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.He studied her for so long that she began to fidgetwith the hem of the shirt, twisting it in her fingers.Shedrew her bottom lip between her teeth and loweredher eyes.He couldn t even begin to describe the peace that settled around him, inside him. Youwearing my shirt turns me on.She looked up then, her eyes flashing, a small, thenvery big grin lighting up her face. I think you stayturned on. So I do.Most especially when it comes to you. I didn t mean&  I know exactly what you meant, but I m telling youthat when it comes to you, I stay horny and hard. Heglanced to the bowl on the counter then back at hermouth. Now, about this frosting& May I have ataste? Oh um& yeah, sure.She stepped back while he dipped a finger in thebowl.He started to raise it to his mouth, but stopped. Lift up the shirt. Aidn, really&   Are you going to start arguing with me abouteverything I tell you to do? If so, girl, you re going tohave one very red and very tender ass the majority ofthe time.Now.Lift.Up.The.Shirt.Bailey did as he told her, heat again touching hercheeks.He placed his frosting-coated finger againsther nipple until it was completely covered.With hishand in the center of her chest, he pressed her backagainst the counter and lowered his head, taking hernipple in his mouth, his tongue swirling around thetip, licking it clean.Looking up, he lowered the shirt back down andlicked his lips. It s very good.Not many people knowthis, but I have an incredible sweet tooth.I guess mydentist will be getting a lot more business from menow. He winked at her. Th-thank you. I know you re strong, Bailey.I know you reindependent.I don t want to take that away from you,I don t want to change you.I want to enhance those qualities in you, I want to add to them.You re asubmissive, not just sexually, but completely.It s inyou.I see it, I feel it.It calls to me and yet, you re notafraid to fight me. You keep pushing me away, Aidn.You only let me insexually.If I am more than just a fuck, I need to know.I need to know where I stand with you.He dipped his finger in the frosting bowl again andnodded. Yes.Those questions will end here.Whatdo you think? Is that acceptable? He pressed hisfinger against her lips until she opened them andlicked the frosting off the tip. Will it taste as goodfrom my skin as it does from yours? Should we findout?He smiled because all she did was stare at him withwide, questioning eyes.He really did have to getover it.He was going to have to trust her as much ashe needed her to trust him.He was going to have tocollar her, keep her, and for the second time in hisvery private, very personal life, take responsibility forsomeone other than himself.  Aidn? Do you remember my kitchen counters? I don t think I ll ever forget them. There s not enough room on yours.She lifted the shirt off over her head and stoodnaked in front of him.He looked around.She wasright; his counters weren t open or deep enough.Thefloor looked promising, but this wasn t one of thosefuck-on-the-floor moments. Come with me. He tookher hand and led her out of the kitchen, but notbefore picking up the bowl of frosting.He settled her on the dining room table, bending herknees up, and then spreading her legs wide.Herbody trembled. Relax.Enjoy.Trust me.We bothwant this. His hands drifted across her body ascravings for all the dark and deviant pleasures of thelifestyle began filling every pore of his being. You rethe first woman to spend the night here, you know.A self-satisfied look lit her eyes and a smilethreatened to break through.She would be a tough one to crack, open one minute, confusing the next,but the delight she brought to him surpassedanything he d imagined finding after so long.He dipped four of his fingers into the bowl of frostingand grinned when her eyes widened.With a smalldollop of frosting deposited on her clit and on eachnipple, the fourth finger smeared the decadence inher belly button, she looked like a sweet treat.Andhe was starving. Now, do not move or I will have to tie you down.Lowering his head, he sucked her clit between hislips and she writhed.Hiding his smile, he looked upwithout lifting his mouth.When she stilled, he againsucked at her clit, and again she writhed under him.His mouth lifted. I warned you. I know, but I can t help it.It feels so&  I know.However, I told you what would happen if youmoved.You have got to do what I tell you.And I toldyou to stay still.  Yes, Aidn. Sir. Yes, sir.Aidn stood and walked away.He had rope in hisoffice, cuffs, scarves, straps, all kinds of things thatcould be used to tie someone down.As herummaged around, he noticed that his mood waslighter, and though he was horny again, it wasn t thekind of horny that drove a person nuts if they didn tget relief.He had been through that over the past fewweeks.No, this horny was hot and insistent, bubblingjust below the surface, but patient, knowing it wouldbe sated, knowing the outlet it had been craving wasthere within reach, and not leaving.Pulling a pale pink scarf from the drawer along withfour strips of black leather, he went back to her witha smile on his face  Now, let s get you tied down.He walked around the table, tying first one wrist to atable leg, then tying the other.As he worked, he talked to her, as openly as possible for a man thathadn t shared his feelings with a woman in so long. You are more than just a fuck to me, Bailey.You are,I believe, the submissive I m meant to own.I don tbelieve in fate and meant to, but I do believe in you.That s good enough for me. He moved onto herlegs, wrapping the bindings around her ankles andknotting them to the remaining table legs.Standingat the end of the table, her pussy open andglistening, beckoning him to touch her, he picked upthe bowl of frosting. I m afraid you re going to haveto make more later.I m not going to be able to getenough of it, and I m not going to be able to getenough of you. About the AuthorTo learn more about Lissa Matthews, please visitwww.lissamatthews.com.Send an e-mail to LissaMatthews at lissa@lissamatthews.com. Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman with toys [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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