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."Take cover in the deckhouse!" Kenward ordered, and the crew rushed to comply, seeing whatlooked like the breath of a demon bearing down on them."Hold your breath and cover yourselves," heshouted just before the remains of the pyroclastic cloud washed over the Slippery Eel, engulfing her in arolling maelstrom of ash and fire.When it passed, shouts and coughing were all that could be heard.Covered in ash and burns, the crew put out the fires and gave every effort, but the ash accumulated fasterthan they could remove it, slowly pulling them under.Like a blessing from the gods, a strong wind descended from the north and drove the ash beforeit, dispersing it.While it made the problem worse for a while, eventually the air began to clear and the sunwas visible behind a foul and gauzy haze.Ash still fell, but the intensity was greatly dissipated as the winddiffused the ash and spread it over a larger area.Fire still belched from what remained of the mountain,but even that began to subside.Tears filled Catrin's eyes as the first of the debris appeared.Seeing only small bits at the start, sheprayed the Stealthy Shark had survived, but then large chunks began to appear, scattered across thewaves.Kenward watched with his jaw clenched, and Catrin could almost see his heart breaking.Sheheld her breath, waiting for something to wake her from this nightmare."Survivors to port!" the lookout shouted, and Catrin ran to see who it was.On a floating section of sail and rigging were Strom, Osbourne, Nora, and three of Fasha's crewman.Elated, Catrin helplower the boarding net while men cast out lines for them to grab on to.Osbourne reached the deck first and asked for help preparing a litter."Nora's hurt bad," he said."We're gonna need help getting her aboard."Kenward and his crew moved with determination that bordered on panic.Soon, though, thecrewman secured Nora to the litter and she was raised to the deck.Barely conscious, she apprisedKenward on her condition and how her wounds were to be treated.Even as they set broken bones andclosed gaping wounds, she continued to give orders through clenched teeth."Find Fasha," she said before her eyes closed.Kenward stood over her, willing her chest to riseand fall."Do what you can to find the rest," Catrin said."I'll come for you if her condition changes.""Bless you," he said as he turned back to his crew."Get boats in the water! I want everyonefound.Now!" As soon as the boats were in the water, he moved the Eel away, looking for anyone in thedistance.Nora was taken to Kenward's cabin and made as comfortable as possible.She drifted in and outof consciousness, mumbling incoherently.Catrin sat at her side, trying to remember what she had learnedfrom past attempts at healing.Perhaps she was fooling herself, she thought, but her efforts seemed tocalm Nora and sent her into a peaceful sleep.After a time, Catrin felt she had done what she could do,and she went in search of Kenward to apprise him of her condition.He stood at the wheel, his eyes filledwith tears.They had found more debris but no more survivors.As daylight began to fade, he turned theEel back to retrieve the boats.Cheers carried across the water as three more of Fasha's crew were pulled into the boats.Catrinand Kenward stood side by side, trying to deny the harsh reality.Benjin, Fasha, and most of her crewwere lost.The Stealthy Shark was no more."I'm so sorry," Kenward said as his shoulders began to shake.His poignant anguish washed overCatrin, mixed with her own, and drove a wedge into her soul.Impotent rage gnawed at her very being,and she felt as if she would erupt, just as the mountain had.Kenward continued the search for three days, but it was Nora who demanded they move on."Ifthey were going to be found, it would've happened by now.We must accept it, Son.They're gone."* * *Nat waited on a mossy rock near the spring where Neenya swam.This place was special to her,and she brought him here only when she was feeling especially happy.Her smile drew him closer, and hemarveled at the way the light danced in her eyes.It had been a long time since he last visited the mountaintop; he always seemed to be busy withone task or another.Life was pleasant here, and he could easily forget his worries.Trips to the mountainbrought only pain and grief.Most of the time, he didn't even understand his visions.What good camefrom them? Secretly, he'd been working on mental exercises that he hoped would suppress the visions.Itshamed him, but a peaceful life with Neenya seemed worth it.As he bent down to kiss her, though, he felt a warm sensation on his lips, and he wiped them withthe back of his hand, which came away covered in blood.Neenya's scream faded as the world shifted.Atop an unbelievably tall wave ran a white panther; on its back rode Catrin, her colorlesshair pulled back by the wind.The staff she held came alive, its eyes gleaming as it spread its wingsand flew.The white cat reared, but the water pulled at his legs, and he tumbled into the leadingedge of the crashing wave.In an instant Catrin and her cat were gone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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