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.What better proof could we have that Socialism is not a movement of downtroddenmasses but of power hungry elitists? The poor are merely pawns in the game.Needless tosay, the landscape painters hide Common Cause's financial angels so that only those whounderstand that the Establishment's game plan is SOCIALISM understand what is goingon before their very eyes. 8.YOU ARE THE ANSWERMany people cannot refrain from rationalizing.After reading this book, some willbemoan the fact that the situation is hopeless.These will be many of the same peoplewho, before reading this book, really did not believe the problems facing us were serious.Some people wake up and give up in the same week.This is, of course, just exactly whatthe Insiders want you to do.The conspiracy can be defeated.The insiders are not omnipotent.It is true that theycontrol important parts of the federal government, high finance and the mass media.Butthey do not control everything, or the vise would already have been closed.We might saythe conspiracy controls everything but you.You are their Achilles heel if you are willingto fight.There is an old cliche in sports that quitters never win and winners never quit.We need a million Americans who are not quitters, but, moreover, who have the will towin!Of course, you can't buck the conspiracy head on.trying to fight it on its home grounds.But the Insiders are vulnerable to an end run.You,and thousands of others like you can make an end run if you want to.It is our intention inthis closing chapter to show why it can be done and how you can do it.The timing for an end run has never been better.What Barry Goldwater said in 1964,people were willing to believe in 1968.Most people who voted for Nixon did so becausehe promised to balance the budget, not establish wage and price controls; slashgovernment spending, not multiply it; cut welfare, not push for a guaranteed annualincome; stand firm against the Communists, not lead the Red Chinese into the U.N.;build America's defenses, not continue to unilaterally disarm us; and stop aid and tradewith our avowed Communist enemies, not double it.These were the issues whichsupposedly differentiated Nixon from Humphrey.Now we see that Nixon has repudiatedhis own promises and carried out those of his opponent.By 1972, millions of Americanswill have concluded that there is little difference between the leadership of the two majorparties.And more and more people are beginning to realize that there is a tiny clique ofconspirators at the top which controls both the Democrat and Republican Parties.The one thing these conspirators cannot survive is exposure.The Insiders are successfulonly because so few of their victims know what is being planned and how Insiders arecarrying out those plans.Conspiracies can operate only in the dark.They cannot stand thetruthful light of day.Once any sizeable minority of the American people becomes awareof the conspiracy and what it is up to, the many decades of patient planning and work bythe Insiders in this country can be destroyed in an amazingly short period of time. This job is largely a matter of getting others to realize that they have been conned and arecontinuing to be conned.You must become the local arm of the world's largest floatinguniversity.But before you can go to + work, pointing out these conspiratorial facts toothers, you must know the facts yourself.This book is designed to give you these facts,and can be your greatest tool.It is available on tape casettes* so that you can virtuallymemorize its contents by listening to it repeatedly while you are washing the dishes ordriving to and from work.The concept of an army of individuals which is dedicated toexposing "the conspiracy" frightens the Insiders because it works outside the channelswhich they control.(*From Gary Allen Communications, P.O.Box 802, Arcadia, California 91106 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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