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. Tell me,human, is she really that good? That you risk dying for the chance to have her underneath you again?Did Jeban see his own death reflected in the Paladin s angry gaze? Reggie hoped so.She might notsurvive the night, but at least the two men who had dragged her into this hellish world would pay fortheir crimes.Then she realized that Jeban was now pointing his sword toward D.J.rather than at her.This mightbe her one chance to break his hold on her.She slowly blinked three times right at D.J.and thenslowly tilted her head to the side, trying to convey her intent.The corner of his mouth twitched up in asmall smile. So, tell me, Other, do you prefer death by bullet or blade? This sword was loaned to me by aKalith friend, if you re curious.Didn t want you to think I stole it off your dead friend.As soon as Jeban started to respond, Reggie lunged to the side, dropping to roll out of his reach andleave him an open target for D.J.The Kalith charged after her, his sword raised and ready to slashdown in a lethal arc.She had instinctively held up her arm to block the blow when a series of shotsrang out.Jeban s murderous fury evolved into a look of stunned surprise as his life ended in a burst ofblood and brains.Pure panic took over as Reggie stared at the aftermath.Jeban lay sprawled on the ground, crumpledand broken.His unseeing eyes stared at her in dead bewilderment as someone screamed loud andlong.Even when she realized that she was making all the noise, she couldn t seem to stop.It went onand on, ripping her throat raw.Damn, D.J.hadn t meant for Reggie to catch the brunt of the Other s death.But if he d delayed evena second longer to see if she could get out of range, the Other could ve gutted her with his sword.Why the fucker had gone after her instead of D.J.was a mystery, unless he thought to hurt D.J.in theworst way possible by taking her life. If Reggie had to end up covered in gore, at least it was the Other s.D.J.paused to cover the bodywith the guy s own cloak before kneeling down to wrap Reggie in his arms.She buried her faceagainst his chest, still keening her pain and fear. Shhh, honey, it s over for now.I ve got you.You re safe.Slowly, her sobs slowed down and then stopped.But when she tried to wipe away the tears on hercheeks, her hands came away covered in blood.She held out her bloody palms, her hysteria ramping up again. Get it off! Please get it off!He d love to accommodate her, but he had to prioritize what came next.He caught her hands in hisas he looked around the Kalith s camp. I will take care of this, but it will have to wait until I make sure there aren t any more of thesebastards in the immediate vicinity.By the looks of things, this place was set up for more than just thetwo of them and you.Reggie looked back toward the shrouded figure on the ground with a shudder. Jeban said the rest would be here late tomorrow. Her words came out in hiccups as she fought tocontrol the sobs. Good.That s real good, Reggie.Okay, I ll go back and get some water.The creek I passed issome distance away, but I promise I ll haul ass.Will you be all right alone while I m gone? No, wait. She held out a shaky hand to point in the opposite direction. Past the tents.There swater that way.Better yet. Good, we ll go wash all of that off you.He picked her up and carried her over to the side of a quiet pool of water that fed into a narrowstream.After setting her back down, he rooted through his pack for something Reggie could use toclean up with.A spare shirt would have to do.He tore off a strip to use as a washcloth while keepingthe rest for a makeshift towel.Then he tested the temperature of the water with his hand. The water is clear but a little cold. He considered their options, none of them good.Best to justget on with it. Reggie, your clothes are covered in blood, so I need you to strip them off.Afterward, you cancover up with my cloak and sit by the fire while I wash out your clothes and hang them up to dry.She nodded, but her hands were shaking too hard to manage by herself.D.J.reluctantly took over,starting with her shoes and then working his way up to her tunic and trousers.Yeah, he d beenwanting to get Reggie naked, but not like this.For both their sakes, he left her bra and panties in place for her to deal with.He did his honorablebest not to notice how her nipples pebbled up in the evening chill or the way her narrow waist gaveway to the gentle flare of her hips.God, he was a bastard for even thinking about such things.He held out the pieces of his shirt. You re good to go.Use these to wash up.Then he noticed a dark streak caught up in the curls of her hair.When he touched it, his hand cameaway bloody. Uh, looks like you need to wash your hair, too.Her eyes widened in horror as the implication of what he was saying sank in. How am I going todo that from the edge of the water?She was right. Maybe a quick rinse won t get the job done.Maybe you should just go for brokeand take a quick bath.Reggie studied the dark sheen of the water suspiciously, but finally she nodded. All right, if youthink it s safe.  It should be, he assured her, mentally crossing his fingers. Give me a second so I can see whatkind of supplies I have that you can use.He dumped the pack out on the ground and studied the contents: shampoo, a toothbrush, a bar ofsoap, and even a spare tunic.Damn, Devlin and Barak had thought of everything.He arranged the items on a flat rock next to the edge of the water. Here you go, Reggie.I ll turn myback, but I ll stay close by in case you need me.He did as promised, but listened to make sure she was doing all right.The rustle of fabric slidingdown skin, the almost silent plop of something dropping down on the ground, and then the splash ofwater, followed by a bloodcurdling squeal.What the hell? He spun back around, gun in hand and ready to defend her against all comers.Exceptno one was there except a totally nude Reggie, standing thigh deep in the water and glaring back athim. I thought you said the water was just a little cold!He tried not to laugh, he really did.But she was so cute, standing there naked and absolutelyfurious.She had no idea how clearly he could see in the dark, so she wasn t trying to cover up.Atleast the little lost girl was gone, momentarily replaced by her usual feisty nature. Yeah, I may have exaggerated a bit on that point, he said, trying to sound apologetic and failingmiserably. You think, you big jerk?She gave him a disgusted look and then gingerly waded out farther into the water. Remind me toget even with you for this. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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