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.So intuitive, this man as tall andbroad-shouldered as the domes!"I will never hurt you, " Klia said."I need you.Together, I think we mightbe unstoppable.We might even be able to team up and persuade the robots.""I've thought about that, " Brann said."And our children."Again he sucked in his breath, and she hit him on the shoulder."Don't be asentimental idiot, " she said lightly."If we fall in love ""I am, " he said."If we fall in love, it's going to be for life, isn't it?""I hope so.But nothing is ever certain in my life.""Or in mine.All the more reason.So our children ""Children, " Brann said, trying out the word."Let me finish, damn it!" Klia said, again without any sting of true anger.Page 157 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Our children may be stronger than both of us put together.""How would we raise them?" Brann asked."First, we have to practice at making them, " Klia said."I think we can takeoff our clothes and try that, a little.""Yes, " Brann said.She climbed down from him and stood beside the cot,doffing her shift and underslacks."Are you fertile?" he asked as he removed his own clothes."Not yet, " she said."But I can be if I want to be.Didn't your mommy tellyou about women?""No, " he said."But I learned anyway."He slid back onto the cot.The cot creaked, and something cracked alarmingly.Klia hesitated."What?" Brann said."It'll break for sure." Then, resolutely, "Get on the floor.It's not toodusty."53sinter worked quickly.Already he had appropriated the old Hall of Merit inthe south annex of the palace, a place of hal-owed traditions and dustytrophies, and cleared it for the siteof his new headquarters.From all cornersof Trantor, he hadhired a hundred Grey Monks hoping for just such a chancetoactually serve in the palace, and had given them tiny cubi-cles, where theywere already hard at work drafting the rulesand mandate of the Commission ofGeneral Security.Now, for his first guest, he had Linge Chen himself, and the thin, tough oldbird younger than he looked, but per-haps even more sour had arrived with twoservants and no guards.Chen had waited patiently in the antechambers,suffering the dust and racket of the remodeling.Sinter finally condescended to meet with him.In the main office of the newheadquarters, surrounded by crates of furniture and machinery, Chen presentedthe newly appointed Chief Commissioner a box of rare Hama crystals, thosedelicacies which never dissolved and never lost their flowery scent or taste,or their mildly relaxing effect."Congratulations, " Chen said, and bowed formally.Sinter sniffed and accepted the box with a small, crooked smile."You aremost gracious, sire, " he said, and returned the bow."Come now, Sinter, we are equals, and need not resort to titles, " Chen said.Sinter's eyes widened at Chen's respectful tone."I look forward to manyuseful conversations here.""As do I." Sinter drew himself up to the effort of matching Chen's dry,effortless grace.He did not have the old aristocratic training, but he couldat least try, even in this moment of triumph."It is my privilege to have youhere.There is much you can teach me."Page 158 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Perhaps, " Chen said, looking around with piercing dark eyes."Has theEmperor visited yet?"Sinter raised his hand as if making some point."Not yet though he will behere shortly.We have a matter of mutua interest to discuss, and somestartling new evidence to present.'"I am intrigued to hear that something startling stil exists in our Empire."Sinter was at a loss for a moment how to react to thisjaded cliche.He, atleast, had always regarded life with a kindof bitter enthusiasm, and had neverceased to be surprised except perhaps when things went wrong."This.willstar tie, " he said.Emperor Klayus entered without ceremony, accompaniedby three guards and ahovering personal shield projector, thestrongest available.He greeted Sinterbriefly, then turned toChen."Commissioner, today I cease being your creation, " hesaid.His shoulderstwitched nervously even as his jaw jutteddefiance and his eyes glittered [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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