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.In particular, I have come here to inquire as to the founding of Sayshell. From your paper, said Quintesetz,  I presume you areinterested in myths and legends. Even more in history--actual facts--if such exist.Myths andlegends, otherwise.Quintesetz rose and walked rapidly back and forth the lengthof his office, paused to stare at Pelorat, then walked again.Trevize said impatiently,  Well, sir.Quintesetz said,  Odd! Really odd! It was only yesterday--Pelorat said,  What was only yesterday?Quintesetz said,  I told you, Dr.Pelorat--may I call youJ.P., by the way? I find using a full-length name rather unnatural Please do. I told you, J.P., that I had admired your paper and that Ihad wanted to see you.The reason I wanted to see you was that you clearly hadan extensive collection of legends concerning the beginnings of the worlds andyet didn t have ours.In other words, I wanted to see you in order to tell youprecisely what you have come to see me to find out. What has this to do with yesterday, S.Q.? asked Trevize. We have legends.A legend.An important one to our society,for it has become our central mystery-- Mystery? said Trevize.Page 175 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html I don t mean a puzzle or anything of that sort.That, Ibelieve, would be the usual meaning of the word in Galactic Standard.There sa specialized meaning here.It means  something secret ; something onlycertain adepts know the full meaning of; something not to be spoken of tooutsiders.--And yesterday was the day. The day of what, S.Q.? asked Trevize, slightly exaggeratinghis air of patience. Yesterday was the Day of Flight. Ah, said Trevize,  a day of meditation and quiet, wheneveryone is supposed to remain at home. Something like that, in theory, except that in the largercities, the more sophisticated regions, there is little observance in theolder fashion.--But you know about it, I see.Pelorat, who had grown uneasy at Trevize s annoyed tone, putin hastily,  We heard a little of it, having arrived yesterday. Of all days, said Trevize sarcastically. See here, S.Q.AsI said, I m not an academic, but I have a question.You said you were speakingof a central mystery, meaning it was not to be spoken of to outsiders.Why,then, are you speaking of it to us? We are outsiders. So you are.But I m not an observer of the day and the depthof my superstition in this matter is slight at best.J.P. s paper, however,reinforced a feeling I have had for a long time.A myth or legend is simplynot made up out of a vacuum.Nothing is--or can be.Somehow there is a kernelof truth behind it, however distorted that might be, and I would like thetruth behind our legend of the Day of Flight.Trevize said,  Is it safe to talk about it?Quintesetz shrugged. Not entirely, I suppose.Theconservative elements among our population would be horrified.However, theydon t control the government and haven t for a century.The secularists arestrong and would be stronger still, if the conservatives didn t take advantageof our--if you ll excuse me--anti-Foundation bias.Then, too, since I amdiscussing the matter out of my scholarly interest in ancient history, theLeague of Academicians will support me strongly, in case of need. In that case, said Pelorat,  would you tell us about yourcentral mystery, SQ.? Yes, but let me make sure we won t be interrupted or, forthat matter, overheard.Even if one must stare the bull in the face, oneneedn t slap its muzzle, as the saying goes.He flicked a pattern on the work-face of an instrument on hisdesk and said,  We re incommunicado now. Are you sure you re not bugged? asked Trevize. Bugged? Tapped! Eavesdropped! --Subjected to a device that will haveyou under observation--visual or auditory or both.Page 176 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlQuintesetz looked shocked. Not here on Sayshell!Trevize shrugged. If you say so. Please go on, SQ., said Pelorat.Quintesetz pursed his lips, leaned back in his chair (whichgave slightly under the pressure) and put the tips of his fingers together.Heseemed to be speculating as to just how to begin.He said,  Do you know what a robot is? A robot? said Pelorat. No.Quintesetz looked in the direction of Trevize, who shook hishead slowly. You know what a computer is, however? Of course, said Trevize impatiently. Well then, a mobile computerized tool-- Is a mobile computerized tool. Trevize was still impatient. There are endless varieties and I don t know of any generalized term for itexcept mobile computerized tool. --that looks exactly like a human being is a robot. S.Q.completed his definition with equanimity. The distinction of a robot is thatit is humaniform. Why humaniform? asked Pelorat in honest amazement. I m not sure.It s a remarkably inefficient form for a tool,I grant you, but I m just repeating the legend [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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