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.He said,  It is not as complete as you and I would have made it.We would have entered an insert on Suzuki s work on the neurological effectsPage 181 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlof low gravity. You mean his paper in Sociological Reviews? Of course. Well, you can t expect impossibilities of Easy.It can t read the literaturefor us. I realize that.As a matter of fact, I have prepared the insert.I will seethe machine and make certain it knows how to uh handle inserts. It will know. I prefer to make certain.Ninheimer had to make an appointment to see Easy, and then could get nothingbetter than fifteen minutes in the late evening.But the fifteen minutes turned out to be ample.Robot EZ-27 understood thematter of inserts at once.Ninheimer found himself uncomfortable at close quarters with the robot for thefirst time.Almost automatically, as though it were human, he found himselfasking,  Are you happy with your work? Most happy, Professor Ninheimer, said Easy solemnly, the photocells thatwere its eyes gleaming their normal deep red. You know me? From the fact that you present me with additional material to include in thegalleys, it follows that you are the author.The author s name, of course, isat the head of each sheet of galley proof. I see.You make uh deductions, then.Tell me  he couldn t resist thequestion  what do you think of the book so far?Easy said,  I find it very pleasant to work with. Pleasant? That is an odd word for a uh a mechanism without emotion.I ve beentold you have no emotion. The words of your book go in accordance with my circuits, Easy explained. They set up little or no counterpotentials.It is in my brain paths totranslate this mechanical fact into a word such as  pleasant. The emotionalcontext is fortuitous. I see.Why do you find the book pleasant? It deals with human beings, Professor, and not with inorganic materials ormathematical symbols.Your book attempts to understand human beings and tohelp increase human happiness. And this is what you try to do and so my book goes in accordance with yourcircuits? Is that it? That is it, Professor.The fifteen minutes were up.Ninheimer left and went to the universitylibrary, which was on the point of closing.He kept them open long enough tofind an elementary text on robotics.He took it home with him.Except for occasional insertion of late material, the galleys went to Easy andfrom him to the publishers with little intervention from Ninheimer at firstand none at all later.Baker said, a little uneasily,  It almost gives me a feeling of uselessness. It should give you a feeling of having time to begin a new project, saidNinheimer, without looking up from the notations he was making in the currentissue of Social Science Abstracts. I m just not used to it.I keep worrying about the galleys.It s silly, Iknow. It is. The other day I got a couple of sheets before Easy sent them off to  What! Ninheimer looked up, scowling.The copy of Abstracts slid shut. Didyou disturb the machine at its work? Only for a minute.Everything was all right.Oh, it changed one word.Youreferred to something as  criminal ; it changed the word to  reckless. Itthought the second adjective fit in better with the context.Ninheimer grew thoughtful. What did you think?Page 182 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html You know, I agreed with it.I let it stand.Ninheimer turned in his swivel-chair to face his young associate. See here, Iwish you wouldn t do this again.If I am to use the machine, I wish the uhfull advantage of it.If I am to use it and lose your uh services anywaybecause you supervise it when the whole point is that it requires nosupervision, I gain nothing.Do you see? Yes, Dr.Ninheimer, said Baker, subdued.The advance copies of SocialTensions arrived in Dr.Ninheimer s office on the eighth of May.He lookedthrough it briefly, flipping pages and pausing to read a paragraph here andthere.Then he put his copies away.As he explained later, he forgot about it.For eight years, he had worked atit, but now, and for months in the past, other interests had engaged him whileEasy had taken the load of the book off his shoulders.He did not even thinkto donate the usual complimentary copy to the university library.Even Baker,who had thrown himself into work and had steered clear of the department headsince receiving his rebuke at their last meeting, received no copy.On the sixteenth of June that stage ended.Ninheimer received a phone call andstared at the image in the  plate with surprise. Speidell! Are you in town? No, sir.I m in Cleveland. Speidell s voice trembled with emotion. Then why the call? Because I ve just been looking through your new book! Ninheimer, are you mad?Have you gone insane?Ninheimer stiffened. Is something uh wrong? he asked in alarm. Wrong? I refer you to page 562.What in blazes do you mean by interpreting mywork as you do? Where in the paper cited do I make the claim that the criminalpersonality is nonexistent and that it is the law-enforcement agencies thatare the true criminals? Here, let me quote  Wait! Wait! cried Ninheimer, trying to find the page. Let me see.Let mesee.Good God! Well? Speidell, I don t see how this could have happened.I never wrote this. But that s what s printed! And that distortion isn t the worst.You look atpage 690 and imagine what Ipatiev is going to do to you when he sees the hashyou ve made of his findings! Look, Ninheimer, the book is riddled with thissort of thing.I don t know what you were thinking of but there s nothing todo but get the book off the market.And you d better be prepared for extensiveapologies at the next Association meeting! Speidell, listen to me  But Speidell had flashed off with a force that hadthe  plate glowing with after-images for fifteen seconds.It was then that Ninheimer went through the book and began marking offpassages with red ink.He kept his temper remarkably well when he faced Easy again, but his lips werepale.He passed the book to Easy and said,  Will you read the marked passageson pages 562, 631, 664 and 690?Easy did so in four glances. Yes, Professor Ninheimer. This is not as I had it in the original galleys. No, sir.It is not. Did you change it to read as it now does? Yes, sir. Why? Sir, the passages as they read in your version were most uncomplimentary tocertain groups of human beings.I felt it advisable to change the wording toavoid doing them harm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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