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.Her bodysettling into mine was a sure sign it was working.Backing her up until her back bumped the counter, I gripped her thighs and lifted her to settle onthe top of it.She moaned against my lips, while I traced the edge of her shorts with my finger. You are sobeautiful, so sweet, I whispered, while skimming my tongue over her collarbone. I think we need alittle distraction.What do you think? Oh, I think, um, she whimpered, when I slid my hand up under her tank top.When I rubbed mythumb across her nipple, her head fell back. Yes, distraction.Smiling at her aroused state, I slid my fingers under the hem of her shorts and she parted themfurther.They gapped just enough to allow me to reach my destination, where I teasingly slid my fingerover her wet panties.Her body shuddered with each movement of my hand.The doorbell rang just as I slid my finger inside of her, and I groaned in frustration. Looks like we re gonna have to pick this up later, dirty boy. Maria wiggled her hips and slidfrom the counter, adjusting her shorts.I smacked her ass hard as she walked by, and she whelped in surprise.A deep chuckle eruptedfrom me as I watched her hurry toward the door.***There were storms coming in, so we had plenty of time to enjoy some quality indoor fun.Theteams were still a little uneven Mikey always paired up with Maria, and in turn they would gang upon me.I quickly accepted it, just to have the chance to see the two of them together.It was truly one of the greatest things to witness.They always appeared as if they had known one another for years.Theirspirits are so alike.We laughed until we cried.The entire night felt real, whole.It was as if it were a normal day, onewe had been living for years.Mikey and Maria sat whispering quietly on the couch, as I casually observed from the recliner.Their line of vision continued to shift my way.It was pretty obvious they were developing a secretplan of attack.Maria was smiling as Mikey whispered in her ear.She would nod her headoccasionally, looking over at me for any sign that I might have overheard their plan.I felt like theluckiest guy in the world, as I witnessed the closeness develop between them.All at once, they both jumped up from the couch and began throwing popcorn at me.Movingquickly, I hid behind the chair and grabbed for the pieces that they had thrown.The moment I saw thebowl getting low on their ammunition, I lunged toward them.Mikey s laughter made my heart feel as if it were being squeezed tightly.After everything this kidhad been through, it was by far one of the most beautiful sounds.I pinned Mikey to the floor, tickling his sides.Maria got on my back, attempting to rescue herpartner in crime. Let go of him, you beast, she hollered.After Mikey had passed out from exhaustion, during the movie marathon he and Maria attempted towatch, I carried him to his bed.Maria had already turned the evening into an eight-year-old boy s dream, complete with an X-boxand games.His eyes were the size of saucers when we had earlier showed him Maria s purchases.We neveractually made it to play the video games, but I think he had fun without them.Once he was safely tucked in bed, I joined Maria in ours.She was already asleep, so I slipped inbehind her and pulled her body back against mine.Listening to her soft breaths, I propped my head up onto my hand and watched her closely.Hereyes twitched and her nose wrinkled.A small whimper filled the silence of the house.Tracing my fingertip over her cheek and smoothing her hair back from her face, I kissed her softly.I didn t want to wake her; I just needed to feel her close.The battle within me to fight the urge to make her legally mine was exhausting.I wanted to tell herthat I wanted her forever and ask her to marry me.Then I would remember how it had turned out forme the first time, which in turn would make me push back any thought of ever repeating that again.It was a struggle between choosing the right time and wondering if there would ever be a righttime.This was a battle only I could overcome.It was not Maria who had tainted my views ofmarriage; it was Nicole.It wasn t fair that I put them both in the same category.Maria was nothing like Nicole [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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