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.Roger nodded back, then returned his attention to Tebic."On the Moonbase net," he said."Add: Get Brailowsky.""Got it.""You sure about that?" Catrone asked."Security is going to be monitoring.""Let them," said the prince who'd fought his way halfway around a planet."Wedon't leave our people.Ever.""We need one more thing," Roger said.It was a clear Saturday in October, thefirst day of theImperial Festival.A day when the weather computers knew damned well to makesure the weather inImperial City was perfect.Clear, crisp, and beautiful, the sun just below the horizon in ImperialCity.ThePage 172 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlDay.Roger was staring unseeingly at the schematic of the Palace, fingeringthe skintight black suit that was worn under armor."Yeah, backup," Catrone said, looking at the plan one more time.It was goingto be tight, especially with the Bad Guys expecting it.And they were alltired.They'd intended to get some sleep before the mission kicked off, butwhat with last-minute details and moving it up."No, I was talking about Nimashet," Roger said, and swallowed."They're goingto kill her the moment your team hits.""Not if they think it's the cops," Catrone pointed out."They're not going towant a dead body on their hands on top of everything else.I'm more worriedabout Adoula killing your mother, Roger.And you should be, too.""We can't count on that," Roger said, ignoring the jab."Remember whatSubianto said aboutSiminov a polished mad-dog, remember? And as much as you say your team is thebest of the best, they're not my best.And my best, Mr.Catrone, is prettydamned good.And I do know one person Ican count on.""We don't need another complication," Catrone said."You'll like this one," Roger said, and grinned ferally.* * *Pedi Karuse liked to dress up.She especially liked the variety available onOld Earth, and she'd decided on a nice gold-blonde dress that matched thecolor of her horns.It had been fitted by a very skilled seamstress she'd hadto be to figure out how to design a dress for a pregnant Mardukan that didn'tlook decidedly odd.Pedi had matched it off with a pair of sandals thatclearly revealed the fact thatMardukans had talons instead of nails on their feet.The talons were paintedpink, to match the ones on her fingers.Her horns had also been expertlypolished only a few hours before, by a very nice Pinopan woman named Mae Su,who normally did manicures.Humans had all sorts of dyes and colors, but she'dstayed with blonde this time.She was considering dying them red, since one ofthe humans said she was a natural redhead personality, whatever that meant.But for now, she was a blonde.There was the problem of Mardukan temperature regulation, of course.Ingeneral, they had none.Mardukans were defined by Doc Dobrescu, who'd become the preeminent (if moreor less unknown)authority on Mardukan physiology, as "damned near as cold-blooded as a toad."Toads, by and large, do not do well on cold mornings in October in ImperialCity.Most of the Mardukans dealt with this by wearing environment suits, butthey were so.utilitarian.Pedi dealt with this sartorial dilemma and the frigid environment in severalways.First, she'd been studying dinshon exercises with Cord since she'd firstmet him.Dinshon was a discipline Cord's people used to control their internaltemperature, a form of homeopathic art.Part of it was herbal, but most of itwas a mental discipline.It could help in the Mardukan Mountains, where thetemperatures often dropped to what humans considered "pleasant" and Mardukansconsidered "freezing." Given that this particular morning was what humansconsidered "freezing," Mardukans didn't even have a fitting descriptive phraseshort of "some sort of icy Hell."Dinshon exercises could help her manage even this bitter cold, but only for afew minutes.So she'd come up with some additional refinements.Around her wrists all four and ankles, she had tight leather bands, with amatching collar around her neck.The accouterments made her look somethinglike a Krath Servant of the Flame, which wasn't remotely a pleasantassociation, but the important part was that the bands covered heat stripsthat were hot enough to be on the edge of burning.More strips covered herPage 173 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlbelly and packed around the developing fetuses on her back.With those and thedinshon exercises, she should be good for a couple of hours.And no icky,unfashionable environment suit [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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