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.Fortunately, Blake was a ninja on the winch, and hit the switch letting the cable play out.The tower slid down, and he managed to hit the switch again just in time to catch it before it crashed.The winch ripped free from the moorings at that moment, but only went about five feet before clanging off an air conditioning unit on the roof.Talk about lucky.Everything could've shit the bed all at once had that not worked out.They had to remount the winch, as well as tie some length of rope to the tower to steer it as well as add some manpower to take the strain off the winch itself.The second attempt was far more successful.Getting it up and over the edge of the building turned out to be a task that required extra people.Leveraging that much weight up and over the corner wasn't something they could do easily.Once they got the tower up to the roof we miscalculated the amount of area needed to move the damn tower around in, and they needed extra assistance from the security folks to get it all done.I wound up running up to the top of the building to lend an extra two hundred pounds of muscle to get it all done.We needed to more or less tip this thirty odd foot tall tower upright using just muscle, and a single nylon cord wrapped around what I think was a fire sprinkler pipe.I think I busted a disc or two in my back doing it, but we got it upright and in position.Hector and Blake took over mounting the tower.They used a tap and die set to get bolt mounts put into somewhere solid, but even after fully bolting the tower down they all thought that it’d need wires as well to keep it from blowing away.Blake and Martin are going to scour campus and the surrounding towns to find strong wire and appropriately strong clips to attach it with.Hector started to run the wiring and the gear down to the fifth floor of the building, but once he started the whole process, it became clear that there was no way he was going to get it done in any kind of a reasonable timeframe.He elected to remain behind by himself to get more work done.We were really not keen on him staying alone there to do work, and without a minute’s hesitation, Dwayne raised his big ass hand and volunteered to stay with him.Dwayne’s a big guy, and he’s smart as well, so the two of them were a really great pair to get technical work done safely.Once we’d made sure they had enough ammunition, a scoped longer range weapon, and food and water to last at least through two nights we packed everything up, and left MGR.As we drove back, we calculated the exact distance the radios work, and they don’t quite reach campus.As in, there was a three mile span of dead silence.Clearly worrisome.However, it’s not like we haven’t spent nights or days apart before.Like when I was scouting Westfield, and was out of radio contact for extended periods.It just worries me to have anyone out of my realm of protection for any period of time.What’s that called? A paternal instinct? Fucked if I know.I don’t feel like a dad to these people.Oh, and I’ve forgotten to mention that Hector and Blake both fully believe that there isn’t enough power available at MGR to properly run the repeater, as well as deal with the energy needs that the staff there will be requiring.We need to get another generator transported there, and if we can, I’d like to find more solar panels to go there.I now feel like a tool for moving the solar panels from there to the gym, but at least now we’ve some power going to the pumps and lights for the hydro setup on campus.So here’s the plan for now.We’re guessing it’ll take a day or two for Hector to get the tower more or less hooked up and running.I’m not sure what he’s going to need for the long term to make it permanent and functional, but I believe he has enough for now to get it up and running.I KNOW we need more power there, as well as here on campus, and that’s now our main priority.We’re breaking up into two parties tomorrow to go outside the wall to look for more solar panels, and portable power generators.We need a beefy one to go there to run everything in tip top shape, or at least a smaller one and a few solar panels to run together.Hector’s got enough brains to hook it all up, we just need to give him the proper tools to make it happen.I’m really hoping we find panels.I know I wasn’t looking for them when I was clearing houses all winter, and if you add the fact that most roofs were covered in snow at the time anyway, I’m betting there are at least four or five houses around here that have panels we can remove.It's also a safe be that locals with panels got them from STIG, which means if that's the case, we are already sort of knowledgeable about their removal and installation.As I said, our reliance on diesel and gasoline needs to get addressed, and quickly.We also need to hit Gilbert’s place, and finish the wall, and go to the clinic in Westfield, get the rest of Lenny’s cows from his farm, build the fences to contain those cows, and safely train Doc Lindsey before we die of some horrid injury or disease, etc.But that and all the other shit I’m forgetting about is for another day.-AdrianAugust 2011August 1stSup Mr.Journal? I’m in a great fucking mood today.No sarcasm here either.Genuinely pretty happy with things as they are.We’ve gotten a lot done, and we took most of this afternoon off to celebrate it.Where to begin? How about I share the fact that Mallory’s “salon” is now up and running in the admin building.Yesterday Martin and Blake tackled the project and hammered it out in what amounts to record time.I know I said it was fully set up before but that was a clear exaggeration.It’s fucking great to have a pair of guys that are so handy around here.I don’t know how we got anything done before we had them.Now that the two of them are working together it seems like no project is out of reach for us.Finding and rescuing all those people form MGR was worth it, if only for Martin’s wide array of practical knowledge.Anyway, bromance moment aside, Martin and Blake ran some basic plumbing to the sinks we stole from that small salon as well as mounting her hair cutting chairs into the floor, and wound up setting her entire place in motion all in one afternoon yesterday.It still needs some TLC to look professional, but Mallory started giving trims to folks almost immediately.I’m shocked at the size of the lines she had.Well, saying she had lines isn’t accurate.Not like they wrapped around the block or anything, but she always had at least one person waiting to get their hair cut.Encouraging to me to know that there really was a demand for folks to get their hair tidied up.Men and women both [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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