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.Among others, Harry DexterWhite, later named by Attorney General Brownell as one who had been heavily60 involved in a Soviet espionage ring operating within our government.proposedexactly that.4Thus it was that the de-industrialization of West Germany met the same fate asthe demilitarization of the country would in the coming years, as the United Statespoured in massive economic assistance: $4 billion of Marshall Plan aid and an army ofindustrial and technical experts.At the same time, the Soviet Union was pouring massive economic assistanceout of East Germany.The Soviets dismantled and moved back home entire factorieswith large amounts of equipment and machinery, and thousands of miles of railroadtrack.When added to war reparations, the toll reached into the billions of dollars.By the early 1950s, though social services, employment, and cultural life in EastGermany were on a par or superior to that in West Germany, the Western sector had theedge in those areas of prosperity with the most sex appeal: salaries were higher, theeating was better, consumer goods more available, and the neon lights emblazoned thenights along the Kurf�rstendamm.American cold warriors, however, as if discontent with the game score or withleaving so much to chance, instituted a crude campaign of sabotage and subversionagainst East Germany designed to throw the economic and administrative machineryout of gear.The CIA and other US intelligence and military services in West Germany(with occasional help from the likes of British, intelligence and the West Germanpolice) recruited, equipped, trained and financed German activist groups and individualsof West and East.Finding recruits for such a crusade was not difficult, for in post-warGermany, anti-communism lived on as the only respectable vestige of Naziism.The most active of these groups, which went by the name of Fighting GroupAgainst Inhumanity, admitted that it had received financial support from the FordFoundation and the West Berlin government.5 Subsequently, an East Berlin newsmagazine published a copy of a letter from the Ford Foundation confirming a grant of$150,000 to the National Committee for a Free Europe "so that it, in turn, could supportthe humanitarian activities of 'The Fighting Group Against Inhumanity'."6 The National!Committee for a Free Europe, in turn, was a CIA front organization which also ranRadio Free Europe.7The Association of Political Refugees from the East, and the InvestigatingCommittee of Freedom-minded Jurists of the Soviet Zone, were two of the other groupsinvolved in the campaign against East Germany.The actions carried out by theseoperatives ran the spectrum from juvenile delinquency to terrorism; anything "to makethe commies look bad".It added up to the following remarkable record:8" through explosives, arson, short circuiting, and other methods they damaged power stations,shipyards, a dam, canals, docks, public buildings, gas stations, shops, a radio station, outdoor stands,public transportation;" derailed freight trains, seriously injuring workers; burned 12 cars of a freight train anddestroyed air pressure hoses of others;" blew up road and railway bridges; placed explosives on a railway bridge of the Berlin-Moscowline but these were discovered in time hundreds would have been killed;" used special acids to damage vital factory machinery; put sand in the turbine of a factory,bringing it to a standstill; set fire to a tile-producing factory; promoted work slow-downs in factories;stole blueprints and samples of new technical developments;" killed 7,000 cows of a co-operative dairy by poisoning the wax coating of the wire used to balethe cows' corn fodder;" added soap to powdered milk destined for East German schools;" raided and wrecked left-wing offices in East and West Berlin, stole membership lists; assaultedand kidnapped leftists and, on occasion, murdered them;" set off stink bombs to disrupt political meetings;61 " floated balloons which burst in the air, scattering thousands of propaganda pamphlets downupon East Germans;" were in possession, when arrested, of a large quantity of the poison cantharidin with which itwas planned to produce poisoned cigarettes to kill leading East Germans;" attempted to disrupt the World Youth Festival in East Berlin by sending out forged invitations,false promises of free bed and board, false notices of cancellations; carried out attacks on participantswith explosives, firebombs, and tire-puncturing equipment; set fire to a wooden bridge on a mainmotorway leading to the festival;" forged and distributed large quantities of food ration cards for example, for 60,000 pounds ofmeat to cause confusion, shortages and resentment;" sent out forged tax notices and other government directives and documents to fosterdisorganization and inefficiency within industry and unions;" "gave considerable aid and comfort" to East Germans who staged an uprising on 17 June 1953;during and after the uprising, the US radio station in West Berlin, RIAS (Radio In the American Sector),issued inflammatory broadcasts into East Germany appealing to the populace to resist the government;RIAS also broadcast warnings to witnesses in at least one East German criminal case being monitored bythe Investigating Committee of Freedom-minded Jurists of the Soviet Zone that they would be added tothe committee's files of "accused persons" if they lied.Although many hundreds of the American agents were caught and tried by EastGermany, the ease with which they could pass back and forth between the two sectorsand infiltrate different enterprises without any language barrier provided opportunitiesfor the CIA unmatched anywhere else in Eastern Europe.Throughout the 1950s, the East Germans and the Soviet Union repeatedlylodged complaints with the Soviets' erstwhile allies in the West and with the UnitedNations about specific sabotage and espionage activities and called for the closure of theoffices in West Germany they claimed were responsible, and for which they providednames and addresses.Inevitably the East Germans began to tighten up entry into thecountry from the West.The West also bedeviled the East with a vigorous campaign of recruiting EastGerman professionals and skilled workers.Eventually, this led to a severe labor andproduction crisis in the East, and in August 1961, to the building of the infamous BerlinWall.While staging their commando attacks upon East Germany, Americanauthorities and their German agents were apparently convinced that the Soviet Unionhad belligerent designs upon West Germany; perhaps a textbook case of projection.On8 October 1952, the Minister-President of the West German state of Hesse, GeorgAugust Zinn, disclosed that the United States had created a secret civilian army in hisstate for the purpose of resisting a Russian invasion [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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