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.Hetelegraphed ahead for special transportation facilities toshorten his trip, and succeeded in reaching Gospic in timeto see his mother alive.He arrived in the afternoon andshe died that night.The great anxiety from which Tesla suffered during hissleepless rush from Paris to Gospic caused a patch of hairon the right side of his head to turn white over night.Within a month its jet black color was restored naturally.Almost immediately after his mother's death, Teslacontracted an illness which incapacitated him for manyweeks.When he recovered, he visited his sister Marica, inPlaski, for two weeks.From there he went to Belgrade, thecapital of Serbia, where he arrived in May and was receivedas a national hero.During the weeks of enforced physical inactivity imposed onhim by his illness, Tesla took stock of himself and becamethoroughly dissatisfied with the manner in which he hadbeen conducting his life.No human being could feelanything but a pleasurable reaction in response to theadulation that had been heaped upon him during the past twoyears.Tesla, however, prided himself upon his wisdom inhaving so designed his life that he would not become avictim of human frailties, but would function far above thenormal human level of physical limitations and intellectualactivities.Now Tesla saw, in retrospect, that insofar ashe had adhered to his superman plan of life, he hadsucceeded in achieving his goal of producing the works of asuperman at a rate which astounded the world.When,however, he submitted to the first blandishments of thelion hunters after his New York lecture in May, 1891, heobserved, social activities had cut into his available timeand had interfered with his creative activities.He had let88 the "man magnificent" supersede his "superman," and twoyears of valuable time had been largely lost.In addition,he had spent that totally unproductive year at theWestinghouse plant.At the close of that period, he hadvowed he would never again work for anyone.He now vowedthat he would put an end to the vacuous social activitiesinto which he had been inveigled.It was not easy for Tesla to live up to his goodresolutions, for his European trip had greatly enhanced hisfame and triumphant celebrations were scheduled on hisreappearance in New York.Nevertheless, he rejected allinvitations.He returned to the Hotel Gerlach, where helived a solitary existence.With a pent-up reserve ofphysical energy owing to his long abstinence from his heavydaily routine of work, he plunged with great vigor into hisnew program which was to open up new and enchanting realmsof scientific wonders.THE first public application of Tesla's polyphasealternating-current system was made at the Chicago World'sFair, the Columbian Exposition, which opened in 1893 tocelebrate the four-hundredth anniversary of the discoveryof America.This was the first world's fair for whichelectric lighting was a possibility, and the architectsavailed themselves of the opportunities it afforded forobtaining spectacular effects in illuminating the groundsand buildings at night, as well as for interior lightingduring the day.The Westinghouse Electric Company securedthe contract for installing all power and lightingequipment at the Fair, and took full advantage of thisopportunity to use the Tesla system and demonstrate itsgreat versatility.It supplied all the current used forlighting and power.while the Chicago World's Fair was in reality a monument toTesla, he had, in addition, a personal exhibition in whichhe demonstrated his most recent inventions.One of hisexhibits was a spinning egg, made of metal.The egg wasshown lying on top of a small velvet-covered circularplatform.When Tesla closed a switch the egg stood on itssmall end and rotated at a high speed as if by magic.The"magic" phase of this feat appealed to a public which,however, grasped little of the explanation that it89 illustrated the principle of the rotating magnetic fieldproduced by the polyphase alternating currents [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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