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.So sleep with me in any form you chose and know that Iwill not be repulsed and I will control myself. He held his hand out to her. Understand me when I say,dominating you when you do not wish to be dominated is not my style.Jenna slowly extended her hand to him and let him lead her to his room.She would stay in human formfor she had more control that way.True to his word,Gio made no demands on her other than her sharing his bed.Even though sheprotested, Jenna was gladGio was near.She knew she would never be able to sleep among these lupinestonight if not for her trust inGio to protect her.Of course, his nearness presented another problem, thatbeing tightened nipples and a throbbing heat between her thighs.A trait of the feline is superior night vision and she used this ability to watch him as he lay next to her onhis back.With his head turned to the side, she wasn t certain if he was asleep.The covers rode low onhis hips and his thickly muscled chest moved evenly as he breathed.The thought of rolling over, restingher head upon his chest and feeling his warmth surrounding her was tempting.The soothing rhythm of hisheart and breath was enticing.Turning on her side, she inched closer.Stopping, waiting,anticipating.When she received no reaction from him, she inched closer still.He lay undisturbed.She thought he mustbe asleep.She held her breath as she slowly raised a trembling hand, reaching toward him.Hermouthdried and her eyes dilated with anticipation fear.She hesitated for a moment but the naked expansewas too tempting to resist.Her hand shot forward but before her fingertips could brush his chest, hishead turned and dark eyes captured hers.With a gasp, she jerked her hand back. Was there something you needed? he asked in a husky passion-laden voice. I couldn t sleep.A smile curled his lips. And you wish for me to help relax you for sleep? I, uh&  Jenna stuttered anxiously. Do not be ashamed of your needs. He rolled to his side and hauled her up to him, allowing her to feelthe evidence of his arousal pressed against her stomach. I have needs as well. I don t know& I don t understand. You are in heat.I have aroused your hungers.Now they must be fed. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html I ve been in heat before, it was not like this. But now you have been mated, we have forged a bond.Your body has had deep penetration andcraves it even more.It is about procreation, the continuation of our species. We are not the same species.Have you thought about the fact that a child of our making might be felinenot lupine? It matters not to me.My sister is half feline. A child of ours will not ascend to rule your pack. Who knows what the future holds.Now is not the time to worry over such matters.With these simple words, he took possession of her lips.His tongue sought hers and she luxuriated in thefeel of its caress.A large hand engulfed her breast, massaging the fullness.His thumb tweaked thealready extended nipple through her shirt.Reaching down he hooked her top leg over his thigh, leavingher vulnerable to his seeking fingers. Now is the time to please my mate.Placing both hands on his chest, she shoved and jerked her mouth from his. No.Giopulled back.Jenna was pleased that he appeared to accept a refusal if she wished.Shoving him onto his back, she leaned over him. No, this time I don t want to be dominated.I need toexplore your body.I want to taste and feel all of your textures and essences.With a growl between pleasure and pain,Gio stretched out on his back. Be my guest.Explore at will.Jenna s cat eyes gleamed and she licked her lips.She had a taste of him earlier and it only whetted herappetite for more.This male had been the center of her fantasies for most of her life.She was unsurewhere to start so she let her keen curiosity guide her.Placing both of his arms over his head, she enjoyed the view of bulging biceps.It reminded her of howhe had tied her but she felt no need to restrain him, she wasn t a dominatrix.Sitting up next to him on the bed, her knees brushed his side and her hands dove into the thick pelt onhis chest.Curious fingers found the erect male nipples that topped his massivepecs and playfully circledthem.His quick gasp of breath brought a smile to her lips.She was going to enjoy her chance todominate him.She leaned forward, finding one male nipple with her lips.His chest hair tickled her nosebut his taste was salty, delicious and addictive. Do you like this too? She nipped the taut flesh.A guttural groan with his only response [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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