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.Author: Agnieszka BysiekAuthor: Agnieszka Bysiek Student:lMultiple choicellI remember bursting…….tears, thinking I was going to die.lA into B for C on D about2.If you are interested……travelling you should buy this book.A on B in C about D of3.The plane circled over the airport until the………….was clear.A highway B landing C runway D terminal4.If you want a cheap air ticket you must…….well in advance.A book B buy C engage D reserve5.The….from Warsaw to New York takes nine hours.A flying B journey c passage D voyage6.I'm afraid your baggage is 10 kilos…………A above B excess C heavy D overweight7.The air hostess told the passengers to…… their seat belts.A fasten B attach C fix D tie8.Our…….was delayed owing to bad weather conditions.A airline B airway C flight D runway9.Swimming across the river was a …………… thing for him to do.A dangerous B rough C stormy D violent10.We are going to……a cruise on the river next weekend.A go B sail C take D travelII.Paraphrase to jest zerźniete z ćwiczeń z experta wiec odpowiedzi każdy ma nie będę się tu męczyć z pisaniemlWe enjoyed ourselves at the party last night.TimelWe had…………………………………… at the party last night.lIs there a party at John's house tonight? havinglIs……………………………………….at his house tonight?lGeorge read the newspaper quickly before going out.looklGeorge had……………………….…the newspaper before going out.lI've just thought of something really good.HadlI've just……………………………………….idea!5.Shall we go for a meal at that new restaurant? EatShall we have………………………….at that new restaurant?6.I can't go out tonight because I am very busy.WorkI can't go out tonight because I have a……………………………….do.7.They don't let us use electronic equipment during take-off and landing.allowedWe….………………………….electronic equipment during take-off and landing.lI hadn't received any message from him since then.heardlI hadn't……………………………….since then.9.The sea is not calm any more.RoughThe sea is………………………………….10.Your luggage is too heavy.OverweightYour luggage is………………………….III.Fill in the missing word.1.They can't cope - - - - the problem on their own.with2.Have you heard - - - - - our Neighbourhood watch scheme? about3.Do not take things that do not belong - - you.to4.He's always been known - - a singer more than an actor.as5.He was driving - - 210 kph at6.John was followed - - several police cars.by7.He was suspected - - dangerous driving.of8.You should concentrate - - your homework.on9.I was dreaming - - having lots of money.of10.Scientists object - - this idea.to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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