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.And he ignored the grand and glorious Knight of the Sun ashe stepped down from the high dais of the royal throne.Through the dust and dirt he walked, past the Knight of the Sunand his six servants, to kneel before the haggard, solitary Knightof the Rose.From his robes, he pulled out a token a plain goldring bearing a signet of a rose in full bloom; it had been a gift tothe prince from his mother many years ago."I would behonored, dear knight, if you would be mine."The Knight of the Rose looked at the prince in surprise, buttook the ring and slid it on his finger.Then he smiled, the first65 Megan Derrsmile he had given all the long day, and despite his squashednose and terrible scar and ragged state he was the mosthandsome of men.He rose to his feet, and helped the princestand as well.Then the Knight of the Rose kissed his prince, andall were happy.Except the Knight of the Sun, but that is a tale for anotherday.A/N: The tale of the Knight of the Sun was done by a friendof mine.You can read at http://drowning-london.livejournal.com/119284.html#cutid166 Three QuestionsOnce upon a time there was a grand king who had threesons.The eldest became a glorious soldier, the grandest ofknights, a hero beloved of the people.He was destined for thecrown, and would someday wear it well.When the time came for him to wed, he called a challengeof duels whosoever could best him in three duels of skill andfortitude, would marry the crown prince.And so the challengerscame, thousands of people from across the kingdom, eager forthe chance to marry the great and glorious crown prince.Butone after another, they went again, unable to win the duels.Until one day a beautiful woman with golden hair andshining golden armor appeared to challenge him.Try as hemight, the crown prince could not defeat her, and so he took herhappily to be his bride.The King s second son was born shrewd and sharp, with asilver tongue that could convince a bird to give up flying, a fishto give up swimming.He grew to be a renowned politician, adiplomat of unsurpassed skill, securing boons from around theworld for the good of his father s kingdom.None could deceiveor resist the words he spun.When the time came for the prince to marry, he called for achallenge of lies whosoever could fool him, he would marry.67 Megan DerrAnd so the people came by thousands, eager for a chance at thehandsome, clever prince.All who challenged him told the princetwo truths, and one lie, but every time the prince was able tomark the lie, and so all went away again, defeated.Until one day a beautiful maiden appeared, pale of hair,dressed in a gown trimmed in silver, and her voice and wordswere more beautiful still as she spoke.Try as he might, theprince could not pick out the lie amidst her truths.Bested, theprince took her happily to be his bride.The King s youngest son was possessed of a brilliant mind,steeped in knowledge history, government, religion, language,magic, literature, down to even the most arcane lore.Anyquestion, no matter how strange or obscure, the prince couldanswer.Often his brothers and father turned to him, when theyhad need of some bit of law or warfare or culture.When the time came for the prince to wed, he called for achallenge of questions whosoever could answer threequestions, match him in knowledge, he would marry.And so thepeople came by thousands, eager to wed the brilliant, beautifulyoungest prince.Despite their efforts, however, none couldanswer the prince s questions.Gradually, the challengers faded off, and the princewithdrew once more to his books.Odiore looked up as the door to his private study in thegreat library opened, annoyed that someone would dare toenter without first knocking.Sharp words of reprimand died inhis throat, however, as saw who it was, unable to believe whathe was seeing."What are you doing here?" he finally asked,then closed his mouth, refusing to say anything more.Of all the people in the world, he had never expectedBrenim to walk uninvited into his study.The youngest son of theancient Baron Velasco, he had been friends with Odiore s eldestbrother, Rowell.He was five years older than Odiore, but hadalways had time to speak with the young, awkward child thatOdiore had been (whereas Rowell had just tried to lose him).68 Three QuestionsOdiore had been crushed when Brenim had left years ago totravel, to seek his own fortune, since being the youngest ofseveral children he would inherit little or nothing.Only a year orso after he left, stories began to trickle back of his travels andadventures dragons slain, enchantments broken, curses lifted,monsters fought.All knew the tales of Brenim the Cursebreaker.Like the fool he was, Odiore meticulously recorded everytale that reached his ears, each to its own slender volume,bound in copper-toned brown leather, with annotations for allthe variations he heard.He had never thought to see Brenimagain, had hoped, foolishly, that his feelings would finally fade.That whoever answered his questions would finally help himforget the man he had loved first.But he could not say he was as disappointed as he should bewhen no one had been able to answer his questions andchallengers eventually ceased to arrive."Is that any way to greet an old friend?" Brenim asked, andthe older, deeper version of his charming smile was far moredevastating than it had been when Odiore was an innocent boy."You were Rowell s friend," Odiore replied, closing his bookand removing his reading spectacles."His offices are in thearmory, in the east wing.""I remember where to find the armory," Brenim said,leaning against the door frame, and folding his arms across hischest, looking amused [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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