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. Seth&  She couldn t continue.He controlled her pleasure points.She was on edgeand he wouldn t let her find release until he was ready. You aren t allowed to come yet, Kat.Only when I say you can.You understand?She made no answer and he stilled his fingers. You understand me, Kat? he insisted. Yes& please& just touch me.Her movements matched the rhythm of his fingers dipping in and out of her cunt.She lay across his lap, lost within his touch.This is how he dreamed of her, panting, moaning, crying for him to complete her, tobring her pleasure.Seth stroked his thumb across her clit again and he sensed she was fighting forcontrol, on the edge of climax but battling to obey his command.Then, using the slick juices from her cunt, he lubricated his forefinger and slid itslowly into her anus. Come for me, he said in a hushed voice, barely controlled as shebucked upon his lap.She screamed as she came and her tight rear entrance squeezed about his finger.The sound of her ecstasy combined with her body rubbing against his thighs made himwant more.Before she had time to even think of recovering, her vaginal walls continuing toconvulse, he untied her wrists and placed her on the edge of the bed, her beautiful assin the air.She braced herself on her elbows a perfect fucking position.He took littletime for grace as he placed himself behind her, and she groaned and wiggled when she70 Lady Shebafelt his cock brush along her slit.Satisfied with her ample cream to lubricate his path, heentered her anus gently. Oh Seth, she moaned in agony.It was such a sensual pain, unlike anything she dfelt before.This was so intimate, so loving, his slow movements within her tightpassage making her senses go wild.When she bucked, he stilled her with his hands. Easy.We have time.Let s enjoythis.She could feel her next orgasm just ahead on the horizon, barely out of reach.Hecaressed her buttocks with strong fingers and she melted beneath his touch.When hereached around to tease her swollen clit, she felt as if the world had fallen off itsrotation.Everything seemed to spin out of control.He filled her ass and she loved it.As each inch of his cock entered her, she felt closer to him than ever before.Thecompletion radiated throughout her entire body, head to toe and everything inbetween.Kat was lost in the tune Seth played upon her body.He strummed her clit and beata tempo with every thrust.She sang her cries of sheer ecstasy as her climax crept closerwith every speeding second.Just when she thought she d collapse in sexual exhaustion from her attempts toreach the pinnacle, she was hit with another orgasm.She cried out his name as heincreased his thrusts in rhythm to her spasms.She d spent so much time dreaming of Seth, wishing he d give her one look, oneindication of his feelings and now he was with her, surrendering all.Her body continued to rock, squeezing and releasing as Seth pumped wildly in andout of her ass.Lights danced before her eyes as another orgasm broke over her,practically on top of the previous climax.So tight and delicious! Already anxious to find completion, Seth exploded withinmoments.Streams of hot semen burst forth and he yelled in triumph as he filled her, thewoman he loved, the woman he longed for.71 Marianne LaCroixOnce spent, she relaxed on the bed, her strength seemingly drained.He felt thesame.She edged up the bed and he lay down next to her.Taking her in his arms, hestroked her black hair, like silk beneath his fingers.So precious, so beautiful.And shewas his. Seth, she asked in a dreamy voice,  can I use your bathroom? I want to freshenup a little. Sure, he answered quietly.He missed the warmth of her body as soon as she padded out of the room.Moments later, he heard dishes clanking in the kitchen.She reappeared, holding twoglasses of wine. I found something to celebrate with.Hope you don t mind. Handinghim a glass, she scooted next to him on the bed, smiling. To our future together, mySeth, my mate.Her mate.He liked the sound of that. And you re mine, my Wild Kat. Clinkinghis glass against hers, he sipped the chilled wine, tasting a sweet bitterness against histongue. I think this wine has gone sour. Tastes fine to me. She gazed at him from above the rim of her glass.He satmesmerized, watching her mouth touch the cool glass, her tongue swiping out slightly,tasting the liquid as it entered her mouth.The simple act was highly erotic.Andstimulating.He drank more wine, this time ignoring the faint bitterness.When Katina finished her wine, she set the empty glass on the night table thencurled her body against his.He finished his wine and, after setting his glass aside, heldher close, absorbing the comfortable easiness of her presence.Lying in silence, time passed and he began feeling tired.The past few days musthave finally caught up with him.Looking at Kat, her eyes closed, he knew she feltrelaxed in the comfort of his arms.Closing his own eyes, he sighed and let his tensionebb.72 Lady Sheba* * * * *Slipping a few sleeping pills into his wine had been downright sneaky, and shehated doing it, but she needed to search the apartment for the vessel Set had hidden.Quickly conjuring some clothes, Kat wondered how effective those three pills would be.She had hoped she would find something to sedate him in his medicine cabinet.Afterall, didn t most people have something to help them fall sleep on occasion? Luckily forher, Seth was no different.But how long would he be out? Hopefully she d haveenough time to rummage through his apartment.Two hours later she was no closer to finding the mysterious object that had held Setprisoner. Damn it, she muttered, looking at Seth s sleeping form on the bed, now coveredwith a blanket she had found.Just seeing him naked on the bed had proved enough to divert her attention, soshe d covered him.Not that she thought his was a body that should be covered.Hewould be naked all the time if it were up to her.Well naked and in bed with her.His face was relaxed and serene.He looked younger than his thirty-eight years ashe slept.Glancing at the small clock on the night table, she saw it was almost eleven at night [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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