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.Tom has become lazy and sloppy, not clearing out old inventory, notshowing up for work, preferring to sit and watch plasma screen TV Chapter 2 Bhagavad Gita for Modern Times28all day.And Sat, well, he spends all of his time either creating newcompanies or reading scripture and meditating.As a result, corporate ethics has slipped and customers are not get-ting quality products.Creative ideas to serve humanity have fallenby the wayside.Other companies are being harassed where theywere previously community partners, and there are even some fi-nancial scandals afoot.There remains one employee, Archie, who joined the company, andwho is still inspired by its idealistic mission statement; however,he is quite upset that the company is not allowing him to truly helpsociety.No one listens to his creative ideas.When he tries to talkto any of the brothers, they ignore him.Archie is stuck, trapped bythe three brothers.The only way to get out of this predicament isto go over the heads of the Goona brothers.For this, he has to goto the only place that has influence on the Goonas the Good OlDad (G.O.D.) venture capitalists.G.O.D.holds the purse strings anddecides whether to continue funding this company.Since Archiealerted G.O.D.about the loss of vision at Goo-Na, the G.O.D.com-pany may be able to bring integrity, ethics, compassion back intothis company by threatening to close them down (ie, stop fundingthem).As a result of Archie s devotion to helping people, G.O.D.succeeded in putting Goo-Na back on track.This story gives a brief idea of how the gunas work.Sattwa createslife.Rajas keeps things going.Tamas concludes the life cycle.Toavoid getting caught up in material life and really know the eternal,nonchanging Divine bliss, Arjuna is advised to go beyond the threegunas and to directly seek God.It may be easier to understand the value of spiritual devotion versusmaterial ideas, through another analogy.A person can have a pileof wood, a box of iron, various tools, some plot of earth.They caneven assemble these materials into a living structure.But only whena person, couple or family lives there, does the structure begin tofeel like a home, a place filled with love and something beyond amere object. Bhagavad Gita for Modern Times Chapter 229The other important point here is that Krishna advises people to notunduly strain themselves to achieve the results of one s action, whilesimultaneously avoiding under acting or being inactive.Merely sit-ting doing nothing, keeps one from being involved on an externallevel only; it does not free the mind and feelings from such desires.There is a myth that the path to Self-Realization is one of renounc-ing action, but this is incorrect: it is renouncing the desire for theresult of action.Not acting does not release the desire for rewards.[Verse 47 53]You have the right to fulfill your responsibilities and duties, but not the right to the results(work is its own reward).Neither work for the results of your action, nor be lazy becausethere is no promise of results to gain.[47]O Arjuna, be grounded in yoga, perform your duties without attachment, seeing success andfailure as the same.[48]O Arjuna, working for reward is inferior to work that engenders spiritual purpose and close-ness to God.So seek refuge in this path of growing spiritual experience.Wretched are thosewho can only work for rewards.[49]One who has experienced this spiritual realization is freed from  good and  bad results inlife.For this reason, undertake this path of yoga.Yoga means, skill in action.[50]The wise who have released their desires for the rewards of action, become free from theyoke of birth and death, and find peace beyond materialism.[51]When your spiritual awareness pierces the mire of delusion, at that time you will feel indiffer-ent regarding all that you shall ever hear.[52]When your spiritual intellect has been tossed by the conflicting opinions of the scriptures,then you will become fully established in the Self and attain Self-Realization or onenesswith God.[53]The Signs of a Self-Realized PersonArjuna then asks how to recognize a person who is Self-realized,and he approaches this from the physical point of view, ie, are therephysical traits of a person who is Self-realized.Krishna instantlyclarifies that this state does not manifest in a particular physicalmanner, since it is a spiritual state [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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