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.The way to recover such a blunder is to get the pc rehabbed or to a rest point andthen finish up the Solo Grades to OT III attest and then complete the rundown.SET UPIt is therefore VERY important that a pc be fully set up including Dianetics beforehe is let onto R6 Solo materials study.AUDITING SKILLNone of this states that you cannot improve a pc s auditing skill between R6 andOT III (excepting only TRs).BIG wins are to be had by doing so.THE MAJOR CAUSE OF FAILURE ON SOLO GRADES IS THE INABILITYTO AUDIT.You can take a Pre OT who didn t really make Clear or OT I and move him backto R6 study and retread him as an auditor and then let him move back up the line andhe ll win.The sources of failure on Solo are1.No Drug RD.2.Dianetics Incomplete.3.Case not set up.4.Inability to audit.SUMMARYRealize that from R6 to OT III you have a closed band for other major actions.So don t let people onto R6 Auditing who have points 1-4 out.If it has happened, patch it up as you can and let the pre OT get on with it.Then after the first OT III attest, do whatever you like or that needs to be donebefore sending him on to OT IV.L.RON HUBBARDFounderLRH:nt.rdCopyright © 1971by L.Ron HubbardALL RIGHTS RESERVED212 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICESaint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO BULLETIN OF 16 FEBRUARY 1972RemimeoAll TechTerminals C/S Series 74All AuditorsFranchiseTALKING THE TA DOWN MODIFIEDThe expertise of talking the TA down should be preserved.It is a skill.But we have had high and low TAs solved for nearly a year and don t have to talkthem down anymore as a constant action.Auditors SHOULD know how to do it, and then use it as a rare action.The right way to handle a high TA is to:Do HCO B 24 Oct 71, HCO B 12 Nov 71, HCO B 15 Feb 72, each named FALSETA if it has not been done by the auditor on the pc.THEN if TA is high don t talk it down or do unusual solutions, do a C/S Series 53or a Hi-Lo TA Assessment and handle.The Int-Ext Correction List is done as indicatedand so is the Word Clearing Correction List.As far as a C/S is concerned, when the pc s TA is seen to be high at session start, heshould order as follows:  Check as per False TA HCO Bs then when that is done heorders  C/S Series 53 Assess and return to me.Or  Hi-Lo TA Assessment and return tome.He then rapidly C/Ses the required actions.He should have a standing order with all his auditors:IF TA IS HIGH OR LOWAT SESSION START DONOT CONTINUE THESESSION BUT SEND FORA C/S.An auditor should not in fact talk a TA down, we know now, as he may be auditingover an Out Interiorization Rundown, either not done or botched.It therefore saves time if other auditing is not done when the TA is high.In general practice it will now be considered standard for an auditor, Dianetic orupper class, to not start a session over a high TA but to call for a C/S.And where there is no C/S it will be considered standard for an auditor, seeing ahigh TA, to at once do a C/S 53 Method 5 (assessing it all), and then handling.THERE ARE EXACTREASONS FOR A TABEING HIGH ANDTHESE TODAY AREEASILY HANDLED.There is no need to talk a TA down.It is faster to directly locate the reason it is up.Smoothly handling such situations is the mark of an expert.LRH:ne.bh L.RON HUBBARDCopyright © 1972 Founderby L.Ron HubbardALL RIGHTS RESERVED213 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICESaint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO BULLETIN OF 10 APRIL 1972A/Courses(Cancels HCO B 31 July 71 Issue IICorrected  Solo C/Sing )URGENTC/S Series 75Solo C/S Series 13PREOTS DON T C/SHCO B 31 July 71 Issue II Corrected required PreOTs to C/S their folders for thenext session.I did not write this HCO B.Research has proven that a Solo PreOT who is required by any C/S to write a C/Sfor his next session can be put into that next session action.This C/Sing for himself his own next session violates the  continued sessionrule wherein an auditor does not  finish a session by telling the pc  the process willbe continued in the next session.This puts the pc into continued sessions and in Solo can put the PreOT from Soloauditing to self auditing.There is a vast difference between the two.Solo auditingoccurs in session with a meter.Self auditing is out of session wondering and chewingon bank.A Solo PreOT must NOT self audit.He ends the session he has done when he ends session on his worksheet.He then goes to Examiner and gets his exam.The Examiner sends the completedExam form to Solo Admin who puts it in the folder.The Solo C/S, then, from his study of the folder, does the next C/S for the PreOTin proper C/S form.This is a diagonal 2 green stripes on the left-hand corner of thesheet, the PreOT s name and date in black.The C/S itself is in black pen.The PreOT takes this C/S and does it in his next session.In rare instances when the PreOT is going really well, the C/S permits him to doseveral sessions.The C/S can tell from Exam forms that all is well.This MUST carry anotice  Come in at once to the D of P if you cease to audit or run into trouble.Do thisC/S in the next several sessions.Come in for a new C/S the moment you feel this C/Sis complete and are ready for a new C/S.When no Exam forms come in the Solo D of P chases the pc up.If a Solo Exam form is bad the Examiner must mark it  Urgent Attn Solo C/S.IN RED.Solo Admin must alert the D of P who chases up the pc.Tab is kept on ALL Solo pcs on lines by the D of P and if one falls off lines the214 fact must be visible to the Solo D of P who keeps a board on sessions with all PreOTsnames on it !The above is the correct C/Sing line.The worst features of a PreOT doing his own C/Sing are:1.He is not a trained C/S.2.Sudden ideas pop up he wants to handle instead of going on and he gets into anoffline action when he should keep going.3.A PreOT can  rabbit (run away from the bank) by proposing a C/S that does notmake him confront it.4.And Last but far from least, a  C/S by a PreOT is an invitation to the Solo CaseSupervisor to Q and A with it.(Q and A means to just repeat whatever anothersays as a lazy way out.)____________Pc + Auditor is greater than bank.In Solo AuditingC/S + PreOT is greater than bank.____________PreOTs do NOT C/S their own folders!____________THE PREOT DOES KEEP UP HIS SESSION SUMMARY EACH SESSION.L.RON HUBBARDFounderLRH:mes.rdCopyright © 1972by L.Ron HubbardALL RIGHTS RESERVED215 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICESaint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO BULLETIN OF 17 APRIL 1972RemimeoC/S Series 76C/SING A PTS RUNDOWNReferences: HCO B 9 Dec 71 PTS RundownHCO B 20 Jan 72 PTS Rundown AdditionHCO B 13 Feb 72 PTS RD AdditionalIssue II LRH DataHCO PL 5 Apr 72 PTS Type A HandlingHCO B 16 Apr 72 PTS Correction ListHCO B 17 Apr 72 C/S Series 76C/Sing a PTS RD (this HCO B)Any subsequent issues.The whole point of a PTS Rundown is to make a person not PTS any longer.The point is not to just run some processes.It is to have a person all right now.To really understand this rundown, one would have to know what PTS is in the firstplace and why one was doing the rundown.This would apply to the auditor as well as the C/S.PTS means POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE.It means someone connected to aperson or group opposed to Scientology.It is a TECHNICAL thing.It results in illness and rollercoaster and IS the CAUSE of Illness and rollercoaster.When you do a PTS RD on a pc CORRECTLY he or she should no longer be ill orrollercoaster [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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