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.She settled for her sister instead.McKenna had just returned from her honeymoon, soJulia called her to tell her the news.* * *Three days later, McCoy s was bustling with the usual lunch crowd.This was MidtownMeeting Central, and everyone must have gotten the memo to wear a suit today becausethe restaurant was packed with sharp-dressed men and women, angling for deals,pitching their wares, hoping to get the person across the table to sign on the dotted line.Clay recognized that hard and hungry look in many of their eyes; he had it himself.Onlythis time he was hunting out information, and the best purveyor of intel in all ofManhattan was digging into his steak right now. Someday I m gonna charge you, but for now, let me say this is delish, and I willhappily take my payment in the form of a meal, Cam said, as he stuffed a forkful into hismouth. Like I wasn t going to pick up the tab.And you know I d pay you in a heartbeat foryour services, Clay said as he worked through his pasta dish. But are you ever planningon telling me what you found out? No.I m going to eat this steak and run, Cam joked, with his mouth full.He chewed,and then took a long swallow of his dry martini.He subscribed to the notion that steakwas meant to be enjoyed properly with spirits, the time of day be damned.It was one ofthe very many reasons Clay called this man a friend.He was steady, reliable, amusing ashell, and loved to share his special talent of finding anyone or anything with friends,asking only for the cost of a meal. Picking up the tab was nothing if he could deliver what Clay needed.Cam wiped his mouth with the cloth napkin, then set down his fork and knife for abreak from the food. I ll put you out of your misery.My guys found him.All those storiesLiam was telling about real estate in the Bahamas? You were onto something.Clay s eyes lit up, and a spark of anticipation ran through him.Could it be this simple?That he d been found, coincidentally, in the very place where Liam had randomly beenasked to buy a condo?  He s in the Bahamas?Cam scoffed, and waved a big hand. No.That d be too easy.What world do you livein? The land of coincidence? He s not in the Bahamas, but you were right to put all thoseclues together from what this fucker did.He s taking pictures of homes. Exactly what he was doing when he was in San Francisco, Clay added, raising aneyebrow in question.Clay had supplied Cam with the clues, tracking down every last one Julia had ever toldhim about her ex.He d shot homes for realtors.His niche behind the camera was makingrooms look much bigger, and Dillon had told Julia on their first date that someday he d besipping a drink in the Bahamas.Clay had added up those details, alongside Liam sunexpected recon work, and Charlie s brief comment at the cafe on Sunday, and wentwith a hunch that Dillon might be in the islands snapping shots for scams.Cam tapped his nose with his index finger. Bingo.Because here s the thing about menlike that who run scams.They tend to fall back on old habits.They do what works.Whether it s taking pictures, or conning money.And he seems to have gotten in goodwith some of the scam artists on a certain island, trying to hustle money selling time-share condos that don t really exist.His job is to take the pictures of the one good condo,make them look majestic, and the other guys peddle the properties that don t reallyexist. But where is he? Clay asked, because that was all that mattered, and he damn nearwanted to cross his fingers with hope, but he wasn t a finger crosser.He was a man whoknew the law, and knew that when you ran afoul of it there were certain islands where itwas better or worse for you to be.He hoped to hell that Dillon was in one of those countries that would be worse forDillon. Can you say Montego Bay? Because if you can, I ve got the address for where DillonWhittaker is living now, Cam said, and slapped a piece of paper on the table [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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