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.But in being taken by another man, he had to lie submissively.Strange paradox.Good thing Flynn didn t have to understand the struggle to know thatthe man he wanted to bed, needed a little more adjustment time.Flynn moved up his body,keeping his fingers in place and stopping when he was able to nibble along Koda s lateraloblique muscles that veed toward Koda s groin.He slid his tongue along the groove and scrapedhis teeth lightly on Koda s abdomen.The tight muscles clenching Flynn s fingers relaxed, and Flynn slowly pumped them inand out of his body.Flynn grabbed Amaro s wrist. At first Amaro resisted, but Flynn turned his head to look up at him. Weren t you called,too? he asked the proud man.Amaro s eyes narrowed, and his beautiful lips tightened, but he jerked his chin up inagreement.Flynn pulled his wrist, placing Amaro s hand flat on Koda s chest. Touch him.Amaro jerked his hand away. He doesn t require testing.Flynn leisurely pumped his fingers into Koda.He added a third when Koda proppedhimself up again to watch the conversation.Flynn wanted to keep him prepared so he rubbedover the prostate.The sudden guttural cry from Koda served to catch Amaro s attention and keepKoda pleasurably distracted.Need fogged Flynn s mind, but the idea of seeing the proud Amaro touching Koda whileFlynn fucked Koda in the ass, was too great a temptation to divide Flynn from his purpose.Flynnlowered his voice. I m going to put my cock as deep into Koda as I can.You want me to dothat, right?Amaro agreed. Then put your hands on his body and play with those tight little brown buds.And,Amaro, Flynn said, pausing to make sure he had the man s attention. If you like it, and likewhat you see, I wouldn t stop you if you decided to mount my ass while I do it.Amaro s nostrils flared.It was the only sign that Flynn s words had either surprised him,horrified him, or turned him on.Flynn hoped it was all three.The idea of getting under Amaro sskin with lust, made Flynn so hard, he was ready to burst. This would please you, priest? Amaro asked darkly.Flynn chuckled, low and rough. I ve seen your warrior s cock.It would please megreatly to be impaled by it.Amaro lowered to his side.He touched Koda s chest and pinched the nearest buddednipple.Koda s shock was measurable, but his eyes glazed over and lust rode him high.Flynnpushed his fingers relentlessly across Koda s prostate.Flynn pushed Koda s foot to his ass, parting the muscular globes for viewing.He scoopedup some more cooking grease and slathered it on his aching cock.Then poising the slicked headat Koda s prepared opening, he pushed in.Koda flailed.His throat worked, and his brow knitted with pain. Amaro stopped what he was doing, tensed as though prepared to fight for Koda scomfort. Keep touching him, Amaro.Make him feel good, Flynn directed.Then turning hisattention to Koda, Flynn searched the man s troubled gaze. Tell me when you re ready.Koda appeared to be holding his breath.The squeeze he had on Flynn s cock made himdizzy with need.His body trembled with the urgency to fuck with everything he had. Breathe, Flynn said on a groan. Please breathe, baby.I don t know how I can keepfrom moving for much longer.The words finally sunk in.Koda blinked several times and began breathing again.Herelaxed his ass and Flynn slowly retreated.Amaro continued to touch Koda, but Flynn also felt tentative touches on his ass.Amaro shand swept up Flynn s back to his shoulder, then down his spine. Yes, Amaro.I like that, he encouraged. Koda, do you like what he s doing?At Koda s distracted head lift, Flynn growled,  No.Tell him in words.Flynn flexed his hips a slammed home.Koda cried out. I like it. Tell him what you like, Flynn commanded.He ebbed out as slow as the first time.Koda looped a powerful leg around Flynn s hips, urging him back inside.Flynn held off,delaying both their pleasure. Tell him. I like your hand on me, Koda mumbled.Flynn pushed deep inside him. Do you like it when he pinches your nipples? Yes.Amaro pinched and twisted the brown bud. Take his cock in your hand, Flynn told Koda.Koda quickly reached for it, pushing aside the leather cloth, and wrapped his hand aroundAmaro s cock. Good, Flynn praised. Fuck his dick with your hand, Koda.I want him hard [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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