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.He sucked in a sharp breath and twisted around slowly.Theman s thick cock lay heavy against his thigh, shiny with remnants of cum, the tip still oozing a little.Caleb watched a single drop of creamy cum seep out and drain down over the crown then trickle ontoBrock s sweat slick thigh. Not wishing to think about what he was doing, Caleb tried to turn off his mind as he workedhis sore body between the man s legs and wrapped his hand around his cock.The meat was hot andtacky to the touch, and twitched when Caleb s fist squeezed a little. Suck it. Brock groaned andleaned back against the cushioned headboard of the huge bed, eyes closing as he relaxed and exhaledlow.Caleb stared at his face for a moment, sweat droplets sliding down his temples and brow, hairdamp and clinging to the edges of his face and sides of his neck.He couldn t determine if BrockCoulson was a good looking man or not because all Caleb saw was the beast within.When Brock shifted his hips and cleared his throat as if to speak no doubt insisting Calebget about sucking his cock Caleb swallowed hard then wrapped his lips around the man s softenedcrown.He tried to think about Samuel, pretend it was his cock he was sucking, but thoughts of Samuelonly consumed him with guilt and betrayal, so he pushed him from his mind as best he could.Brock flattened his palm against the back of Caleb s head and pushed his mouth further downon his dick.Having just come, the man s cock was no longer engorged and easier to accommodate,though it still turned Caleb s stomach as he sucked it all the way in, his mouth tightening, tonguemassaging as he began to stroke at a moderately quick pace. No. Brock squeezed his hair in his fist, holding his head back a bit. Slower.Take yourtime. He sighed and smiled, eyes still closed. I just want to relax now.No need to rush.Nice slow,deep strokes.And use that tongue, suck me good and hard, but just keep it slow.How long did he expect him to lay here and blow him? Caleb did as he was told, sliding hismouth slowly up and down the man s cock, squeezing, sucking forcefully.Brock moaned and his handdropped away from Caleb s head and rested limply against his hard stomach.The man s dick swelledin Caleb s mouth and the guy moaned again. Mmmm& yes& you were born to suck cock. He drewin a slow, deep breath and released it. Sucking and fucking& it s about all you little whores aregood for& but you are definitely good for that.Caleb attempted to close his ears as well as his eyes, but it was ineffective as he was forced to listen to Brock praise his skills as a whore.Apparently the man viewed the filthy little whores asmerely things to be used and discarded, as if he had every right to do so without it reflecting back onhim.Somehow, in his own mind, he remained clean and undefiled.The space inside Caleb s mouth began to fill up with more cock as the man hardened a bitmore.His jaw was beginning to ache causing his neck to hurt more than it already did.He shifted alittle so his mouth worked at a straighter angle, moving up and down on Brock s dick.Brock groaned. That s it. he breathed, exhaustion strong in his voice. Get into it.I love anenthusiastic slut.Each swallow of saliva tasted like the man s cum and it was inciting nausea in the pit of hisstomach.He squeezed his eyes shut against the tears trying to push out.What kind of hell had hedropped himself into?When the man s breathing finally leveled out, chest rising and falling evenly with sleep, Calebpulled off him.He went into the bathroom and rinsed out his mouth, then took a shower.It was slowgoing, his body wanting to stiffen up from soreness.Brock s vicious fucking left him raw to the pointthat it brought tears to his eyes to even move his legs.And his shoulder blades throbbed painfullywhere Brock had ground in the heels of his palms.Standing before the mirror, he wiped away the steam and stared at himself.Brock had left avicious mark on his neck, and around his nipples as well.He turned slowly, trying to get a glimpse ofhis back, but it hurt too much to twist his body.He secured a towel around his waist and returned to the bedroom and dressed in some of theclothes he d brought with him, rather than the suit.Brock lay against the headboard, sleeping soundly,naked body splayed out on top of the comforter.His face blurred before Caleb.Just die in yourfucking sleep.But of course, if Caleb got his wish Nick would be out of luck.Caleb rubbed his eyes freeof the rising tears then cleared his throat.He turned away from the sight of the man, then went rigidwhen he noticed Brock s small netbook sitting open on the bureau the webcam light glowing bright red.His pulse quickened.He was recording their sex? Chapter ThirteenCoerced ConfessionsDane s revelation concerning Caleb s brother took the forefront of Samuel s thoughts andmade it difficult to concentrate on the task at hand.He realized he was coming off as less thanprofessional as he sat in the living room of one Jorge Hernandez, store owner and victim of armedrobbery. I know you ve already given your statement to the police. Samuel told the man. Butplease& tell me again what exactly happened the night Lawrence Dawson came into your store.Jorge fidgeted, his aging face pinching as he recalled the events. I could tell he was onsomething when he entered the store.He grabbed a case of beer and brought it to the register.When Irang it up and told him what he owed, he laughed and pulled a gun on me.He said  you come into ourcountry, steal our jobs, fuck our women, and you say I owe you? I don t owe you shit, you fuckingwetback.Nodding slowly, Samuel cleared his throat; what the fuck was wrong with the people of thiscountry?  Did he& say or do anything else? He shot out a couple of the cooler doors then shot the register. Jorge swallowed thickly. Ithought for sure he was going to shoot me too. And then he left? Yes. Jorge said. He ran out with the case of beer and jumped in a car with his friends.They were laughing, calling him crazy.Then they took off. You got a good look at the car? Yes. He nodded. It was an expensive car, maybe a Porsche or Mercedes, I m not sure. Hesighed and his brow tightened, a glimmer of anger sparking his eyes. Are you asking me these questions so you can build a better case for him? You are defending him, right?Samuel licked his lips. Well, not me personally.But my firm, yes. Why waste time in court? Jorge stood up, his anger growing. Just slap his wrists now andlet him go.When do the rich kids ever have to own up to their actions when they got rich parents tobail them out? Hire the expensive lawyers to find the loop holes? This whole thing is a fucking joke.It doesn t matter that the kid was high on drugs, shot up my store, threatened my life, stole from me.He s gonna walk away scot free. He jabbed a finger at Samuel. And we both fucking know it.Samuel stood up slowly, fully understanding the man s rage.He himself had gotten away withshit in his lifetime that he shouldn t have just so his stepdad could save face. Mr [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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