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.In order to get people to sign upto your DRO or CRA, what checks and balances would you put in your contracts to calm their fearsin this regard?THE STATELESS SOCIETY: AN EXAMINATION OF ALTERNATIVESLet us turn to a more detailed examination of how private agencies could work in a free society.74 | P a g e Remember, these are only possible ideas about how such agencies could work  I m sure that youhave many of your own, which may be vastly superior to mine.The purpose of this section is not tocreate some sort of finalized blueprint for a stateless society, but to show how the variousincentives and methodologies of freedom can create powerful and productive solutions to complexsocial problems, in a way that will forever elude a statist society.We will start with a few articles that I originally published in 2005, which go over my theory ofDispute Resolution Organizations  DROs.More details about this approach are available in mypodcast series as well.If the Twentieth Century proved anything, it is that the single greatest danger to human life is thecentralized political State, which murdered more than 200 million souls.Modern States are the lastand greatest remaining predators.It is clear that the danger has not abated with the demise ofcommunism and fascism.All Western democracies currently face vast and accelerating escalationsof State power and centralized control over economic and civic life.In almost all Westerndemocracies, the State chooses:- where children go to school, and how they will be educated;- the interest rate citizens can borrow at;- the value of currency;- how employees can be hired and fired;- how more than 50% of their citizen s time and money are disposed of;- who a citizen may choose as a doctor;- what kinds of medical procedures can be received  and when;- when to go to war;- who can live in the country;- & just to touch on a few.Most of these amazing intrusions into personal liberty have occurred over the past 90 years, sincethe introduction of the income tax.They have been accepted by a population helpless to challengethe expansion of State power  and yet, even though most citizens have received endless pro-Statepropaganda in government schools, a growing rebellion is brewing.The endless and increasingState predations are now so intrusive that they have effectively arrested the forward momentum ofsociety, which now hangs before a fall.Children are poorly educated, young people are unable to getahead, couples with children fall ever-further into debt, and the elderly are finding their medicalsystems collapsing under the weight of their growing needs.And none of this takes into account theever-growing State debts.75 | P a g e These early years of the twenty-first century are thus the end of an era, a collapse of mythologycomparable to the fall of communism, monarchy, or political Christianity.The idea that the State iseven capable of solving social problems is now viewed with great skepticism  which foretells theimminent end, since as soon as skepticism is applied to the State, the State falls, since it fails ateverything except expansion, and so can only survive on propaganda.Yet while most people are comfortable with the idea of reducing the size and power of the State,they become distinctly uncomfortable with the idea of getting rid of it completely.To use a medicalanalogy, if the State is a cancer, they prefer medicating it into remission, rather than eliminating itcompletely.This can never work.If history has proven anything, it is the simple fact that States always expanduntil they destroy society.Because the State uses violence to achieve its ends, and there is norational end to the expansion of violence, States grow until they destroy the host civilizationthrough the corruption of money, contracts, civility and liberty.As such, the cancerous metaphor isnot misplaced.People who believe that the State can somehow be contained have not accepted thefact that no State in history has ever been contained.Even the rare reductions are merely temporary.The United States was founded on the principle oflimited government; it took little more than a few decades for the State to break the bonds of theConstitution, implement the income tax, take control the money supply, and begin its catastrophicexpansion.There is no example in history of a State being permanently reduced in size.All thathappens during a tax or civil revolt is that the State retrenches, figures out what it did wrong, andbegins its expansion again  or provokes a war, which silences all but fringe dissenters.Given these well-known historical facts, why do people continue believe that such a deadlypredator can be tamed? Surely it can only be because they consider a slow strangulation in the gripof an expanding State somehow better than the  quick death of a society bereft of a State.Why do most people believe that a coercive and monopolistic social agency is required for societyto function? There are a number of answers to this question, but they tend to revolve around fourcentral points:1.Dispute resolution;2.Collective services;3.Pollution, and;4.Crime.We will tackle the first three in this section, and the last one in the next.DISPUTE RESOLUTION76 | P a g e It is quite amazing that people still believe that the State somehow facilitates the resolution ofdisputes, given the fact that modern courts are out of the reach of all but the most wealthy andpatient.In my experience, to take a dispute with a stockbroker to the court system would have costmore than a quarter of a million dollars and from five to ten years  however, a private mediatorsettled the matter within a few months for very little money.In the realm of marital dissolution,private mediators are commonplace.Unions use grievance processes, and a plethora of specialistsin dispute resolution have sprung up to fill in the void left by a ridiculously lengthy, expensive andincompetent State court system [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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