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.See Folk The Song of the Smoke (Du Bois), 41, culture81 Travel studies, 177 78 Index 335Trilling, Lionel, 197 98 Washington, Booker T.Tropic Death (Walrond), 137 Age of Washington, 5 6tour d horizon (Johnson), 147 conciliation policy, 113 15, 168 69Tucker, Louella, 133 popular appeal of, 116Turner, Darwin, 108 Up from Slavery, 101Two Public School Teachers (Reiss), 192 Waters, Ethel, 27The Ways of White Folks (Hughes), 56,140Uncle Tom s Cabin (Stowe), 246 The Weary Blues (Hughes), 27, 35, 36,Up from Slavery (Washington), 101, 114 37, 48, 73, 131, 171Urban League, 8, 54, 68, 125, 132 33,  Wedding Day (Bennett), 139134, 179 West Africa and primitivism, 281 84To Usward (Bennett), 126, 174 75 West, Rebecca, 70Wheatley, Phillis, 195When Harlem Was in Vogue (Lewis), 62,Van Doren, Carl, 126 27, 176 93 94Van Vechten, Carl.See also In the Garrett When the Melon is Ripe (Grant, D.T.), 99(Van Vechten); Nigger Heaven (Van Where I m Bound (Smith, S.), 100Vechten) White Americacontroversial figure, 62 63, 65, 145, abolition and, 113251 black artists and, 9, 10, 11influence of, 16, 18 19, 21, 25, 27, black-white symbiosis, 2362 63, 135 curiosity of, 179James Weldon Johnson and, 62, 63 misconceptions of blacks, 233parties of, 17 18, 71, 73, 107, 138 Washington and, 6Vanity Fair, 27, 55, 124 White Men s Children (Johnson, G), 82Versailles Peace Conference, 181  White Things (Spencer), 228Villa Lewaro, 144 White, Walter, 25, 27, 29, 54, 63, 70,Villard, Oswold Garrison, 126 126, 131, 140Von Stuck, Franz, 189 Whitman, Walt, 39 Voodoo s Revenge (Walrond), 135 The Wife of His Youth (Chesnutt), 83Wilde, Oscar, 156William and Ellen Craft (Johnson, G.),Wagner, Jean, 237 82Walker, A Lelia, 53, 70 71, 75, 138, 144 Williams, Lucy Ariel, 71Walker Manufacturing Company, 75 Wilson, Frank, 152Wall, Cheryl Wilson, Woodrow, 181on Bessie Smith, 88 A Woman Lawyer (Reiss), 190biographical sketch, 303 Women writers.See also Dunbar- Passing for What? Aspects of Nelson, Alice; Grimké, AngelinaIdentity in Nella Larsen s Novels, Weld; Johnson, Georgia Douglas207 21 anger revealed in works, 233 34The Walls of Jericho (Fisher), 56, 141 assets to Renaissance, 67 68, 70 71,Walrond, Eric, 5, 27, 70, 133, 135, 137 94 95, 237 38 336 Indexcompared with blueswomen, 88 socialization of, 75themes of, 226 32, 233criticisms of, 234 36, 236 37youthfulness at premium, 76 77European traditions and, 236 37Wood, Clement, 128, 135gender bias and, 71, 74 75, 87, 93,Woodburn, Harry, 25223 24, 236Woodruff, Hale, 25genres other than poetry, 89 90WPA Writers Project, 102, 147, 198poetry and, 77 79, 223, 237Wright, Jay, 4quest for identity, 237Wright, Richard, 99, 101, 147, 177, 200race consciousness of, 224 25restrained treatment of sex, 86, 88 89self-publishing and, 91 92Young, Kathleen Tannkersley, 235 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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