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.Once the volume wasadjusted to a more civilized level, Jace recognized the song.He and Ben had chosen it as the one thatwould accompany their walk to the altar or weird Asian gazebo thing.Except it wasn t supposed tohappen yet.Jace turned to the DJ, who gave him a thumbs up.Jace shrugged.Who was he to argue with fate? Excuse me, he said. I m supposed to get married now.Uh, Bernard, can you make sureeveryone gets seated? I ll do my best.Jace strolled over to Ben, who was clearly mortified. He s playing it too soon! It s okay, Jace said.Ben pointed at his watch. Half an hour too soon! Ben, Jace said firmly. Everyone is here already.I ve spent the whole day setting up chairsand talking to strange people, most of whom I ve never met before, when all I really wanted was tobe with you.That we can be together now, ahead of schedule, makes me happy.Ben s posture relaxed as he laughed at himself. Okay, okay.Sorry.Jace offered his hand. Are you ready to marry me?Ben s nervousness returned with a vengeance.His palm was sweaty when Jace took it, his legsstiff as Jace walked him to the seats and up the division in the middle that acted as an aisle. Remember to breathe, Jace murmured when he thought Ben looked unstable. You might have to carry me, Ben joked. Or drag me up there.Whatever you ve got to do. You re fine, Jace said, smiling.When they reached the gazebo and climbed the three steps, Jace suddenly understood why acouple would want someone presiding over their ceremony.With all the nervousness andoverwhelming feelings that come with weddings, it would be so easy to simply freeze.But Jace feltcalmer than ever before.He wasn t nervous because this is what he d always wanted.This was adream come true.He took Ben s hands in his, and when the song ended, he spoke. I love you.I know most wedding vows probably end with those words, but that s the mostimportant thing for you to know.We re standing here today because I love you, Ben Bentley, with allmy heart and soul.Giving myself to you is something I did a long time ago, so if anything, us beinghere is a mere formality.And to make sure all these beautiful people here know how serious I am.The guests laughed. Since we re here anyway, I have a promise I ve been meaning to make: I will always be therefor you.Even if I m halfway around the world because of my job, I ll be with you in spirit.Think ofme when you re lost or scared, and know that no matter what happens, everything will be okay when we re together again.That s how it will always be.Forever.I want to grow old with you.I want us tolook at each other one day and laugh at how shriveled we ve become.I know we ll still be laughing,because no matter what life throws at us in the future, we ll face it together.And we ll win.Love isthe greatest force in the universe.Especially when that love comes from you.Ben stared at him with eyes full of wonder.Then he grabbed at the rings, shoved one into Jace shand, and kissed him.After a moment of confused surprise, the audience burst into applause, Jacelaughing through the whole kiss.The next song started, which was just as well because Jace didn t think Ben would be up formaking any speeches, not from the way he was trembling.But it was good.He knew Ben well enoughto know when he was upset, sad, or afraid.Ben wasn t any of these things.Right now he wasoverwhelmed, Jace feeling very much the same.Jace took Ben into his arms, gently swaying to the music.Halfway through the song, Ben pulledback a little, tears of joy in his eyes. So we re married? he askedJace smiled. Yup. Simple as that? Simple as that. Jace chuckled. Just a promise and nothing more.Hard to believe that anyonemakes a big deal out of it. It is a big deal! Ben protested. In that case, we should probably put the rings on.It might not be official until we do.Ben s eyes went wide, as if they were on a time limit.He opened his clenched fist to reveal aring pressed into his palm. I was a little nervous, he explained. I noticed, Jace said. I would have thought performing on stage would prepare you forsomething like this.Ben shook his head. Nothing could prepare me for this.I just felt& everything!Jace smiled and took the ring from his palm, replacing it with his own. You first, he said,holding the ring by the edges.Ben presented his hand, cheeks flushed as Jace slid it on. I wastempted to rub a little croissant grease on it, he said. Knowing me I probably would have swallowed it, Ben replied. Now you.Grinning broadly, Ben slid the ring on Jace s finger.Then they kissed, and the few who werestill paying attention applauded along with a catcall that sounded suspiciously like Greg.Theyresumed dancing, not ready to end their private moment.The caterers had arrived, so the guests hadfood and champagne to keep them occupied.All Jace wanted was Ben.He finally understood thoseweddings on TV where the bride and groom rushed from the church and into a limo.He d like nothingmore than to run away with Ben right now.Still, there would be time.Days, weeks, years and decades.All for them.With that in mind, Jacetook Ben s hand.Together they walked down the steps onto green grass, Jace proudly introducingeveryone to his new husband. Chapter Thirty-one The master bathroom has a Jacuzzi, Greg said, sounding very professional as he led the tour. Double sinks, as you can see, which makes getting ready in the morning much less stressful, as doesthe separate shower.Walk-in closet.I love the window above the bathtub.Great view of thebackyard.That s a school-quality playground out there, with enough room left for a pool.Comelook!Jace stayed where he was.In the bathroom mirror, he could see that his poker face had slipped.His reflection showed a man under strain, despite holding hands with the most adorable creature inthe world.Sorry, Samson and Ben.Jace waggled his eyebrows at Emma in the mirror, causing her togiggle.Ben, who was holding her other hand, sucked in his cheeks, making himself look like he d justeaten a lemon.This made Emma howl with laughter. You don t like it? Greg said, lowering the clipboard. I love it, Jace said. But I told you, we re looking for a small house. It s only three bedrooms, Greg said, clearly not understanding. You ve been in Houston too long, Jace replied. Three bedrooms is huge.Especially for us.What do we need that many rooms for? Well, just look at you guys. Greg gestured to all three of them. You ll want to adopt someday.Hasn t Michelle talked to you about that?Jace and Ben glanced at each other.Then down at Emma. You re going to adopt me? she asked. No, honey, Greg said,  but someday they might want to adopt kids of their own.Then youwould have a cousin.Wouldn t that be nice? Maybe this was a bad idea, Jace said. I mean, I appreciate you coming all the way out here,but I don t think you understand what we re looking for. It s really nice, Ben said, no doubt trying to ease Greg s hurt expression. But I don t earnmuch and you know about all the airline cutbacks. Okay. Greg shrugged. I can talk the owners down.We can chip in too.You know Michelleand I have more money than we ll ever need.From anyone else, the statement would have been boastful, but Jace knew that Greg meant it.He d give them every penny he could spare if they asked, but Jace wanted to own a house because ofhis own hard work.He and Ben had been saving up for this very moment.To stand now in a house soout of their price range was almost embarrassing. I can make a few calls, Greg said.Jace was about to thank him and decline, but Ben spoke first [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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