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.She slipped the dress from her shoulders, her pulse racing as she heard Jessie's quickintake of breath.Covered only by a light chemise, Kate returned to Jessie's arms.Her nipples, taut underthe thin material, brushed against the rough denim of Jessie's shirt, and she gasped in surprise at the jolt ofexcitement that coursed through her.Jessie's hands were on her again, on her skin now, and everywhereJessie touched, Kate burned."I want to see you," Kate beseeched, her fingers working at the buttons on Jessie's shirt.Jessie stood motionless, a fine mist of sweat breaking out on her face as she looked at Kate.Kate'sbreasts strained the cotton slip, shadows of pink nipples, firm with anticipation, clearly visible.JessiePage 68 Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlcupped Kate's breasts in her palms, and Kate swayed against her, moaning softly.Jessie stilled, afraidthat if she moved the great dam inside her would burst and she would do something to frighten Kate.Sheached to touch Kate, everywhere.Everywhere.Always.Her fingers rubbed over Kate's nipples.Kate bit her lip, struggling to see through a haze of arousal.Shefinally loosened all the buttons on Jessie's shirt and slid it off her shoulders."Oh!" Kate cried when she saw the still fresh scar on Jessie's chest.She pressed her lips to it, her handstenderly stroking Jessie's breasts.Jessie groaned deep in her throat, lost."Kate, oh Kate.I can't bear it."When Kate's lips found her nipple in a soft kiss, Jessie broke at last.She picked Kate up in her armsand carried her in a few quick strides to the bed.She leaned over her, naked from the waist up, her armsbraced on either side of Kate's body.She kissed her again, on her mouth, on her neck, not gently thistime, but with a primal ferocity that had simmered unheeded for far too long.Every kiss stoked her need.She reached for Kate's chemise, the last barrier, and stopped herself."Kate?" she implored desperately, shivering with the ache in her depths.Kate arched her back, her hands fumbling with Jessie's heavy belt, her voice unrecognizable to her ownears."Hurry, Jessie, please.I want to feel you against me!"Jessie swiftly kicked off her boots and stripped the levis from her thighs.Kate removed the remainingobstacle between them, and waited for her, naked and unafraid.Jessie groaned as her gaze swept over Kate's body, taking in her full firm breasts and the dark triangle ofhair at the base of her abdomen.She lay down upon her, carefully, guided by instinct.She found theplaces that made Kate sigh, first with her fingers and then, needing more, with her lips.She tasted her,drank her, devoured her, all the while thrilling to the soft sound of Kate's cries in her ears.When Katearched from the bed, body taut and trembling, Jessie hesitated, afraid of her own desire."Jessie," Kate murmured, her eyes closed, her face flushed with arousal.She found Jessie's hand anddrew Jessie's fingers to the heat between her legs, lifting her hips to take her inside."Please."Jessie groaned as the hot slick folds surrounded her, resting her forehead on Kate's breast as she slowly,carefully entered her.Kate thrust against her palm, small incoherent sounds escaping her throat.Jessie'schest constricted, her head throbbed, and a terrible pressure pounded through her limbs.She bit her lipand tried to hold onto reason.Kate's eyes flew open in surprise, she grasped Jessie's shoulders convulsively, and pushed down hard,once, against Jessie's fingers.Then she was gone, shattering into a thousand separate moments ofpleasure, trembling and crying Jessie's name.Kate closed on Jessie's hand and Jessie lost her fight forcontrol.She brought her leg over Kate's, frantic for relief, and exploded at first contact.Her breath waswrenched from her as she spasmed, and she collapsed, exhausted, into Kate's waiting arms.* * *Page 69 Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlKate awakened to the warm sun on her skin.It seemed to be late afternoon, and the air in Jessie's roomwas still and heavy.Her body felt languid and full from the effects of their loving, and she smiled to herselfwith the memory of their pleasure.She lay quietly, eyes closed, enjoying the weight of Jessie's hand onher breast [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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