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.So here s the double whammy  your stresslevels increase because you re spending hours and hoursworking at futile things that other people want you to do andthey don t seem to make any difference.Because your workdoesn t achieve anything, you feel demoralized and get homestressed out.Why? Because what you ve been doing all dayhasn t made an iota of difference.The result? You wonder whyyou bothered.What better example of a downward spiral canyou get?Still feeling stressed, you stagger into work the next day.Youare probably trapped in your office between the hours of 9 am Killing the problem before it kills you  stress busting 93and 5 pm, because that is the agreed time you go to work.During these hours people shuffle papers, generate unnecessaryinformation and communicate unimportant and irrelevantthings to each other by means of interminable and tedious meet-ings or lengthy telephone calls and e-mails.That s the way it is.After all, it s best to create activities so that people s workingday is filled to capacity.Everyone knows time passes quicker ifyou re busy.Meanwhile, your blood pressure is rising andyou re beginning to feel ill.Action1.When it comes to stress management  or perhapsstress elimination is the better description here  the keyis to do something in the shortest amount of time possi-ble and achieve a result.2.If you have eight hours to fill during the working day, youwill find things to do to fill those eight hours.But if youhad 15 hours to fill, you d fill all 15.Conversely, if therewas an emergency and you needed to leave the office intwo hours but had work to finish, somehow you dmanage to complete that work in two hours flat.Howdoes this happen?3.Perhaps you are familiar with Parkinson s Law? It sort ofgoes hand in hand  conversely  with the ParetoPrinciple (the 80/20 rule).The difference is thatParkinson s Law dictates that a task will swell in(perceived) importance and complexity in relation to thetime available for its completion.Now do you under-stand?4.So the magic formula for stress busting is  the imminentdeadline.Simple isn t it? Sorted! 94 Tough tactics for tough times5.You have 24 hours to produce a detailed report andexamination of the organization s performance over thelast 12 months.It needs to be ready for a meeting withthe shareholders which is tomorrow at 7 pm.Will youmanage it? Yes, because you will be focusing on achievingthe result.6.The beauty of the short deadline is that you can only dothe bare essentials.No time to waste on inconsequentialthings.If you had ten days to complete the task, think ofthe size of the mountain you could create out of thismolehill.What if you had two months in which to do it?Don t even go there&7.The bonus here is that invariably the end product of theshorter deadline is of equal or higher quality due to thegreater focus on the result.8.You achieve something of tangible benefit in a shortamount of time.This permits only minimal stress build-upbecause of the relatively quick timescale.It is possible tobe uncomfortable for a short amount of time becauseyou know it will be over soon.If you don t know howlong an unpleasant situation is going to last, it quicklybecomes unbearable and stressful.9.By the time you ve got the piece of work completed,you re probably tired out.The adrenalin rush you experi-enced (healthy stress) to accomplish the task may bewearing off.You feel exhausted, but hey, what s this? Theendorphins (hormones that give you a feeling of pleasureafter exertion) are kicking in because you ve satisfactorilyachieved the required task within the time limits and thework is to a high standard.10.Did you notice anything missing? No distress (unhealthystress). Killing the problem before it kills you  stress busting 95And another idea&If you can manage it, the best solution is to work using the ParetoPrinciple (80/20 rule  80 per cent is often good enough/20 percent of effort produces 80 per cent of results) together withParkinson s Law (shorten work time to limit tasks to the importantones).Identify the few critical tasks that contribute most towardsgetting job satisfaction and schedule them with very short, cleardeadlines.It s not enough knowing what the most important things are thatyou have to do, if you don t impose strict deadlines that createfocus in order that you ll achieve them.Don t spend any more timegetting stressed, jumping from one interruption and futile task toanother.Start eliminating stress before it eliminates you. 9625Maximize business-winning skillsIt should be clear that any business skill that links directly towinning business cannot be allowed to go by default duringtough times.Take the example of making presentations.This isnot everyone s forté, though most can learn to do a good job ofit if they must.Those presentations linked directly to winning businessaffect your profitability and likelihood of surviving in goodshape when sales may be declining.Say you must make formal pitches as a regular sales tactic to win business [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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