the counter. I ve beenworking overtime to keep the peace all week, and I blow it the nightbefore the wedding. You didn t blow anything. Joanie put a hand on her shoulder andrubbed. I m not going to say it s none of my business, because we refriends, and tomorrow we ll be family.I ve watched you and Lorettawalk around each other ever since you got back.And I ve seen the wayshe looks at you when your back is turned, or when you leave a room. I don t know if I can give her what she wants. You re wrong, Joanie said quietly. You can.In a lot of ways youalready have.Why don t you go upstairs, make sure she s all right? I llgive Brady a call and have him help me load most of this food up andtake it down to Dad s. All right.Vanessa went upstairs quietly, slowly, trying to work out the rightthings to say.But when she saw Loretta sitting on the bed, nothingseemed right.  I m sorry. Loretta dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. I guess I moverly emotional tonight. You re entitled. Vanessa hesitated in the doorway. Would you liketo be alone? No. Loretta held out a hand. Would you sit awhile?Unable to refuse, Vanessa crossed the room to sit beside her mother. For some reason, Loretta began,  I ve been thinking about whatyou were like as a baby.You were so pretty.I know all mothers say that,but you were.So bright and alert, and all that hair. She reached out totouch the tips of Vanessa s hair. Sometimes I would just sit and watchyou as you slept.I couldn t believe you were mine.As long as I canremember, I wanted to have a home and children.Oh, I wanted to fill ahouse with children.It was my only ambition. She looked down at thetissue she had shredded. When I had you, it was the happiest day of mylife.You ll understand that better when you have a baby of your own. I know you loved me. Vanessa chose her words carefully. That swhy the rest was so difficult.But I don t think this is the time for us totalk about it. Maybe not. Loretta wasn t sure it would ever be the time for a fullexplanation.One that might turn her daughter away again, just when shewas beginning to open her heart. I just want you to know that Iunderstand you re trying to forgive, and to forgive without explanations.That means a great deal to me. She took a chance and gripped herdaughter s hand. I love you now even more than I did that firstmoment, when they put you into my arms.No matter where you go orwhat you do, I always will. I love you, too. Vanessa brought their joined hands to her cheek fora moment. I always have. And that was what hurt the most.She roseand managed to smile. I think you should get some sleep.You want tolook your best tomorrow. Yes.Good night, Van. Good night. She closed the door quietly behind her. Chapter EightVanessa heard the hiss at her window and blinked groggily awake.Rain? she thought, trying to remember why it was so important there beno rain that day.The wedding, she thought with a start, and sat straight up.The sunwas up, she realized as she shook herself.It was streaming through herhalf-opened window like pale gold fingers.But the hiss came againand a rattle.Not rain, she decided as she sprang out of bed.Pebbles.Rushing tothe window, she threw it all the way up.And there he was, standing in her backyard, dressed in ripped sweatsand battered sneakers, his legs spread and planted, his head back and afistful of pebbles in his hand. It s about time, Brady whispered up at her. I ve been throwingrocks at your window for ten minutes.Vanessa leaned an elbow on the sill and rested her chin in her palm. Why? To wake you up. Ever hear of a telephone? I didn t want to wake your mother.She yawned. What time is it? It s after six. He glanced over to see Kong digging at the marigoldsand whistled the dog to him.Now they both stood, looking up at her. Well, are you coming down?She grinned. I like the view from here. You ve got ten minutes before I find out if I can still shimmy up adrainpipe. Tough choice. With a laugh, she shut the window.In less than tenminutes, she was creeping out the back door in her oldest jeans andbaggiest sweater.Thoughts of a romantic assignation were dispelledwhen she saw Joanie, Jack and Lara. What s going on? she demanded.  We re decorating. Brady hefted a cardboard box and shoved it ather. Crepe paper, balloons, wedding bells.The works [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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