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.The Shackleton Building.‘Tunnels,’ I said.‘Uh-huh,’ said Luke.‘Look.’The next slide was a computer-generated side-view of the Shackleton Building, with all the different departments and offices labelled.There was a grey section marked out underneath the building, below ground level.An underground room where all the tunnels met up.‘What do you reckon it’s for?’ I wondered out loud.‘What are they keeping down there that’s so –’‘Not down there,’ said Luke.‘Up here.’He pointed to a tunnel leading out of the room.A tunnel that went straight up.Luke traced along the path of the tunnel with his finger.It rose into the air, up through the middle of the Shackleton Building, and came out at the top floor.‘But we’ve already been up there,’ said Jordan.Luke had a weird look on his face.‘No, we haven’t.’‘Mate, what are you talking about?’ I said, exasperated.‘Where do you think we were last Sun –?’And then it clicked.The top floor of the Shackleton Building that Dad had shown us last weekend was actually not the top floor at all.There was another floor above it.A floor you could only reach by coming in through one of those underground tunnels.‘We have to get up there,’ said Jordan.‘I dunno,’ I said.‘I mean, that’s not just your average, run-of-the-mill suicide mission.We get caught up there and we are all kinds of dead.Unless we’ve got a really good reason to –’‘Are you blind?’ snapped Luke.‘There’s our reason!’He stabbed a finger at a room on the top floor.A room marked External Communications.Chapter 21MONDAY, JUNE 173 DAYSKnowing the way into Shackleton’s communications centre was one thing.Actually getting in there and using it, and then getting out without being killed, was a different story altogether.Especially with the new security they were putting up around the entrances.Not to mention the whole town watching our every move.The only way we’d have any chance of warning the outside was with help from someone on the inside.Which is how we found ourselves walking up to the security centre the next day, with a note for Officer Reeve.‘You’re sure you’ve got the right number?’ asked Luke as we walked between the fountain and the Shackleton Building, weaving our bikes through the after-school traffic.‘If someone else finds that note …’‘I looked it up in the directory this morning,’ said Jordan.‘Relax.’‘Yep,’ I said.‘Nothing says relaxation like sneaking around behind the security centre to –’‘Shh!’ said Jordan.A pair of security guards was coming past.They glared at us as they crossed our path, but they kept walking and didn’t give us any trouble.We waited until they were gone and then turned up the street that runs between the security centre and the Shackleton Building.‘Shouldn’t we take another way around?’ asked Luke, looking back over his shoulder.‘Isn’t it kind of suspicious for us to be wandering through here?’‘This is the way I come home every day,’ I said.‘The only thing that’s suspicious is you jittering around like an idiot.’Not that we actually had to be doing anything suspicious to be treated as suspects these days.The Shackleton Building loomed on our left.For all we knew, everyone in the building could be staring down at us through the one-way glass.I forced myself not to look up until we were around the corner and out of sight.We stopped at the row of bike racks at the back of the security centre – the place where all the security staff parked while they were at work.Lucky for us, there were no windows back here.‘All right, start looking,’ I said, starting down the row of bikes.‘Number zero-one-eight-nine.’I kept glancing back at the row of houses on the other side of the track.It wasn’t even four o’clock yet.Everyone should still be at work.So why was I so sure we were being watched?‘Over here,’ whispered Luke after a minute, hand resting on the seat of one of the bikes.We dashed over.Jordan pulled a scrap of paper from her pocket.NEED TO TALK - IMPORTANT.3.30 P.M.TUESDAY @ ROMEO IX.She checked the number engraved into the frame of Reeve’s bike, then wedged the paper under the seat.‘Done,’ she said.Romeo IX was a set of coordinates on the town map.R9.It corresponded to a place along one of the riding paths called the Nest.I just hoped Reeve was smart enough to –‘Hey, what are you guys doing?’ squeaked an all-too-familiar voice.It was Freckles, the Year 7 kid.Ghost was with her.‘Going back to my place,’ I said, jerking a thumb over my shoulder, down the street.‘Then why are you over here?’ asked Freckles, coming towards us.‘Only security are allowed to park here.’‘Is there something we can do for you guys?’ asked Jordan, cutting in before I had a chance to respond.‘Actually, there is,’ said Freckles, putting her hands on her hips.‘We want to know why you guys are still staff-student liaison officers when you’ve been busted stealing and vandalising and stuff.’ She elbowed Ghost in the ribs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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