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.We walked through the Gate.Mainstreet was wide, paved with thin slabs of rough-cut stone.Right now theywere wet (it must have rained while we were getting ready), with puddlets inthe chisel gouges shining yellow and red as they re-fleeted the light from the luso torches that lined the sides of Mainstreet.The torches looked real enough until you noticed they never seemed to burndown; the smell of hot tar and burning oil, the crackle and snap of the fire,the heat, they were all there; a little too much there tonight, I expect thenerp who ran the illusion was high on something and got carried away with theeffects.The Houses were set back a short distance from the street, leaving room forsidewalk cafes with tables under markVdomes where anyone interested couldwatch the action on the street without any danger of that action spilling overon them.There was a middling crowd out, walking from House to House for thethrill of flirting with thieves and budding duelists (and because there was noother way to change Houses, you walked or you stayed where you were).The airwas cool and damp, though it wasn't raining now.The strollers seemed moresubdued than I remembered, but maybe this was just a more inhibited bunch.Thebody paint on a lacertine group we passed was a mix of earth colors, dull redsand grayed-down yellows; last time I was here the lacertines had gone forbrilliant primaries, a slim green back could be like a shout of laughter.Nowthose backs were more like smiles, subtle smiles that might speak eitherpleasure or mockery.Times change and who can read the branches if he hasn'twatched them grow?Adelaar walked half a pace ahead of me, no more joking for her.Made me alittle sad, she'd let an imp show briefly, then shooed it home; I liked thatimp, a bit more of her in the woman would improve the mix a lot, but I thinkshe was afraid of that side of her.And I think she was already regretting theimpulse that stuffed her into that costume.We went past Amberland.Adelaar glanced at the holo females of half a dozenspecies moving through a complex and beautiful melange of half a dozen ancientdances, swaying through the air across the front of the House, larger thanlife, gaudy, garish, down-and-dirty seductive, there was a little blonde,well, I dragged my mind back to where I was and what I wasdoing; I could see Adelaar preferred the company in there to mine, poor littleimp deep inside her never let off its leash; we weren't going to be friends,Adelaar and me, maybe pleasant acquaintances if we kept off politics.Therewere several shadows drifting after us, but they kept back, ready to vanishdown the nearest alley if either of us took a notion to chase them, which mademe think they were just making sure where we went.It wasn't the crowd in thestreet that stopped my attack, no one in his right mind interfered in a fight,not in Darklands.If you or your party weren't involved, you got out of there.Fast.No lingering to gawk at the pretty fight.We passed several other Houses, each with its identifying holo.CrezmirTarkitzdom, bull-leapers and vodi slayers and antique idols.Surrealismo, hmm,indescribable and constantly changing (I've never seen that holo repeat itselfand it's always weird; when I have a moment with nothing else to occupy me, Iwonder about the minds that come up with some of the things I've seen there).Wildwood.Tranqworld.The Rabhid Babbit.Its holo was the same as before, acollection of assorted Uglys and Hairys barbequing a Banker over a lusty pileof coals, a prim-faced character with an immaculate tunic and stovepipetrousers, chained to a spit which the Ugs and Hairs were turning and turning,wringing sweat of a sort from him, gold coins dropping like rain.Adelaar madePage 74 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmla face at the thing, gave me a dark look and pushed through the Gate onto theBabbitwalk.I waved the Doorman off and followed her into the House; we weren't buyingprotection tonight.Around three hours later, after bar hopping a while and wandering through thedrome and sitting through six or seven acts in the music hall, we left thehall and started for the casino; I was beginning to think those shadows I'dspotted were either my imagination or a mugger gang enticed by the fake gemswe were loadeddown with and the dumb getup we were wearing.Adelaar was looking tired anddepressed and uncomfortable.If no one took our bait, I had a suspicion shewas going to make me regret the time we spent trolling it.Adelaar hit my arm, a tap but it stung."Haven't we wasted enough time?""Just about.I said there was only a chance they'd bite.""I suppose it could've worked." She yawned."Don't mind me, I get cranky whenI'm bored." The imp peeped out again and she smiled up at me."Aslan's told methat often enough.""Right.You want to call a jit to the Gate, or try a few games first?""Games.After tonight we get serious again." She raked the headband off."Here, you carry this; I don't want to feel as moronic as I look." She startedstripping off the chains and bracelets and excess rings, I stuffed them downmy shirt as she handed them to me; that's our motto, the client's wishes comefirst, it was damn uncomfortable though, they were sticky with her sweat andsome of those gems had sharp corners.We weren't paying attention to what was happening around us, we'd both givenup the stalk.Maybe it was the watched pot thing, but about ten seconds intothat strip act Adelaar was doing with the fake jewelry, someone slammed intome, spraying grushajuice everywhere; it was a mess, I was dripping, my shirtwas sogged against me stinking sweet and slimy, Adelaar was cursing and usingher sleeve to wipe her face as she ignored the attempts of a female duelist toset the challenge going.I got my back against a wall fast, just in case, butthe man who'd collided with me was intent on doing this the proper way; heslapped a glove in the direction of my face, called me a mannerless clod andinvited me to redress my honor on the dueling ground.Babbit's android guardswere there, they'd come out of the walls as soon as the mess started, stunnersready to make sure Babbit's version of the rules held fast ('droid guardsdon't come under the weapon ban when they're hired from the city council byrespectable homefirms to protect the premises), a comforting sight they were, too.I managed abow of sorts, proclaimed my innocence of all malice and inquired if an apologywould be acceptable.Naturally it wasn't, so there we were, bait taken; all wehad to do now was win our respective fights and damage our opponents so badlythat other duelists would be disinclined to take up the gage, no matter whatthe prize [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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