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.Nothing but bliss came from Bleine.No nerves or discomfort or disgust that his partnerwasn t female.For the first time all the emotions emanating from another person werepositive.So happy were Bleine s vibes that Sarler s heart ached from the joy of it.Riding on the energy high of bonding with his mate, Sarler came without anyonetouching his erection.A sigh parted his lips. I can t believe you came without me, Bleine said.Amusement peppered the air.Sarler clenched around Bleine in retaliation. Oh fuck.Sarler smiled, wetness spilled inside him and satisfaction not his own rolled throughhis body.Sarler s cock made a valiant effort to rise again, but he was too relaxed now.With a shudder, he toppled onto the mattress& right into the wet spot he d created.Bleine pulled him out of the sticky essence. Come on, love, let s get washed up. Yes, let s, Sarler agreed.He might have enjoyed their encounter, but he hated themess afterwards.The shower was quick and almost business-like with their efficiency.Sarler s eyelidsdipped down a few times, only to snap open when Bleine rubbed a cloth across his body.He didn t realise he d dropped off again until he woke up when Bleine turned offthe water. Come on, let s get you back to bed.Bleine must ve talked to someone while Sarler had zoned off because different sheetscovered the bed and all the sticky spots were gone.Sarler was half asleep as soon as hisbody went horizontal. Get some rest, love.I m going to go see my brother. M okay, Sarler murmured.Next time he d make more of a fuss about not gettingcuddled right after sex, but Bleine probably had some important things to discuss with the king and Sarler would be able to sense if there was a problem. Have fun.Bleine kissed Sarler on the cheek. I already did. Chapter EightBleine waited until his mate had completely fallen asleep before leaving their suite.It was still early evening.Hopefully he could catch Vohne before he hunkered downfor the night with his mate.If he was already in his room, Bleine could forget getting hisbrother s attention.Nothing could pull Vohne from Kres side, except maybe a naturaldisaster and even that would not necessarily be enough of a distraction.Bleine watched the people as he passed.Most of them nodded or bowed.A fewwatched him with wary gazes that made him wonder what they were thinking.Sainthad it easy.At least he could read other people s thoughts.Bleine wondered if he couldget the Thresl to help him weed out the dangerous ones in their ranks.As if he d heard him thinking of him, and he probably had, the large beast appearedin Bleine s path. You re really quick, Bleine said.Despite the fact he knew Saint could read hismind, Bleine spoke out loud.He couldn t quite adjust to knowing words weren tnecessary. I don t have much to do and all your people are frightened of me, the Thresl explained. Are you interested in helping out a bit? Just tell me what you want me to do. I need to talk to Vohne get his approval first. Spying on their people was probablyethically wrong, but so was plotting against your king. Things went well with your mate. The cat s smug tone had Bleine laughing. Things went really well. He wanted to believe Sarler s about-face was real.IfSarler truly had been suppressing his desires for so many years, how could he know thatBleine was what he wanted? Maybe any warm male would do.Shaking off his self-doubt,he decided to focus on the important things right now, like saving a kingdom. I could read your mate s intentions if you d like.Bleine sighed. No.That would be cheating.Have you seen Vohne?Better to change the subject than come across like an idiot. He s in the library. Why aren t you with him? I m hunting.I felt something strange.I wanted to explore. Don t scare the crap out of people. I won t frighten anyone important.That non-answer didn t reassure Bleine.With a smug flick of his tail, Saint sauntereddown the hall.Bleine resisted the urge to follow.The Thresl deserved some time toexplore after having been trapped for centuries.Bleine found Vohne in the library, sitting at a table with the translation before him.No sign of Kres.Bleine relaxed.If the king-mate wasn t there then Vohne wouldn t be onhis way out. Find anything new?Vohne sighed. No.I thought maybe I d overlooked something but no such luck.I think we ll have to discover what s going on the usual way. Torture?Laughter looked good on Vohne, Bleine decided.This reincarnation of the king had amore solemn side that Bleine thought needed to relax more.The only time Vohne teasedwas with his mate. I m thinking we move my wedding up.Kres might grumble, but everything s linedup and Saint can attend and scan the crowds [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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