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. Jackie tossed her hastily packed bag of randomdisguises into the trunk of her car and slammed the lid. This is my car.Only I drive my car.Andsince you need a ride, seems to me I m coming along. What about our business? Lana winced as she followed Jackie to the front of the vehicle. Who s going to look after our clients?Jackie gave her a wicked grin. Derek will keep them happy until we get this sorted out.I fixedyour camera and sent the pictures to Angel, so you don t need to worry about her.A smile ghosted Lana s lips. I do have to point out I am being pursued by armed and dangerousbikers.You re putting yourself in a life-threatening situation.Jackie s face softened and she stroked a finger over Lana s bruised cheek. You don t have to tellme, honey.I can see it for myself.But I put up with a hell of lot worse than Levi when I lived on thestreets.He doesn t scare me. Nothing scares you, Kickstand muttered. You should ve been the Hades prospect, not me. Are you coming with us? Lana still couldn t believe the risks Kickstand had taken for her.Rexwould see his actions as a betrayal.Banishment was the least of the punishments Kickstand wouldface.He shook his head. I ve got things I gotta do. Why did you help me? Lana asked softly. I mean& the repercussions& He shrugged. I owed you.Not just for the time you warned me about the colors, but because itwas my fault the Wolverines found you. You were just following orders, Lana said softly. I shoulda thought it through.I mean, why would someone like you associate with the Wolverines?You re sweet and funny and kind, and you treated me with respect.You aren t like the other oldladies.When I find an old lady, I want her to be just like you.Lana frowned. You re staying with Hades? Do you think that s safe?His face fell. Nah.I m not staying with them.It s not what I thought it was money and glamourand riding kick-ass bikes with the guys.I didn t sign up for the murder and drug running and sellingwomen as slaves.I don t want to wind up in jail.You must think I was pretty naive. I think you re a hero. She gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.He swallowed and his cheeks reddened. I don t know how you married Levi, knowing what itwas like to live the biker life.A cold ache seeped into her bones. I didn t have a choice.The day after they marked me, Levifound out the mark meant I could be shared around.He didn t care what they did to me or what theymade me do, but that was a line for him.I had been his since I was sixteen.Marrying me was the onlyway he could keep me for himself.Bikers have a strange code of honor. What? Jackie jumped out of the car and grabbed Lana by the shoulders. You married thebastard? Why didn t you tell me?Lana shrugged as the memories rose like bile in her throat.Levi storming into their room at theWolverine clubhouse and dragging her semiconscious body off the bed.His hands rough on her cut,bruised skin as he hid the rope burns on her wrists and ankles with bandages.A painful truck ridelater and they were at the local marriage registry.Dazed from pain, her voice raw from a night ofscreaming, she couldn t even call for help.  The house mama held a gun to my back, concealed in a bouquet of flowers, and his buddy stoodbetween me and the door.Levi had to hold me up because I was in so much pain I couldn t walk.Icouldn t even say the vows.My wedding clothes were a T-shirt covered in bloodstains and a pair oftorn sweats.They paid the registrar a small fortune to look the other way.Kickstand scratched his head. Ice know all this? No.And he never will.Marriage means something to him.He ll think I made him betray hisbeliefs.He ll never forgive me for lying. Tears welled up in Lana s eyes as she rounded the car andpulled open the door.She should ve been honest with him from the beginning, but the temptation ofbeing with him again had proved too strong.Kickstand grabbed her arm before she could slide into the seat. I think you re wrong.He gaveme a message for you in case something happened to him.I m guessing now, with the Wolverines andRex wanting him dead&  He choked on his words and then took a deep breath. I think you shouldhave the message now.He said to make sure you knew he sent it after he found out you weremarried.A trembling formed deep within her, working its way from her core through her limbs. What didhe say?James awoke to a loud crack and a sharp pain burning across his cheek. Wake up, sunshine. Ryder peered down at him and frowned. You need me to slap the othercheek?Still groggy, James pushed himself to a sitting position against the wall. You fucking touch meagain and I ll rip off your hand. Finally.Back to normal. Ryder squatted against the wall across from him, his hands danglingbetween his legs. I was beginning to wonder if Dawg had caused some permanent damage when hehit you over the head with that metal pipe.You ve been lying there moaning for a couple hours.James frowned. Where s here? Storage room at the clubhouse.You ll notice the lack of windows, the steel fire door and theinteresting fact that Rex s secret drug stash is missing.I guess he and the boys didn t want us tooverdose since they re planning to torture and kill us.Not as much fun when the victim doesn t knowwhat s going on and can t feel any pain. Sorry I dragged you into this. James rubbed the lump on his head and stared up at the nakedbulb overhead.Maybe they could use the wires to pick the lock.Ryder snorted a laugh. I m not.Best time I ve had since joining the fucking club. I gotta get out of here.Find Lana. James pushed himself to his feet and staggered as a wave ofdizziness hit him. Easy there. Ryder jumped up and eased James back down to the floor [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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