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.Yet, the question did hammer at him.How would Jada takeit if he truly came on to her and left nothing out? The harder hetried to ignore the truth, the more it persisted.It was time to dosomething drastic so Jada would move him from the best friendcategory to lover. Are you thinking about what I said? Adam asked him. Patrick, you have to stop playing the bosom buddy.It s workingagainst your ultimate goal.Don t you know the saying that goodguys finish last? Do you honestly want to chance some otherman taking Jada away from you? You re saying I m being counter-productive? YES! Adam practically yelled at him. Show Jada adifferent side and I bet she ll look at you in a whole new light.Patrick wasn t dense.He understood what Adam was tellinghim. Okay, I have a couple of ideas.I m going to try some ofthem at work next week. He had waited too long to come thisfar to lose Jada.He may not be smooth as some of the guys shehad been with in the past.However, he was confident and knewnow that part of Jada enjoyed kissing him.He wasn t going to letthat juicy piece of information go to waste. First, don t wait that long.Find a way to have a date withher tomorrow.The sooner you get her into you, the better.Also,are you going to share the details with me? I was the one whotold you to go after Jada in the first place? You only wanted toadmire her from a far, Adam exclaimed.Hell, he wasn t a damn boy.He was an adult.He knew hisway around a woman even if Adam didn t believe it.He hadn tbeen a virgin for a very very long time.He wasn t at all worriedabout his abilities in the bedroom.Jada was in for an excellentsurprise.Patrick couldn t keep the smile off his lips.No& Jadawould be begging for him not to stop once he finally got to makelove to her. No, I m not telling you a thing.I don t want to messanything up.If all turns out the way I want it to, you ll see adifference in me.46 MARIE ROCHELLE* * * *Sitting up in bed, Jada held the white box in her hands anddebated what to do with it.She wanted to open it, but a tiny partof her was screaming not to.She had been shocked as hell to findit tucked inside her purse at work.This guy was lucky as hell shedidn t walk in on him.She was very picky about people touchingher personal stuff, and for sure her purse was off limits.But shewas thrilled at seeing the box until reality set in.Her mystery man was still giving her presents and she wasstarting to have little dirty thoughts about Patrick.Like how hewould look without his shirt or how it would feel to kiss him forlonger than a few minutes.Did he know how to use that thicktongue of his that well anywhere else on her body?How could she still want to know who this man was? Shecouldn t deny that another part of her was secretly becomingmore attracted to Patrick each and every day.Today, at work allshe was craving his lips on hers again.God, her mind wasbeginning to hurt going back and forth like this.She shouldn t think about Patrick in any other capacity buther buddy.She couldn t chance their friendship with a romance.What if something went horrible wrong? Then there would bethose awkward exchanges between them, making it hard to dealwith each other at work.No, she wasn t willing to risk that not atall. Okay, charm giver here I come. Jada picked up the notebeside her leg and read it.You re my lucky charm.Opening up the box, Jada s mouth fell open at the horseshoecharm on the inside.It was almost too beautiful for words. Ihave to find out who this is.I can t rely on Patrick for help.He sdealing with his own personal problems and things have changedso much since I first asked his help.Reaching across the bed, she took the bracelet off thenightstand and added her latest gift.She admired it for a whilebefore she laid it back on the stand.Turning off the light, shesnuggled between the sheets, trying not to think about her off-the-chart kiss with Patrick as she drifted off to sleep.47 LUCKY CHARMSChapter ElevenWith a cup of tea in her hand, Jada made her way from thestove over to the kitchen table.As she was about to sit down, thedoorbell rung.After a long work week, she just wanted to relaxat home today with a good book and get lost in a world ofromance, but it didn t seem like it was going to happen. I thought I might be able to get some peace on a Saturday,she complained leaving her tea on the table and heading for thefront door [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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