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."My roots in heaven 1 They're really there now.I've finally gotmy roots right up in the sky."The next stage would have to be that of the flower.Rowers ofservice with fragrance wafting far and wide.Was I just fooling myselfabout the roots? No, on a day-in-day-out basis I was actually becom­ing more permeable.It was a peaceful feeling with few ups and downs.My soul note now seemed more like a steadily oscillating sound cur­rent, a happy hum of rhythmic activity and rest.I felt very contentedand hoped that the quality of that contentment would be com­municable to others.7: Gentle MagicActionKetamine has a wide margin of safety; several instances of uninten­tional administration of overdoses of Ketalar (up to ten times thatusually required) have been followed by prolonged but completerecovery. Parke-DavisIt was becoming increasingly apparent that this was not a book wewere writing as much as a book we were living.In the samadhi statewe had seen how the entire universe is controlled by thought.That is,the outer crust of phenomenal appearances is simply the defining limitof the life-energies which ray forth from an omnipresent cosmicvortex.These originating emanations percolate down through a for­mative gridwork of archetypes from the God-made to the angel-madeto the man-made until all at once they freeze into the congealed con­tours of matter.In the end, as in the beginning, there is nothing butconsciousness; we change the world only to the extent that we canmodify our awareness of what is going on "out there." Now that we 118 Journeys into the Bright Worldwere starting to understand these rules of the game it was up to us totry to direct these conditioning energies on higher causal levels wherethey were still fluid.As I saw it now, our work was that of "weavers in the light." Thedownward extending strands of energy were strung from top to bot­tom on the multi-dimensional loom of the universe.There is a part ofeach one of us that remains securely attached to both the uppermostand the lowermost shafts of the encompassing framework.Now, bymaking the horizontal connections we were gradually working ourway back up again.The purpose of this effort was not so much toreach the top (in essence we were there already) but to create thedesign.To a large extent these crosswise shuttlings back and forthmanifest as synchronicity, since they exist in the same present tense.Such synchronous happenings are agents of karma, hence our fate issealed by conglomerates of apparently chance circumstances.Ac­cidents are only events seen out of context; in their totality theybecome divested with the variegated hues of meaning which comprisethe patterns of destiny.In our own lives the coincidences were accumulating to anastonishing degree.If I needed a word it was apt to jump out at mefrom a random perusal of the dictionary.When it was important tocontact a friend that person would call for no particular reason.If Ifancied that it would be helpful to have a certain object it would soonappear.Often these coincidences involved Howard.For example, onWashington's birthday I was shopping when, as I had done a dozentimes before, I passed a place where one could have words or emblemsstamped on T-shirts.On impulse I picked out a light blue shirt forHoward and had it emblazoned with silvery letters saying "Dr.Nep­tune." Arriving home with my prize I was chagrined to discover thathe had gone out.When he returned half an hour later he had a gift forme.It was a pink T-shirt stamped "Samadhi." Neither of us had evermentioned the T-shirt idea to the other, yet we had stood at the samecounter within the same hour.However, the big needs took longer to fulfill.By late Februaryour deeper desires could be boiled down to three wishes.In the orderof their ascending importance these were the wish to find a house inthe country, the wish to release Howard from the burdensome finan­cial responsibilities which held him locked into an uncongenial job,and the wish to make our samadhi therapy available to large numbersof people.It seemed to us that if captains of industry, leaders of na­tions and molders of public opinion could partake of this lovemedicine the whole planet might be converted into the garden of Edenit is potentially capable of becoming.In the meantime, we continuedour private experimentations [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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