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.It is important to establish who isThe final part of the project consisted of in charge of the various processes, to establishimplementation and project completion.The measures and assessment procedures for theseimplementation phase was primarily a processes, and to foresee the most likely risks intechnological task, so we have not analyzed it for each of them.this chapter.Instead, want to say a few wordsabout the completion phase of the project.But, unfortunately this is not always possible.This may be the case, for example, in veryDeciding when an eLearning project is complete complex tasks in which different competenciesis not as simple as it might appear.This problem are involved.A typical case is the web contentsis common in all projects dedicated to setting up development process where technicians anda service, rather than a product.In many cases, instructional designers approach problems inand in learning services in particular, having the very different ways and the interaction betweenright technological functionality is not sufficient their different perspectives can give rise toto declare the project closed.During the delivery serious difficulties.of a service, or eLearning program, newproblems can unexpectedly arise and We decided to adopt a collaborative approach tounpredicted behaviours can compromise the avoid these problems.We selected a small groupefficacy and efficiency of the entire program.of teachers who had expertise in WebGenerally these occurrences do not stop the technologies, and invited them to collaborateprogram; it continues to work but its quality may with expert technologists for designing somedeteriorate.The consequences of this situation pilot courses on specific topics needed for theare particularly serious in a university program curriculum.The work of these  pioneers wasbecause it lasts for three years and poor results then used by other teachers as a reference pointin any particular program can affect the results for preparing their material, and the more expertin related programs, and, therefore, the final colleagues were asked to give advice and help.outcome.This approach had two other advantages: itA university degree is essential for entering permitted some courses to be prepared verymany professions and performing specialized quickly and it resulted in a degree of consistencyjobs: a university program of poor quality can among the different course designs so thatintroduce inadequately prepared graduates into instructional design was not restricted to eachsociety, be they doctors, teachers, or engineers.course author.We therefore decided to extend the projectbeyond the testing phase of the infrastructure Interactions with the administration ofand consider also the first three years in which traditional academic organizations is anotherthe degree program was effective.Further potential source of friction.Generally, theactions were taken in this period to improve the bureaucratic academic structure is not preparedquality of the various processes, procedures and to support an eLearning program in an efficientservices.We had to develop new tools to support manner.eLearning often requires changes in thethe evaluation of the program.We prepared existing ways of operating and evaluatingquestionnaires and submitted them to the instructional processes and organizations arestudents, teachers and other stakeholders for often not ready to accept such changes.validation.The complete re-organization of universitystructures is a very complex task that requiresmuch time and expense.Because of this, weplanned and set up a parallel administrative124 structure to manage these services classroom based programs but also on theindependently of the academic structure.quality of their eLearning offerings.Finally, there is the issue of costs.The Referencestechnological costs needed to set up the learningplatform are not particularly high.Many open Aslanian, Carol B.2001.Adult Students Today.source platforms are now available and the basic New York: The College Board.technological infrastructures and competenciesare already present in the academic Chalmers L., D.Dibiase, K.Donert, S.Hardwickorganization.Content management and teacher and M.Solem.2004.Internationalizing Onlinetraining may involve some expense but, in our Programs and Degree Programs in Geography.case, we encountered great enthusiasm from the Available from World Wide Web:faculty in participating in the online degree.(http://www.gees.ac.uk/pigupapc.rtf).Further costs that need to be taken into account European Ministry of Education.1999.Theinclude setting up a scaffolding structure Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999 [online].composed of technological staff and instructors, Available from World Wide Web:and for maintaining the technological (http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/Docs/00-infrastructure.These costs vary according to the Main_doc/990719BOLOGNA_DECLARATION.number of students enrolled on the program.PDF).To declare the project finished it was necessary Howell, S.L., P.B.Williams and N.K.Lindsay.to check off the following: 2003.Thirty-two Trends Affecting DistanceEducation: An Informed Foundation for" all the principal processes have beenStrategic Planning.Online Journal of Distancedescribed and the functionality has beenLearning Administration 6: 3.Available fromtested during the delivery phase;World Wide Web:" all the programs have been prepared,(http://www.westga.edu/~distance/ojdla/fall63loaded on the learning platform and/howell63.html)distributed online;" timetables are being respected and theLevy, Suzanne.2003.Six factors to considerstudents are following the programswhen planning online distance learningregularly, taking exams withprogram in higher education.Online Journal ofsatisfactory results;Distance Learning Administration, 6:1.Available" a system for controlling the qualityfrom World Wide Web:requirements has been set up and is(http://www.westga.edu/%7Edistance/ojdla/sprworking;ing61/levy61.htm)." the budget has been followed;" the evaluation procedures for theLockitt, Bill.1999.Practical Projectvarious processes are working regularly,Management for Educational and Training.data is collected, examined and assessedLondon, UK: Further Education Developmentperiodically;Agency Publications.Available from World Wide" the levels of student satisfaction, successWeb:and drop-out rates are measured;(http://www.eric.ed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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